Positively charged side with induced emf

In summary, the discussion revolves around determining which side of a rectangular block, moving at 150 m/s through a uniform magnetic field of 0.045T, is positively charged. The solution involves using the Lorentz force law to determine the direction of force on the electrons in the metal, which in turn helps identify the positive side of the block. The right hand rule is used to determine the direction of the force. Ultimately, the side that has a slight excess of positive charge due to missing electrons is considered the positive side.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A solid conductor travels at 150 m/s across a uniform .045T magnetic field. Which side is positively charged and what is the emf across this block?

Homework Equations

I actually solved for the emf no problem. I am having difficulty determining which side is positively charged. There is a diagram which accompanies the question. It can be found in this pdf file (first question): http://pittmath.com/Physics12/Ultimate%20Induction%20Review%20Assignment.pdf

if you can't open it, the diagram simply shows a rectangular block with a velocity to the left going through a magnetic field going out of the page. The question asks if the positive side of the rectangle is the top or the bottom.

The Attempt at a Solution

I was told to use the right hand rule, but I'm not clear which one or even what I'm looking for.

If you could help that would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Do you know the Lorentz force law? (force in terms of charge, velocity, and magnetic field) I'd use that to determine the direction of force on the electrons in the metal. Remember that the direction of the cross product of two vectors is given by the right hand rule.
  • #3
I think you lost me a little bit.
I don't understand what makes a side "positive." That's my main problem.
  • #4
Well, think about what happens to the electrons in the metal. They are charged particles, moving through a magnetic field (not parallel to the field), so they will feel a force. That force will tend to push them toward one side of the metal bar. Now, since electrons are negatively charged, the side that the electrons are pushed toward will have more electrons than protons, so it will have a slight excess of negative charge. That's the negative side. The opposite side of the bar will be missing some electrons, so it will have a slight excess of positive charge. That's the positive side.

Does that make sense?
  • #5
thank you that helped a lot.

FAQ: Positively charged side with induced emf

1. What is a positively charged side with induced emf?

A positively charged side with induced emf refers to a region of a material or system that has accumulated a net positive charge and is experiencing an induced electromotive force (emf). This can occur when there is a change in magnetic flux through the material or a change in the electric field within the system.

2. How is a positively charged side with induced emf created?

A positively charged side with induced emf is created when there is a relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field, or when there is a change in the electric field within a system. This creates a flow of electrons, resulting in a net positive charge on one side of the material or system.

3. What is the significance of a positively charged side with induced emf?

The presence of a positively charged side with induced emf can have significant effects on the behavior and properties of a material or system. It can lead to the generation of electric current, the production of electromagnetic waves, and the induction of secondary magnetic fields.

4. How does a positively charged side with induced emf impact practical applications?

Positively charged sides with induced emf are commonly used in practical applications such as generators, transformers, and electric motors. They are also important in technologies such as wireless charging, electromagnetic propulsion, and induction cooking.

5. Can a positively charged side with induced emf be controlled or manipulated?

Yes, a positively charged side with induced emf can be controlled and manipulated through various methods such as changing the strength of the magnetic field, adjusting the speed of the relative motion, or altering the electric field within the system. This allows for precise control and optimization in practical applications.
