Effect of frequency of a.c. circuit, resonance and temperature in resistor

In summary, the conversation discusses the effect of an L-R-C circuit where the reactance of the capacitor equals that of the inductor, resulting in resonance and maximum current. The conversation then explores the potential impact on the temperature and resistance of a resistor with a positive temperature coefficient. It is determined that at resonance frequency, the current will be highest and the power dissipated in the resistor will increase, causing it to heat up. However, the voltage will remain the same, unless there are other elements in series with it. The use of a circuit simulation program is also discussed, with the suggestion to rely more on analytical understanding rather than solely on simulations.
  • #1
In an L-R-C circuit, if the reactance of the capacitor equals that of the inductor, [tex] X_L = X_C[/tex], and consequently the current is at it's max and we have resonance, will the temperature in a resistor with a positive temperature coefficient increase faster in this situation, and thus get increasing resistance, since more current is going back and forth through the resistor (though less voltage)?

Hope my question made sense:P Sorry for the long sentence...
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  • #2
Yes- it makes sense.
Are you assuming a series resonance with a source and R in series with the whole lot? (Diagrams often help in this sort of question, however crude - the diags not the question, I mean :)).
  • #3
I'm considering any circuit I think, but would that have any effect (I assume it will since you asked! :) ) I'm basically wondering if, in an a.c. circuit, a measured resistance of a resistor could be affected by temperature increasing in the resistor due to higher frequency, or at resonance frequency since current is largest at this point... (however subtle the effect...)

  • #4
You are basically asking about the changes in current. The resistance / temperature thing would be a consequence of the change in current and would modify the response.

First step would be to say that the current will be highest at resonance - when the reactance is zero. That would mean that if the circuit were driven with lots of volts, there would be more power dissipated in the resistor at resonance - so it would get hot. That wouldn't alter the resonant frequency but it would mean that the peak of the resonance response (the bell shape) would be less if the resistance / temperature coefficient were positive. This effect would be progressive as you approach resonance so the normal 1/√(1-x2) shape of curve would not apply but be flattened at the top due to the thermal changes.

You'd need actual values to go any further but it wouldn't be too hard, I think. Any good circuit simulation prog would do it.
  • #5
Thank you so much, sophiecentaur! That makes all the sense in the world! I learned something tonight :)
  • #6
There's only one thing I still don't get: If the impedance is at its lowest at resonance frequency, why doesn't the voltage go down as the current goes up? Effectively negating the effect? Since there is less impedance in the circuit? This way it seems as if the power should stay the same... I know this is not true, but I don't understand properly why.. Does the voltage stay the same?

I think I need a good circuit simulation program!:P

Edit: the voltage would stay the same, unless there are other elements in series with it that the voltage will divide across (voltage divider rule) ? In the latter case, will the power still go up at resonance frequency?
  • #7
If you are feeding the series RLC from a voltage source, then the voltage will, by definition, be unchanged. If there is significant source resistance, then the RMS voltage will dip near resonance. The effect of source resistance will be less than the dramatic reduction of reactance near resonance for a circuit with a significant Q factor. The source resistance is, of course, just as relevant to the Q as the R you put in the RLC.
This is why I said that a diagram is useful. Where are you actually measuring these quantities in your thought experiment?

PS. I think that too much emphasis is put on simulation programs at the expense of understanding what the analysis is telling us. The algebra of this is pretty simple and it tells you much more than you can get by putting arbitrary actual numbers into someone else's application. If you can possibly manage it, I'd recommend the analytical approach.
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FAQ: Effect of frequency of a.c. circuit, resonance and temperature in resistor

What is the effect of the frequency of an alternating current (a.c.) circuit on resistors?

The frequency of an a.c. circuit has a direct effect on the resistance of a resistor. As the frequency increases, the resistance of the resistor also increases. This is due to the skin effect, where high frequency currents tend to travel on the surface of the conductor, increasing its effective resistance.

How does resonance affect resistors in an a.c. circuit?

Resonance occurs when the inductive reactance and capacitive reactance in an a.c. circuit cancel each other out, resulting in a lower overall impedance. This can cause a significant increase in the current flowing through the circuit, which can lead to overheating and potential damage to the resistors. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider resonance when designing a circuit with resistors.

What is the relationship between temperature and resistance in resistors?

The resistance of a resistor increases as the temperature increases. This is due to the fact that as temperature increases, the atoms in the resistor vibrate more and impede the flow of electrons, resulting in an increase in resistance. This is known as the temperature coefficient of resistance and is an important factor to consider in electronic circuit design.

How does temperature affect resonance in an a.c. circuit?

Temperature can affect resonance in an a.c. circuit by changing the values of inductive and capacitive reactance, which can alter the overall impedance and potentially shift the resonant frequency. This can lead to unexpected changes in current and potential damage to resistors if not accounted for in circuit design.

Are there any ways to mitigate the effects of frequency and temperature on resistors in an a.c. circuit?

Yes, there are ways to mitigate these effects. Using higher quality resistors with lower temperature coefficients can reduce the impact of temperature changes on resistance. Additionally, using shielding or twisting wires can help minimize the skin effect and reduce the impact of frequency on resistance. It is also important to carefully design and test circuits to avoid resonance and potential damage to resistors.
