Electromagnetic Piston using a holding magnet and permanent magnets?

In summary, the speaker is looking to make an electromagnetic piston with an external 12vdc holding electromagnet and an internal neodymium disk magnet. They are seeking help with controlling the disk magnet and keeping the outer and inner sections aligned. They mention the possibility of using a ring magnet to repel the disk magnet, or alternating the direction of the DC current in order to remove the need for a repelling magnet. They also mention using strong magnets to hold the outer and inner sections together at a distance that will not be affected by the electromagnet. Finally, they mention wanting to control the speed and amount of travel of the disk magnet.
  • #1
Dear all - I am new here so please be gentle :smile:

I have searched the site for a few days but alas still have a few questions on something i am hoping to make...so with your kind help - here we go!

I am looking to make a type of electromagnetic piston, basically i want to have an external section which holds a 12vdc holding electromagnet which will be placed on the outside of a tank, with an internal section that has for example a neodymium disk magnet inside a tube - so when the electromagnet is engaged it repels the permanent magnet, which will return when the electromagnet is disengaged...

I admit there are a few details i need to think of here - as to how i can control the disk magnet to get it to return when the power is disengaged etc...but you clever souls may also be able to help with that!

i was thinking of having the disk magnet in the central reaches of say a 4inch long tube, and constrined in this location by spacers which would prevent the magnet from straying too far - at the end of the tube on the outer edge (other side of the restraining spacer) i could have a ring magnet that repels the disk magnet so when the more powerful electromagnet is off, the ring magnet pushes the disk magnet back towards the electromagnet end...stop me if i am way way off track!

alternatively - would it be possible to alternate the direction of the DC current so the electromagnet pushes on one cycle and pulls on the other to remove the need for a repelling permanent magnet?

Of course i also need to address how the outer and inner sides will stay in alignment on either side of the tank - i am hoping this can be achieved by strong magnets to hold the housing at a distance sufficient so that the electromagnet does not have an influence...

As you can see - magnatism other than what our Earth's core produces is not something i know a lot about - so forgive me that flaw please!

Any help will be greatly appreciated - and i hope you get the gist of what i hope to achieve...i doubt anyone else will want to do the same thing - but it is what i hope to achieve in the coming weeks...

So to recap - i want a disk magnet to slide back and forth by a couple of inches inside a tube with the aid of an electromagnet so that i can control its speed (and i would love it if i could control the amount of travel!)...the inside and outside sections will ideally be held together by strong magnets at a distance sufficient to not be affected by the electromagnet when engaged...as that would be silly if it all fell apart :smile:

Thanks so much in advance,
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
you should post a picture...
  • #3
Use a spring to return to original position with the electro magnet strong enough to push it down should make the back and forth easier to maintain unless your trying to create a high speed piston in which case do as the combustion engine and use a crank shaft below the piston which returns it on every revolution.

FAQ: Electromagnetic Piston using a holding magnet and permanent magnets?

What is an electromagnetic piston?

An electromagnetic piston is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical motion. It consists of a holding magnet and permanent magnets, which work together to create a magnetic field that can move a piston back and forth.

How does an electromagnetic piston work?

When an electrical current is passed through the holding magnet, it creates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnets. This interaction causes the piston to move in one direction. When the current is turned off, the magnetic field dissipates and the piston returns to its original position due to the force of the permanent magnets.

What are the advantages of using an electromagnetic piston?

One advantage is that it can provide precise and controllable motion, as the strength of the magnetic field can be adjusted by changing the electrical current. Additionally, it does not require any physical contact for the piston to move, making it a low-friction and low-maintenance option.

What are the applications of an electromagnetic piston?

Electromagnetic pistons are commonly used in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing. They can be used for tasks such as opening and closing valves, controlling fluid flow, and operating pumps and compressors.

Are there any limitations to using an electromagnetic piston?

One limitation is that it requires a continuous supply of electricity to maintain the magnetic field and keep the piston in motion. Additionally, the strength of the magnetic field may decrease over time, requiring maintenance or replacement of the permanent magnets.
