Recurrence formula in Pell's equation

In summary, the person is asking for help with Pell's equation and is having difficulty understanding how to get a solution for x^2 + 2*y^2 = 1. They state that x-sqrt(2)y is a solution and that the recurrence relations for k>1 show that x_{k+1}:=x_{1}*x_{k}+N*y_{1}*y_{k} and y_{k+1}:=x_{1}*y_{k}+y_{1}*x_{k} will be a solution for each k. Lastly, they mention that for N=2, (2,3) being the basic solution, we have (
  • #1

I am trying to solve a Pell's equation

X2 + 2Y2 =1

I understand that the (3,2) is a fundamental solution to the equation. However, I am having difficulty to obtain the recurrence formula in order to generate further solutions. Can anybody help?
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  • #2
I don't know anything about this, but I do question how you can get (3,2) as a solution to x^2 + 2*y^2 = 1, since I get 3^2 + 2*2^2 = 17 which is most emphatically not 1. What am I missing?
  • #3
It works with: X^2 - 2*Y^2 = 1
  • #4
The equation is (x-sqrt(2)y)(x+sqrt(2)y) = 1. Now, your solution is (3,2), so (3-sqrt(2)2)(3+sqrt(2)2) = 1, and by multiplying we have 1 = (x-sqrt(2)y)(3-sqrt(2)2)(x+sqrt(2)y)(3+sqrt(2)2) = (3x+4y-(2x+3y)sqrt(2))(3x+4y+(2x+3y)sqrt(2)) = (3x+4y)^2-2(2x+3y)^2. Hence if we denote (3,2) by (x_0,y_0), you can define (x_{n+1},y_{n+1}) = (3x_n+4y_n,2x_n+3y_n), and thus (x_n,y_n) will be a solution for each n.

Now, we have found some solutions, but is this all? It is a good exercise to prove this.

Hint: (Suppose (x,y) is a solution not in the sequence defined above, and use the recurrence formula backwards to find the "least" positive solution. (a,b) is the "least" solution if a+b is minimal. Try to find a contradiction.)
  • #5

Yep its my mistake. Its supposed to be


Thanks for pointing out.
  • #6
disregardthat said:
The equation is (x-sqrt(2)y)(x+sqrt(2)y) = 1. Now, your solution is (3,2), so (3-sqrt(2)2)(3+sqrt(2)2) = 1, and by multiplying we have 1 = (x-sqrt(2)y)(3-sqrt(2)2)(x+sqrt(2)y)(3+sqrt(2)2) = (3x+4y-(2x+3y)sqrt(2))(3x+4y+(2x+3y)sqrt(2)) = (3x+4y)^2-2(2x+3y)^2. Hence if we denote (3,2) by (x_0,y_0), you can define (x_{n+1},y_{n+1}) = (3x_n+4y_n,2x_n+3y_n), and thus (x_n,y_n) will be a solution for each n.

Now, we have found some solutions, but is this all? It is a good exercise to prove this.

Hint: (Suppose (x,y) is a solution not in the sequence defined above, and use the recurrence formula backwards to find the "least" positive solution. (a,b) is the "least" solution if a+b is minimal. Try to find a contradiction.)

Awesome. Thanks heaps.
  • #7
Let x[itex]_{1}[/itex], y[itex]_{1}[/itex] be basic solutions to

x^2-N*y^2 = 1, with N a non-square integer number

then we have the following recurrence relations for k>1:


For N=2, (2,3) being the basic solution, we have (17,12) as 2. and (99,70) as 3.solution

A trivial algorithm to find the basic solution could be:

y:=1, max:=999
Do While n < max
[itex]\cdots[/itex]Compute w=1+N*y^2
[itex]\cdots[/itex]If w is an integral square x^2 then
[itex]\cdots\cdots[/itex]Return "Basic solution: (x, y)" and Stop
[itex]\cdots[/itex]Incr y
Return max & " trials and no solution" and Stop

Because there are values of N, whrer this "Q&D"-algorithm fails,
who has experience with with non-trivial algorithms for basic solutions
to the Pell equation?

FAQ: Recurrence formula in Pell's equation

1. What is Pell's equation?

Pell's equation is a mathematical equation of the form x2 - Dy2 = 1, where D is a non-square positive integer. It is named after the English mathematician John Pell who studied this equation in the 17th century.

2. What is a recurrence formula in Pell's equation?

A recurrence formula in Pell's equation is a mathematical equation that can be used to generate a sequence of solutions to Pell's equation. It is a useful tool for finding solutions to this equation and has been studied extensively by mathematicians.

3. How does a recurrence formula work in Pell's equation?

A recurrence formula in Pell's equation works by using the previous solutions of the equation to generate new solutions. It uses a recursive process, which means that each new solution is based on the previous one. This allows for an infinite number of solutions to be generated.

4. What are the benefits of using a recurrence formula in Pell's equation?

Using a recurrence formula in Pell's equation can greatly simplify the process of finding solutions. It allows for a systematic approach to finding solutions, and can also reveal patterns and relationships between the solutions. Additionally, it can be used to find solutions with large values, which would be difficult to find using other methods.

5. Are there any limitations to using a recurrence formula in Pell's equation?

Yes, there are limitations to using a recurrence formula in Pell's equation. One limitation is that it can only be applied to certain types of Pell's equations, such as those with a non-square positive integer D. Additionally, the formula may not always produce the most efficient or optimal solutions to the equation.

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