Zero-point energy stops space shrinking?

In summary: That means that the energy of a vacuum can only be reduced to a combination of the energies of the particles in the vacuum. In summary, according to John Baez, Einstein's Field equations can be written in the following form:- V'' / V = - 1/2 (rho + P_x + P_y + P_z)- where rho is the energy density, P_x, P_y, P_z is the pressure in the x,y,z directions of space, and the second derivative is in terms of the proper time.If you plug this into Einstein's field equations you find that the zero point energy has just the right qualities to stop space beginning to shrink
  • #1
According to John Baez,

Einstein's Field equations can be written in the following form:

V'' / V = - 1/2 (rho + P_x + P_y + P_z)



V is the volume of a small region of space,
rho is the energy density
P_x, P_y, P_z is the pressure in the x,y,z directions of space.
The second derivative is in terms of the proper time and the equation is valid at t=0.
and the units are such that 8 Pi G = 1 and c = 1.

Now the equation of state of isotropic electromagnetic radiation (a photon gas) is:

P = rho / 3

Consider a small region of space. If no zero-point energy is flowing out of the region then the zero point modes inside that region must be zero on the surface of the region. Thus only modes with wavelengths that fit inside the region are allowed. This implies that there is more zero point energy at points just outside the region than at points inside the region. Thus there is an inward electromagnetic pressure on the region - this is the Casimir effect.

Thus for zero-point electromagnetic energy the equation of state is:

P = - rho / 3

If you plug this into Einstein's field equations you find:

V'' / V = - 1/2 (rho - rho/3 - rho/3 - rho/3) = 0

Thus the zero-point energy has just the right qualities to stop space beginning to shrink!

Of course you can get the same effect if rho = 0 and P = 0. But this trivial solution is not consistent with quantum field theory's prediction of the existence of zero-point energy.
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  • #2
johne1618 said:
Consider a small region of space. If no zero-point energy is flowing out of the region then the zero point modes inside that region must be zero on the surface of the region. Thus only modes with wavelengths that fit inside the region are allowed. This implies that there is more zero point energy at points just outside the region than at points inside the region. Thus there is an inward electromagnetic pressure on the region - this is the Casimir effect.
Since your region of space is only a hypothetical construct, you can't impose arbitrary boundary conditions upon it. In this case, you can only claim that the net flow of energy is zero, which doesn't place any limits on the wavelengths allowed.

Instead, the zero point energy of a vacuum must be Lorentz invariant, and the only way for that to be the case is if [itex]p = -\rho[/itex].
  • #3
That is a great answer, chalnoth.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
Instead, the zero point energy of a vacuum must be Lorentz invariant, and the only way for that to be the case is if [itex]p = -\rho[/itex].

Why must the zero point energy of a vacuum be Lorentz invariant?
  • #5
johne1618 said:
Why must the zero point energy of a vacuum be Lorentz invariant?
The energy of the vacuum is set by the laws of physics, not by the matter content of the universe. And the laws of physics are Lorentz covariant.

FAQ: Zero-point energy stops space shrinking?

1. What is zero-point energy?

Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have. It is the energy that particles possess even at absolute zero temperature, when all motion in the system has ceased.

2. How does zero-point energy relate to space shrinking?

According to the theory of relativity, space and time are not static but can be affected by the presence of matter and energy. Zero-point energy creates a constant background energy in space, which counteracts the effect of matter and energy, preventing space from collapsing or shrinking.

3. Can zero-point energy be harnessed for use in technology?

Currently, there is no known practical way to harness zero-point energy for use in technology. The energy levels are incredibly small and difficult to access, and any attempts at extracting it would require a great deal of energy, making it impractical.

4. Is there any evidence to support the concept of zero-point energy stopping space shrinking?

There is currently no direct evidence to support the idea that zero-point energy stops space from shrinking. This concept is based on theoretical calculations and is still a subject of ongoing research and debate.

5. How does zero-point energy affect the laws of thermodynamics?

Zero-point energy is considered to be a fundamental part of the laws of thermodynamics. It is included in the calculations of the total energy of a system, and its presence can affect the behavior of matter and energy in a system, especially at very low temperatures.

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