Introducing the PF Library

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary: Editing is all done while viewing an item. Each box has an "edit" link to the right of it. The three boxes in the middle right are self explanatory. The left side bar has the "add content" link to the right of the "edit" links. When you click that, you are taken to a page where you can add a new library item.
  • #106
The title field in See Also is restricted to 22 characters. Is that intended?

May I suggest that the Report button be changed to Contact, or Contact Editor … "Report" looks as if it's only for sniping. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #107
Greg Bernhardt said:
To help avoid cluttering, we've setup the links to remain black text, but feature a dotted underline.

The links are jumping on the viewers eyes too much now, with capital letters and different color.
  • #108
Doc Al said:
Can we arrange for the auto linking to not change the capitalization of the word linked?

Haven't seen any response to this, but I second it.

blah blah angular momentum blah blah.
  • #109
Has a preview button been mentioned by anyone yet?
  • #110
_Mayday_ said:
Has a preview button been mentioned by anyone yet?

Yes, see posts #8 and #9: Greg says he has noted this as a future feature.
  • #111
Ah right cheers!
  • #112
Can I ask you why there isn't any edit button? I urgently need it. Thanks.
  • #113
Only PF staff has the ability to edit entries - for quality control. If there's an edit you'd like to make, you can post it as a comment, and if it's reasonable, a staff member will make the edit.
  • #114
Ok, thanks. And why In the definition box, the tags for bold or italic don't work?
  • #115
Physicsissuef said:
Ok, thanks. And why In the definition box, the tags for bold or italic don't work?

I don't think bbcode is enabled in that box.
  • #116
Yes, but it should be. Please enable it.
  • #117
Physicsissuef said:
Yes, but it should be. Please enable it.

I'll look into it
  • #118
Can I ask why one of my posts in the library, about equation of line, is deleted? I put so much effort in it. Please return it back. Thank you.
  • #119
Its not deleted, they have to moderated first. During that time they aren't visible.
  • #120
This is a screenshot of the comments section on the 'Momentum (non-relativistic)' article:
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #121
Greg Bernhardt said:
First entry in an edit log is now shown as the item creator.

Hi Greg! :smile:

I've noticed that Physicsissuef has gone to the trouble of creating three Library entries in the last few days, but none of them has the creator shown in the edit log. :cry:

Has this facility been cancelled?
Physicsissuef said:
Can I ask you why there isn't any edit button? I urgently need it. Thanks.

(It's so that everything is seen by a moderator before it becomes official.)

You can click the REPORT button.

(That button is for nice reports, as well as nasty ones!)

Then someone will see it much sooner than if you post it as a comment, and you can include the amended text in the report. :smile:
  • #122
rohanprabhu said:
This is a screenshot of the comments section on the 'Momentum (non-relativistic)' article:

Thanks; in future if you see spam please use the "report" button, in the same way that you would report a thread containing spam.
  • #123
Thanks, working on it.
  • #124

i] I've noticed several words auto-linked to Wikipedia (Light, Photons, event horizon, General Relativity, Gravitational lensing) … see
Is this a general policy?

ii] Auto-linking is not working on the Lorentz Gauge entry, neither "in" nor "out".
Does that mean it can be selectively turned off?

iii] I'm contemplating an entry on "joule".
It should of course be spelt with a small "j" (when not at the start of a sentence), but the auto-linking will capitalise it every time. Can the capitalisation be selectively turned off?
(Could be avoided by tilting it "The joule" … but then it wouldn't auto-link at all. :rolleyes:)
  • #125
tiny-tim said:
i] I've noticed several words auto-linked to Wikipedia (Light, Photons, event horizon, General Relativity, Gravitational lensing) … see
Is this a general policy?

ii] Auto-linking is not working on the Lorentz Gauge entry, neither "in" nor "out".
Does that mean it can be selectively turned off?

iii] I'm contemplating an entry on "joule".
It should of course be spelt with a small "j" (when not at the start of a sentence), but the auto-linking will capitalise it every time. Can the capitalisation be selectively turned off?
(Could be avoided by tilting it "The joule" … but then it wouldn't auto-link at all. :rolleyes:)

1. Those aren't autolinked, the author put those in
2. Lorentz Gauge is linking for me
3. Autolinking does not capitolize, it depends on how it is written in the library
  • #126
Greg Bernhardt said:
1. Those aren't autolinked, the author put those in
2. Lorentz Gauge is linking for me
3. Autolinking does not capitolize, it depends on how it is written in the library

hi greg! :smile:

i] you're right … i should have checked the code … :blushing:

never occurred to me that anyone would go to all that effort! :redface:

ii] hmm … it's certainly working in this thread … but not in posts #1 or 3 in, for example, … and there's no entries in the Recent forum threads field :confused:

iii] aah! thanks, greg! :wink:

Just testing … will remove on edit …
Lorentz Gauge
Lorentz gauge
lorentz gauge
lorentz Gauge
Lorentz Gauge
Lorentz gauge
lorentz gauge
lorentz Gauge
hmm … that's odd … :confused:
  • #128
I don't know if this has been posted before but I think auto-linking is a horrible idea. I have never seen that done anywhere else and think there is good reason. It causes things to be linked completely out of context. For example, I work at hospital. Also, I just think in principle there is something wrong with PF forcibly altering what I type. I should have "creative license" to decide whether I want things to be linked or not. You should not just impose your PF Library on everyone since that undermines my control over my posts. Its not like the PF library is the god-given definition of every term that it contains.
  • #129
ehrenfest said:
… It causes things to be linked completely out of context. For example, I work at hospital. …

I like the autolinking … it's a useful idea … does it matter that it's not perfect? :smile:

Though perhaps autolinking could be turned off in the lounge (also mobile phones, personal stereos, hand-held games, and lava lamps)? :wink:
  • #130
I agree with ehrenfest - in fact I came here independently to mention this unfortunate side effect owing to having the word work autolinked in a post of mine.

I'd imagine a simple tag system could be written into the software, like a \ref or \cite tag in LaTeX.

Perhaps this has been mentioned too: why the menu only access to articles? This makes it very fiddly to see what the articles are, and their current status - 3 mouse clicks to find out that 'maths -> algebra -> homologic' is an empty article is annoying. Not least because there is no such thing as 'homologic' in English. Prseumably it was supposed to be homology, or homological algebra.
  • #131
I think that a tag system would not be beneficial since people would have to know exactly what was in the library to use it. Perhaps a checkbox system like disabling smilies or automatically parsing links would be better.

Matt: There is a text search below the three drop downs one can use and you don't have to choose a category in all three drop downs to search.
  • #132
That supposes I know what text to search for.

Suppose I was feeling like adding to the entries wanted to create some topics, or check the current topics to see what there was to extend/rewrite. It would take 3 clicks (menus reset to empty fields on my laptop) to get to any single entry. Well, my wish to add to the knowledge there just evaporated. (And that was exactly what happened when I looked at it yesterday with the intention of either creating some entries, or refereeing ones that already existed.)
  • #133
That will be a problem when the library gets a greater population of entries. For now one could just select mathematics in the first box and see all the entries under that category which is not very many at the moment.

I think its similar to something like wolfram mathworld where you'd have to click at least 3 submenus to get to where you want to be.

What type of menu system would you suggest matt?
  • #134
Your wolfram analogy is slightly misplaced - their system does not use drop down menus. It is hierarchical with the ability to do simple depth first search - i.e. it allows you to use the back button to get back to the list in the algebra section, say.
  • #135
matt grime said:
Your wolfram analogy is slightly misplaced - their system does not use drop down menus. It is hierarchical with the ability to do simple depth first search - i.e. it allows you to use the back button to get back to the list in the algebra section, say.

As Kurdt has pointed you don't need to select all three drop downs. Disabling the autolink in some forums will be a future feature.
  • #136
Ah-ha. I didn't understand that. Then can we alter the labels on the drop down menus from

"Then select"


"optionally select"?
  • #137
Library guidelines changed.

Item Titles:
"Also please use all lowercase letters in the word/phrase."
  • #139
I think it must be turned off at the minute while Greg is trying some new things.
  • #140
ooh … I think you're right …

… he's very industrious, isn't he? :approve:

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