Future engineering student seeks advice

In summary, the individual is considering entering an engineering program as a first year student, with confidence in their grades but hesitation due to only recently taking school work seriously. They are seeking advice on whether to enter the program or use the first year to improve their math skills. They also inquire about recommended preparation materials for an engineering course.
  • #1
I plan on entering into an engineering program net year as a first year entrant. My grades should get me into the engineering program if I apply for first year entry. But should I do this?

I only recently (grade 11) started taking my school work as seriously as I do now. My marks are in the high 80's but I still come across new things like (a^3-b^3)=(a-b)(a^2+ab+b^2) which I probably should have learned prior to my 11th year in school. I am hesitant to enter into a Engineering program my first year at University. I am pretty sure that the course load won't be much of a shock for me as I spend a lot of time on my homework already. Can someone give me an idea as to what to e)(pect? (my >< key is broken... lol) Should I head straight into engineering or should I take advantage of my first year to get much better at math through a couple predominantly physics/math oriented semesters?

If you do say that I can probably handle an engineering course, what kind of books should I read in the mean time to prepare myself? Should I focus on getting algebra down cold or should I do a lot of calculus problems? I wish there was more time left! lol
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  • #3
I can understand your hesitation and uncertainty about entering into an engineering program as a first-year student. It's great that you have recently started taking your school work more seriously and have been able to improve your grades. However, it's important to remember that engineering is a challenging and rigorous field, and it requires a strong foundation in math and physics.

Based on your current grades and dedication to your school work, it seems like you have the potential to excel in an engineering program. However, I would recommend taking advantage of your first year in university to strengthen your math skills, as it is crucial for success in engineering. You can do this by taking physics and math courses that are specifically geared towards engineering students or by self-studying with textbooks and practice problems.

In terms of what books to read, I would recommend focusing on both algebra and calculus. Algebra is the foundation for many mathematical concepts and equations used in engineering, while calculus is also a fundamental aspect of the field. You can also reach out to current engineering students or professors for recommendations on specific textbooks or resources that may be helpful for you.

In the end, the decision to enter into an engineering program as a first-year student is ultimately yours. But remember, it's always better to have a strong foundation in math and physics before diving into the challenging coursework of engineering. Best of luck to you in your academic journey!

FAQ: Future engineering student seeks advice

1. What is the most important thing to consider when choosing an engineering program?

The most important thing to consider when choosing an engineering program is to make sure it aligns with your interests and career goals. You should also research the program's curriculum, faculty, and available resources to ensure they will provide a strong foundation for your future career.

2. Is it necessary to have prior experience or knowledge in engineering before starting a program?

No, it is not necessary to have prior experience or knowledge in engineering before starting a program. However, having a strong foundation in math and science can be beneficial and make the transition into an engineering program easier.

3. How can I prepare for the rigors of an engineering program?

To prepare for the rigors of an engineering program, it is important to develop strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You can also take advanced math and science courses in high school or enroll in online courses to gain a better understanding of engineering concepts.

4. What kind of career opportunities are available for engineering graduates?

Engineering graduates have a wide range of career opportunities in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, and technology. Some common job titles include mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, civil engineer, and software engineer.

5. What advice do you have for students considering a career in engineering?

My advice for students considering a career in engineering is to stay curious and never stop learning. Take advantage of internships and co-op opportunities to gain hands-on experience, and don't be afraid to ask questions and seek guidance from professors and professionals in the field. Also, be open to exploring different specializations within the field to find your passion.
