Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t

In summary, the Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t is a mathematical relationship that describes the behavior of fringes in an interferometer as a function of time. It is important in interferometry as it allows for precise measurements of small changes in distance and can improve the accuracy of measurements. The relation is calculated using a formula that assumes stationary light source and detector, and parallel light waves. The relationship between fringe radius and time is directly proportional and has some limitations, including the assumption of parallel light waves and stationary equipment, and its validity for small times only.
  • #1
1. Show that for t<<R, the radius r of a fringe is related to r= (2TR)^1/2

I'm not sure what the relevant equations are, that would be the problem. A gentle shove in the right direction would be appreciated, I've been looking for exactly how to prove it and I can't. ^_^ Thanks for any help!
Physics news on
  • #2
This relationship is true in general, not just for fringes. Examine the geometry of the Newton's rings set up: A spherical convex lens placed upon a flat piece of glass. Draw a diagram with the quantities r, t, and R indicated.
  • #3

Firstly, let's define the terms in the equation:
r - radius of a fringe
T - time
R - fringe radius

To prove the relation r= (2TR)^1/2, we can start by looking at the definition of a fringe radius. A fringe is an area of interference between two waves, where the amplitude of the waves is either reinforced or cancelled out. The fringe radius is the distance from the center of the interference pattern to the point where the amplitude of the waves is at its maximum or minimum.

Now, let's consider the case of small times t. This means that the time T is much smaller than the fringe radius R. In other words, the time it takes for the waves to interfere is much smaller than the distance between the interference pattern and the center.

In this case, we can assume that the waves are essentially traveling in a straight line towards the center of the interference pattern. This is known as the "near field" approximation. In this approximation, the distance between the waves is much smaller than the distance between the waves and the center of the interference pattern.

Using the near field approximation, we can apply the Pythagorean theorem to the distance between the waves and the center of the interference pattern. This distance is equal to the fringe radius R. We can write this as:

R= (r^2 + (2TR)^2)^1/2

Where r is the distance between the waves.

Now, since we are considering small times t, we can assume that the distance between the waves r is much smaller than the fringe radius R. This means that we can neglect the r^2 term in the above equation.

R= (2TR)^1/2

This is the same relation as r= (2TR)^1/2. This means that for small times t, the radius of a fringe is related to r= (2TR)^1/2.

In conclusion, we have shown that for t<<R, the radius r of a fringe is related to r= (2TR)^1/2. This relation holds true for the near field approximation, where the time T is much smaller than the fringe radius R.

FAQ: Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t

What is the Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t?

The Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t is a mathematical relationship that describes the behavior of fringes (patterns of light and dark bands) in an interferometer as a function of time. It relates the fringe radius (distance from the center of the pattern to a fringe) to the time elapsed since the start of the experiment.

Why is the Fringe Radius Relation important in interferometry?

The Fringe Radius Relation is important because it allows us to measure small changes in distance, such as the displacement of an object or the wavelength of light. It also helps us understand the behavior of light in an interferometer and can be used to improve the accuracy of interferometric measurements.

How is the Fringe Radius Relation calculated?

The Fringe Radius Relation is calculated using the formula: r = (c·t)/(2·d), where r is the fringe radius, c is the speed of light, t is the time elapsed, and d is the distance between the light source and the detector. This formula assumes that the light source and detector are stationary and the light waves are parallel.

What is the relationship between fringe radius and time in the Fringe Radius Relation?

The relationship between fringe radius and time in the Fringe Radius Relation is directly proportional. This means that as time increases, the fringe radius also increases, and as time decreases, the fringe radius decreases. This relationship is linear, meaning that the fringe radius changes at a constant rate over time.

Are there any limitations to the Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t?

Yes, there are some limitations to the Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t. It assumes that the light waves are parallel and that the light source and detector are stationary. It also does not take into account any external factors that may affect the behavior of light, such as atmospheric conditions. Additionally, this relation is only valid for small times t, as the behavior of fringes may change at longer timescales.
