Basic Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

In summary, the maximum possible strength of single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) is approximately 120-150 GPa, but in practice, the measured strength is around 63 GPa. This strength can vary due to different constructs and is still being researched. The Young's modulus of 1 TPa for SWNTs is a theoretical value and may vary in practice. Lattice faults, tube chirality, and diameter can also affect tensile and compressive strength. The use of composites can increase stiffness, with the rule of mixtures often used to calculate material properties. However, obtaining precise data on SWNTs is challenging due to their cutting-edge nature.
  • #1
I'm looking for information on the maximum possible strength of SWNTs.
What effect do thermodynamically inevitable(over macro scale lengths) lattice faults have on the tensile and compressive strength of the tubes?
What effect does tube chirality and diameter have on tensile and compressive strength? What is the probability that composites will ever be as strong as single tubes? There is an undue level of contradictory information on them online for my taste. Thanks in advance for the help.
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  • #2
As carbon nanotubes are pretty much at the cutting edge of chemistry/materials science, that info is going to be hard to find. Have you tried looking in journal publications?
  • #3
Remember seeing somewhere that nanotube sheets had an axial elastic modulus of about/up to 1 TPa (in that case, would consider there to be some scatter(?)).
  • #4
to look up in the journals try...
  • #5
PerennialII said:
Remember seeing somewhere that nanotube sheets had an axial elastic modulus of about/up to 1 TPa (in that case, would consider there to be some scatter(?)).

Is the Young's modulus a practical strength or for theoretically perfect crystals?
What is scatter?
  • #6
Is the Young's modulus a practical strength or for theoretically perfect crystals?
What is scatter?

I remember reading from some journal that single wall nanotubes have Young's modulus of about 1 TPa and multi-wall constructs some hundred GPas higher. The theoretical tensile strength is around 120 to 150 GPa, in practise what has been measured in lab and as such has been attained so far is 63 GPa (remember seeing a bit of this probably in Nature or something). What I meant by scatter was that there may be considerably lot of it since we're talking about cutting edge stuff and there are different constructs available (someone knowing more about these things can enlighten this quantitatively ?).
  • #7
PerennialII said:
I remember reading from some journal that single wall nanotubes have Young's modulus of about 1 TPa and multi-wall constructs some hundred GPas higher. The theoretical tensile strength is around 120 to 150 GPa, in practise what has been measured in lab and as such has been attained so far is 63 GPa (remember seeing a bit of this probably in Nature or something). What I meant by scatter was that there may be considerably lot of it since we're talking about cutting edge stuff and there are different constructs available (someone knowing more about these things can enlighten this quantitatively ?).

Hmmmmm, seems the tensile strength has been circumcised a bit since I last found data on them. A Nasa page had them at 200GPa. Or maybe it's just in flux because it's still so new and we don't yet have precise data on them.
  • #8
Hmmmmm, seems the tensile strength has been circumcised a bit since I last found data on them. A Nasa page had them at 200GPa. Or maybe it's just in flux because it's still so new and we don't yet have precise data on them.

I'd go for the flux interpretation ... even doing any sort of material characterization for them feels like quite a boggle.
  • #9
How would I callculate how stiff a composite member of NTs could be? For example nylon makes nice strong flexible ropes but can also make hard plastic gears. Carbon fiber is flexible stringy stuff but put it in an epoxy and it's very light and stiff. Fiberglass same thing. What exactly is the Young's modulus if it's not the practical tensile strength? I'm not a mechanical engineer, just on a learning quest.
  • #10
How would I callculate how stiff a composite member of NTs could be? For example nylon makes nice strong flexible ropes but can also make hard plastic gears. Carbon fiber is flexible stringy stuff but put it in an epoxy and it's very light and stiff. Fiberglass same thing. What exactly is the Young's modulus if it's not the practical tensile strength? I'm not a mechanical engineer, just on a learning quest.

Young's modulus is a material parameter essentially characterizing stiffness. Young's modulus is typically defined and understood via Hooke's law:

Its important not to mix structural stiffness and material stiffness. Like in your examples, if you simply take a large enough block of material of suitable geometry and apply a force to it, if the block is large enough, it is bound to have some stiffness (resistance to the applied force).

If you have a case like above where you essentially have a composite of two or more materials, a simple way to derive condensed ("homogenized") material properties is often the rule of mixtures, used quite a bit in composite stuff for one (like when you got fiberglass fibres mixed to a plastic matrix):
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FAQ: Basic Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

1. What are carbon nanotubes and why are they important in scientific research?

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made up of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. They are important in scientific research because of their unique mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, making them useful in a wide range of applications such as electronics, energy storage, and biomedicine.

2. What are the basic mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes?

Some of the basic mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes include high tensile strength, stiffness, and flexibility. They also have a high aspect ratio, meaning they are much longer in length than their diameter, making them potentially useful in reinforcing materials and creating lightweight composites.

3. How do the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes compare to other materials?

Carbon nanotubes have some of the highest mechanical properties among known materials. They have a tensile strength that is 100 times stronger than steel and a stiffness that is 5 times higher than that of steel. They also have a high resilience, meaning they can withstand large amounts of strain without breaking.

4. What factors affect the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes?

The mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes can be affected by various factors such as their structure, defects, and the presence of impurities. The type of carbon nanotube, whether it is single-walled or multi-walled, can also impact its mechanical properties.

5. What are some potential applications of carbon nanotubes based on their mechanical properties?

The unique mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes make them promising for various applications. Some potential uses include reinforcing materials for stronger and lighter structures, creating flexible and stretchable electronics, and improving the strength and durability of composites in aerospace and automotive industries. They also have potential applications in drug delivery, biosensors, and tissue engineering due to their biocompatibility and high surface area.

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