Finding a Matrix that is Similar to A=[1 1;0 1]

  • Thread starter BrainHurts
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In summary: From here, one could try to find a P that is invertible for the similarity matrix. Once found, one could then use this P to check if the Jordan blocks are a match.
  • #1
Is there one?

I know A=[1 1;0 1] and A-1=[1 -1;0 1]

So I know that A and A-1 have the same eigenvalues, I know that this is not sufficient to say that A and A-1 are similar (or maybe) but the dimension of the Eigenspace with eigen value 1 is 1.

In other words the geometric multiplicity does not equal the algebraic multiplicity.

So does this ultimately mean that A and A-1 are not similar?
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  • #2
BrainHurts said:
Is there one?

I know A=[1 1;0 1] and A-1=[1 -1;0 1]

So I know that A and A-1 have the same eigenvalues, I know that this is not sufficient to say that A and A-1 are similar (or maybe) but the dimension of the Eigenspace with eigen value 1 is 1.

In other words the geometric multiplicity does not equal the algebraic multiplicity.

So does this ultimately mean that A and A-1 are not similar?

First, let us see if what I understand is what you meant:


When we talking of square matrices [itex]\,n\times n\;\;,\;n\leq 3\,[/itex], similarity is determined by the characteristic and the minimal polynomials. Since


both matrices are similar.

I'll let you to find out what is the general form of the matrix [itex]\,P\,[/itex] that fulfills


  • #3
thank you very much DonAntonio that was quite helpful!
  • #4
you know what, I just read this again, sorry for jumping the gun

I'm not assuming that A and A-1 are similar, and when I took a good look at this problem again there is only 1 eigenvector for A, so there aren't 2 linearly independent eigenvectors

so far i understand that if two matrices are similar then their characteristic polynomials are the same and as a consequence their eigenvalues.

in this case specifically we can say that (x-1)2 is the minimum polynomial. Is that enough to say that the two matricies are similar?

i guess the main concern of my question comes from the eigenvectors that make up the similarity matrix. in this problem i only have 1 eigenvector, so how can I find a P s.t. P is invertible?
  • #5
BrainHurts said:
you know what, I just read this again, sorry for jumping the gun

I'm not assuming that A and A-1 are similar, and when I took a good look at this problem again there is only 1 eigenvector for A, so there aren't 2 linearly independent eigenvectors

so far i understand that if two matrices are similar then their characteristic polynomials are the same and as a consequence their eigenvalues.

in this case specifically we can say that (x-1)2 is the minimum polynomial. Is that enough to say that the two matricies are similar?

i guess the main concern of my question comes from the eigenvectors that make up the similarity matrix. in this problem i only have 1 eigenvector, so how can I find a P s.t. P is invertible?

In this very particular case it is enough that both the characteristic and the minimal polynomials of two matrices

are equal, just as I mentioned in my first post, since then they both have the very same Jordan Canonical Form (in fact, the

matrix A is already in JCF) , since we're talking of square matrices of order less than 4.

If these were matrices of order 4 or more then the above would not suffice.

And it is unimportant about the eigenvalues, though if there were two difrerent eigenvalues then the matrix would

be diagonal, which in this case is impossible.

About P: you don't need P to be constructed out of eigevectors of the matrix to show some matrix is similar to another one.

  • #6
DonAntonio said:
If these were matrices of order 4 or more then the above would not suffice.

what would?
  • #7
BrainHurts said:
what would?

Well, the ultimative test: they both must have the very same and exact JCF, which means the very same eigenvalues with the

same algebraic and geometric multiplicities each one...and THEN one must also check the corresponding Jordan blocks are a match.

  • #8
Hmm I just thought of a question. Suppose A is nxn with eigenvalue 1 with algebraic multiplicity n, then A-1 would have eigenvalue 1 with the same algebraic multiplicity.

Can we always say that A and A-1 are similar?

We can't make any assumptions on the minimal polynomial, but if they have the same minimal polynomial then A and A-1 would be similar to the same jordan matrix.

So where can one go from here?

FAQ: Finding a Matrix that is Similar to A=[1 1;0 1]

What is a matrix?

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns. It is commonly used in mathematics, computer science, and physics to represent a set of linear equations or transformations.

What does it mean for two matrices to be similar?

Two matrices are said to be similar if they have the same size and their corresponding entries differ by a constant factor. In other words, they represent the same linear transformation with respect to different bases.

How do I find a matrix that is similar to a given matrix?

To find a matrix that is similar to a given matrix, you can use the diagonalization method. This involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix and using them to construct a new matrix that is similar to the original one.

Can I find a matrix that is similar to any given matrix?

Yes, every square matrix can be diagonalized and therefore, can be made similar to a diagonal matrix. However, not all matrices are similar to each other. Two matrices must have the same size and the same eigenvalues to be similar.

What are the applications of finding a matrix that is similar to a given matrix?

Finding a matrix that is similar to a given matrix is useful in many areas such as engineering, physics, and computer graphics. It allows for the simplification of complex calculations and can help in understanding the behavior and properties of a given system.

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