Hydrogen atom obeying classical mechanics rather than quantum mechanics

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics in regards to the emission of energy by an electron in a hydrogen atom. In classical mechanics, the electron can be at any distance from the nucleus and will emit energy continuously, resulting in a continuous spectrum. In quantum mechanics, the electron is restricted to specific distances from the nucleus and will emit energy in discrete packets, creating the observed line spectrum. The conversation also mentions the equation for power in terms of electron charge and acceleration, and the specific context in which it is discussed.
  • #1
Suppose that the electron in the hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics rather than quantum mechanics. Why should such a hypothetical atom emit a continuous spectrum rather than the observed line spectrum?

So far I have: quantum mechanics deals with the smallest possible piece of a system. The behaviors of such pieces will be different than the behaviors of a system at whole. The atom will not emit a line spectrum b/c it will not be moving like a light wave/particle.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think that you need to understand classical electromagnetism to answer this question, and it should probably be in the advanced physics forum. What course is this for? And at what level?
  • #3
The class is Intro to Physics 2.
  • #4
jessiepink said:
The class is Intro to Physics 2.
I don't know why you are expected to be able to address this question, then.

The only hints that I can think of are:
What is the electromagnetic consequence of accelerating charge?
What kind of motion does the electron in a classical hydrogen atom execute?
What happens to the motion of an orbiting object when it loses energy?

These hints are given in no particular order, and, in fact, they are iterative.
  • #5
This question looks to be from Modern Physics (3rd edition) by Serway, Moses and Moyer, chapter 4 Q2 (as it is the same word for word). So I will answer to an according level of physics.

In classical mechanics the e- is not restricted to being in atomic levels, ie. it can be at any distance in orbit in relation to the nucleus. If the e- moves closer to the nucleus it will do so gradually and therefore emit energy continuously at varying degrees. This will cause the continuous spectrum talked about in the question.

In quantum mechanics the e- is restricted to being certain distances from the nucleus known as atomic levels (or shells). When an e- moves down quantum levels towards the nucleus it will emit energy instantaneously. This means that the energy is emitted in one "packet" or quantum of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) which shows as individual lines in the spectrum. Where these lines are in the spectrum is characteristic of the type of atom that is emitting the EMR.
  • #6
how do we get to the equation power= -2/3*e2*a2/c3 (two thirds*e squared*a squared all divided by c cubed
e is electron charge
a acceleration , equal to v squared for velocity over r for radius
  • #7
how do we get to the equation power= -2/3*e2*a2/c3 (two thirds*e squared*a squared all divided by c cubed
e is electron charge
a acceleration , equal to v squared for velocity over r for radius

FAQ: Hydrogen atom obeying classical mechanics rather than quantum mechanics

1. How is it possible for a hydrogen atom to obey classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a set of physical laws that describe the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics is used to describe the behavior of microscopic particles. The classical mechanics of a hydrogen atom can be observed when the atom is in a low energy state and is not interacting with other particles, as the effects of quantum mechanics become more significant as energy levels increase.

2. What are the main differences between classical and quantum mechanics in relation to a hydrogen atom?

The main difference between classical and quantum mechanics is the way they describe the behavior of particles. Classical mechanics uses deterministic equations to predict the exact position and momentum of a particle, while quantum mechanics uses probabilistic equations to describe the likelihood of a particle being in a certain state.

3. What factors influence whether a hydrogen atom will obey classical or quantum mechanics?

The energy level of the atom, as well as any interactions with other particles, can influence whether a hydrogen atom will obey classical or quantum mechanics. At low energy levels and in isolation, a hydrogen atom will tend to behave according to classical mechanics. However, at higher energy levels or when interacting with other particles, the effects of quantum mechanics become more significant.

4. Why is it important to understand whether a hydrogen atom obeys classical or quantum mechanics?

Understanding the behavior of hydrogen atoms is crucial for many fields of science, including chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Knowing whether a hydrogen atom follows classical or quantum mechanics allows us to make accurate predictions and understand the fundamental laws of nature.

5. How can we observe whether a hydrogen atom is obeying classical or quantum mechanics?

There are several experimental techniques that can be used to observe the behavior of a hydrogen atom and determine whether it is following classical or quantum mechanics. These include spectroscopy, which measures the energy levels of an atom, and diffraction experiments, which show the wave-like behavior of particles in quantum mechanics.
