Is integration tiresome for you too?

  • Thread starter ainster31
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In summary: It's like a mental loop where you keep re-running the same steps over and over again. It's a lot slower than doing something else and getting the answer right the first time.@gravenewworld, it's good you're not trying to be a mathematician or a theoretical physicist or a theoretical engineer. Most work isn't done in 5 minutes... :-DI think it's great that you're not trying to do things the way that a lot of professionals within these fields do. Most work isn't done in 5 minutes... :-D
  • #1
Integration is so mindlessly tiring!

Finding the Fourier series of a function is so long and boring. I don't even get to use my brain to think. Just mindlessly integrating for several pages.

So mind-numbingly boring...
Physics news on
  • #2
Do it with Bessel functions for a change!
  • #3 that I think about it, I didn't like integration much at all when I first learned it. I wanted to go back to that awesome differentiation.

That preference didn't last long though. Integration became just another cool tool in my toolbox.
  • #4
Theres a reason people compiled integral tables
  • #5
I hate doing it. It's a waste of time if it isn't easy and can't be done in 5 minutes. That's why we have computers and tables. What's more important is the information that an integral spits out.
  • #6
@gravenewworld, it's good you're not trying to be a mathematician or a theoretical physicist or a theoretical engineer. Most work isn't done in 5 minutes... :-D
  • #7
Nah I'm not a theorist, I work in the real world. It's amazing how effective printing out a curve on a piece of paper, cutting it out, and weighing the paper on a scale again is for numerically calculating an integral. No fancy tricks, computer programs, of advanced numerical methods needed :eek:.

There are curves that have god awful equations. Sure there may be some fancy techniques to describe it as a series or soemthing else, but I don't want to spend a week trying to figure it out. I want to know the AUC and clearance rate of my drug now. Old school tricks can still work very well. I even know some people that have solved 3-D problems by cutting out contour plots and weighing paper.
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  • #8
MathematicalPhysicist said:
@gravenewworld, it's good you're not trying to be a mathematician or a theoretical physicist or a theoretical engineer. Most work isn't done in 5 minutes... :-D
It is hardly the daily work of any professional within these groups to do integrals by hand, computing one Fourier coefficient after the other.
  • #9
arildno said:
It is hardly the daily work of any professional within these groups to do integrals by hand, computing one Fourier coefficient after the other.

Obviously if someone already calculated for you the integral and you believe his calculations to be valid then there is no wrong in using his results.

But if the reference is not trustworthy, buildings may tumble.
  • #10
gravenewworld said:
Nah I'm not a theorist, I work in the real world. It's amazing how effective printing out a curve on a piece of paper, cutting it out, and weighing the paper on a scale again is for numerically calculating an integral. No fancy tricks, computer programs, of advanced numerical methods needed :eek:.

There are curves that have god awful equations. Sure there may be some fancy techniques to describe it as a series or soemthing else, but I don't want to spend a week trying to figure it out. I want to know the AUC and clearance rate of my drug now. Old school tricks can still work very well. I even know some people that have solved 3-D problems by cutting out contour plots and weighing paper.

This is just precious. It sounds like something my dad would do (a smart person, but very technology-averse).

FTR, numerical integration is pretty quick (quicker than cutting out bits of paper), once you get over the initial learning curve. Plus you can integrate over lots of dimensions and in all sorts of fancy coordinate systems. Software like Matlab has lots of pre-loaded scripts for computing integrals, doing Fourier transforms and the like.

Also FTR, I have done plenty of integrals by hand - usually to check simple cases and make sure the script is working-as-intended, before letting the computer attack general problems.

  • #11
ainster31 said:
Integration is so mindlessly tiring!

Finding the Fourier series of a function is so long and boring. I don't even get to use my brain to think. Just mindlessly integrating for several pages.

So mind-numbingly boring...


I'm working on a beautiful contour integral:

The beautiful part of it is where the integration path is going: it's traversing, weaving is a better word, through a wonderfully beautiful object called a multi-valued function and if you saw a picture of it, I think you'd agree. But there's much more to it than that through the concept of "analytic continuation", that is, how we can analytically extend the definition of a function beyond the bounds of it's definition. Riemann used analytic continuation to extend the definition of the Euler product and in so doing, invented the zeta function and by association, created currently, the juiciest price in mathematics today: The Riemann hypothesis.
  • #12
What's an integral?
  • #13
I think it is the part on the inside.
  • #14
meBigGuy said:
I think it is the part on the inside.

Yup - don't confuse them with extegrals.
  • #15
AlephZero said:
Yup - don't confuse them with extegrals.

  • #16
Back in the 70s when George Wallace was governor of Alabama (US), he opposed integration in the schools.
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  • #17
SW VandeCarr said:
Back in the 70s when George Wallace was governor of Alabama (US), he opposed integration in the schools.

That's what differentiated him (from humanity?)
  • #18
meBigGuy said:
That's what differentiated him (from humanity?)

Actually he was pro differentiation. He once said "Differentiation now, and differentiation forever!" or something like that. Anyway, he did not like integration. If you talked about integration around him, you'd be in a heap of trouble.
  • #19
Sigh. Threads like this one always end up going off on tangents.
  • #20
... responsibly suppressing tangent jokes ...

I pretty much use the web to do my integrals, but I sure liked the construction paper idea. Luckily I never had a curve that would cause me to resort to such a tactic, but now it's in my toolbox.
  • #21
use the rules like x^n ->x^n+1/n+1. if there is no antiderivative use wolfram oline or better yet download the app

FAQ: Is integration tiresome for you too?

1. Is integration a difficult process?

Yes, integration can be a difficult and time-consuming process, especially when dealing with complex systems or large amounts of data. It requires a lot of attention to detail and can be tiresome if not managed properly.

2. How long does it typically take to integrate new data or systems?

The time it takes to integrate new data or systems can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the data and systems, as well as the resources and expertise available. It could take anywhere from a few days to several weeks or even months.

3. What are some common challenges in the integration process?

Some common challenges in the integration process include data quality issues, compatibility issues between systems, and lack of communication and collaboration among teams. It's important to identify and address these challenges early on to ensure a smooth integration.

4. How do you ensure the accuracy of the integrated data?

To ensure the accuracy of integrated data, it's important to have a thorough understanding of the data sources and to have a well-defined integration plan. Testing and validation of the integrated data is also crucial in ensuring its accuracy.

5. How do you manage the potential risks and disruptions during integration?

To manage potential risks and disruptions during integration, it's important to have a contingency plan in place and to communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved. Regular monitoring and testing can also help identify and address any issues that may arise during the integration process.

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