Expected Minimum Number of Coin Tosses for 3 Tails in a Row

  • Thread starter caffeine
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In summary, the expected minimum number of coin tosses required to get 3 tails in a row is 14. This is based on the probability of (1/2)^4 - 2 and the calculation of an average of 14 from a program. Other approaches, such as a recursive method or considering consecutive similar tosses, also lead to the same answer. However, the individual trials are not independent and this can affect the expected number of tosses. The lowest possible number of tosses is 3, but on average it takes 14 tosses to get 3 tails in a row. The reason for the "-2" in the probability and expectation value is still unclear.
  • #1
I've been reviewing prob and stats which I took 10 years ago (ulp!) and came across a problem I can't solve. Consider the problem:

What is the expected minimum number of coin tosses you'd need to make in order to get 3 tails in a row?

Initial thought: the probability of getting a H followed by 3 T is p = (1/2)^4. These are Bernoulli trials, so the expected number of trials to get 3 T is:

E(T=3) = 1/p = 2^4 = 16

However, I've seen that the probability is really p = (1/2)^4 - 2, and the expected number of tosses to get 3 tails is really:

E(T=3) = 2^4 - 2 = 14

I wrote a program in C to calculate this expectation, and the average looks very 14-ish, definitely not 16-ish:

$ ./a.out
Average is 13.992740.
$ ./a.out
Average is 13.996880.
$ ./a.out
Average is 14.003285.
$ ./a.out
Average is 13.956330.
$ ./a.out
Average is 13.982135.
$ ./a.out
Average is 13.982135.
$ ./a.out
Average is 14.000490.

so it appears that 14 is correct. I'm really struggling to understand that "-2" in the probability and expectation value. Does anyone understand it?
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  • #2
Well, I can't say I know a direct way to get the answer, I would attack the problem recursively.

Let x denote the expected number of times we need to flip a coin to get three tails in a row.

In what way may we flip a coin to get TTT? (three tails in a row) Let me count the ways:

(1) We start with H, then continue flipping until we get TTT.
(2) We start with TH, then continue flipping until we get TTT.
(3) We start with TTH, then continue flipping until we get TTT.
(4) We start with TTT.

So, if we work out the odds of each case, and the expected number of flips in each case (in terms of x!), then we should get a formula for x (in terms of x), which we should be able to solve for x.

The reason your approach failed is that the individual trials are not independent -- consecutive 4-long attempts at getting HTTT overlap.
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  • #3
I feel this solution is wrong...let consider the possible triplet : they are 8, one of them is TTT, so that the average number of trial of triplet experiment should be 4 (average of the possible triplets)...hence 4*3=12. But you know that the last triplet-trial is TTT only if you already know the two last trial before the last T, hence 12+2=14 ? Does this make any sense ?
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  • #4
This is what I have:
Let W be the number of consecutive similar tosses, p the probability that the next toss is the same as the previous toss (here, 0.5)
W = 3p^2 + (1+W)p + (2+W)p^2
W= -(5p^2+p)/(p^2+p-1)
Plugging in values
Here, W is the number of tosses to get either 3 heads or 3 tails. Since youre looking for 3 tails only, W must be multiplied by 1/p = 2, such that
  • #5
Well, the lowest number of tosses POSSIBLE for it to be three tails in a row is three tosses, but other than this I think that 14 is the average amount it takes.

FAQ: Expected Minimum Number of Coin Tosses for 3 Tails in a Row

1. What is the expected outcome when tossing a fair coin?

The expected outcome when tossing a fair coin is 50% heads and 50% tails. This means that if the coin is tossed a large number of times, the results will eventually even out to be approximately half heads and half tails.

2. How many times should a coin be tossed to get an accurate representation of the expected outcome?

To get a more accurate representation of the expected outcome, a coin should ideally be tossed at least 100 times. However, the results can still vary and it is recommended to toss the coin even more times for a more reliable outcome.

3. Can the expected outcome change with each coin toss?

Yes, the expected outcome can change with each coin toss. This is because each coin toss is an independent event and the previous tosses do not affect the outcome of the next toss. Therefore, the expected outcome remains the same but the actual outcome may vary.

4. What are the factors that can affect the expected outcome of a coin toss?

The factors that can affect the expected outcome of a coin toss include the weight and shape of the coin, the force and angle used to toss the coin, and any external factors such as wind or surface conditions. These factors can lead to a bias in the coin and affect the chances of it landing on heads or tails.

5. Can the expected outcome of a coin toss be predicted?

No, the expected outcome of a coin toss cannot be predicted with certainty. While the expected outcome is 50% heads and 50% tails, the actual outcome can vary due to the factors mentioned above. It is also important to note that the expected outcome is a statistical probability and does not guarantee a specific outcome for each individual coin toss.

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