Is M a Subspace of V if S and T are Linear Maps from V onto W?

  • Thread starter adottree
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M. And S(ax) = aS(x) = aT(y) since S(x) is in the range of T, then ax is in the range of T. so ax is in M. In summary, to show that M is a subspace of V, we must show that it is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. By using the fact that S is a linear map, we can show that the sum of two vectors in M is also in M and that a scalar multiple of a vector in M is also in M. Therefore, M is a subspace of V.
  • #1
S,T: V onto W are both linear maps. Show that M:={x out of V s.t. Sx out of Range(T)} is a subspace of V

I know that to show M is a subspace of V I must show:

i. 0 out of M
ii. For every u, v out of M, u+v out M
iii. For every u out of M, a out of F, au out of M.

I just don't know how to start it, can someone help?
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  • #2
You are using "out of" where I would use "in" but I understand what you need.

First, as I have pointed out before. You do not need to show that 0 is in M. Since 0v= 0 (the 0 vector), show that M is closed under scalar multiplication immediately gives you that.

M is (in my language!) the set of all vectors, x, in V such that Sx is also in the range of T: there exist some y in V such that Sx= Ty.

Okay, suppose x1[/sup] and x2 are in M- that is, there is y2 in V such that Sx1= Ty1 and y2 such that Sx2= Ty2. What can you say about S(x1+ x2).

Now suppose x is in M- that is, there is y in V such that Sx= Ty- and a is in F. What can you say about S(ax)?
  • #3
S(x1 + x2) = S(x1) + S(x2) (this is because S is a linear map)
= T(y1) + T(y2) = M(x1) + M(x2)


S(ax) = aS(x) = aT(y) = aM(x)

Thanks for your help, is this kind of right?
  • #4
adottree said:
S(x1 + x2) = S(x1) + S(x2) (this is because S is a linear map)
= T(y1) + T(y2) = M(x1) + M(x2)


S(ax) = aS(x) = aT(y) = aM(x)

Thanks for your help, is this kind of right?

You should not be saying "M(x1)", "M(x2)", or "M(x)" since they are meaningless. M is not a linear map, it is a subspace of V.
  • #5
S(x1 + x2) = S(x1) + S(x2) (this is because S is a linear map)
= T(y1) + T(y2) therefore (x1 +x2) in M


S(ax) = aS(x) = aT(y) therefore (ax) in M

I think this is better (I hope)! Thanks you've been a great help!
  • #6
just to make it complete you should write:

S(x1 + x2) = S(x1) + S(x2) (this is because S is a linear map)
= T(y1) + T(y2) = T(y1+y2)

so you can se that S(x1+x2) is in the range of T, namly hit by y1+y2 under T.

FAQ: Is M a Subspace of V if S and T are Linear Maps from V onto W?

What does it mean for a map to be linear?

A linear map is a mathematical function that preserves the structure of a vector space. This means that the map must satisfy the properties of additivity and homogeneity.

What is the difference between "onto" and "into" in the context of linear maps?

When a map is onto, it means that every element in the range (or codomain) of the map is mapped to by at least one element in the domain. In other words, the map covers all elements in the range. On the other hand, a map is into if there are elements in the range that are not mapped to by any element in the domain.

What is the significance of S,T: V onto W being linear maps?

If S,T: V onto W are linear maps, it means that these maps preserve the structure of the vector space V onto the vector space W. This allows for transformations to be carried out while maintaining the properties of the original vector space.

What are some examples of linear maps?

Some examples of linear maps include rotation and reflection matrices, differentiation and integration operators, and linear transformations such as scaling and shearing.

How do linear maps relate to real-world applications?

Linear maps have many real-world applications, including image and signal processing, data compression, and machine learning algorithms. They are also used in physics and engineering to model and solve problems involving linear systems.
