What is the limit of [2x^{2}y/(x^4 + y^4)] as (x,y) approaches (0,0)?

In summary, the limit of [2x^{2}y/(x^4 + y^4)] as (x,y) approaches (0,0) does not exist. Although it may appear that the limit is 0 based on different approaches, it is not possible to prove the existence of the limit through different curves. The Squeeze Theorem also does not work in this case. The limit is the same for all straight lines through the origin, but this does not guarantee that the limit is the same for curved lines.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the limit, if it exists, or show that the limit does not exist.
[tex]lim_{(x,y)->(0,0)}[2x^{2}y/(x^4 + y^4)][/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Along the y-axis and the x-axis, the limit approaches 0. Along y = mx, the limit also appaches 0. So, it appears that the limit is 0. However, the answer is that the limit "does not exist."

Should I just keep making new equations until I find where the limit does not = 0? I even tried the Squeeze Theorem...

0<[tex][2x^{2}y/(x^4 + y^4)][/tex]<[tex]2x^2[/tex]
because [tex]y/(x^4 + y^4)[/tex]<1
so as x -> 0, the whole function -> 0 right?

Why doesn't that work to prove that the limit would be 0?
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  • #2
Along x=y, the limit becomes

[tex]\lim _{x \to 0} \frac {2x^3}{2x^4} = \lim _{x \to 0} \frac 1x[/tex]
  • #3
Thanks, I got it!
  • #4
Did you read my response to your first question? No matter how many curves you try you can never prove that a limit exists that way. In fact, it is possible to show that the limit is the same for all straight lines through the origin, that would still not show that the limit is the same for curved lines.

FAQ: What is the limit of [2x^{2}y/(x^4 + y^4)] as (x,y) approaches (0,0)?

What is a two variable limit and how is it different from a one variable limit?

A two variable limit is a mathematical concept used to describe the behavior of a function as two independent variables approach a specific point. It is different from a one variable limit because in a two variable limit, both variables are taken into consideration whereas in a one variable limit, only one variable is approaching a point.

How is a two variable limit calculated?

A two variable limit can be calculated by approaching the specified point along different paths and checking if the function approaches the same value. If the function approaches the same value, then the limit exists and can be calculated by evaluating the function at that point. If the function approaches different values, then the limit does not exist.

What is the importance of studying two variable limits?

Studying two variable limits is important because it helps us understand the behavior of a function in a multidimensional space. It also allows us to determine the existence and value of a limit at a specific point, which is crucial in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

What are some common techniques used to evaluate two variable limits?

Some common techniques used to evaluate two variable limits include approaching the point along specific lines, converting the limit into a one variable limit, and using polar or spherical coordinates. More advanced techniques such as L'Hospital's rule and Taylor series expansion can also be used in certain cases.

What are some real-life applications of two variable limits?

Two variable limits have various real-life applications, such as determining the optimal production level in economics, calculating the trajectory of a projectile in physics, and finding the maximum profit point in business. They are also used in fields like architecture, astronomy, and computer graphics to model and analyze complex systems.

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