Finding the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave

In summary, the problem asks for the Fourier series of a wave. The submitted solution has an error, and the student is asked to fix it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem/question is attached in the file called "homework". In the third signal (the peridic rectangular wave), I am requested (sub-question b) to find the Fourier series of the wave.

Homework Equations

The file called "solution" presents a detailed solution to the problem. What I don't understand is why the phase (page 2 in that "solution" document) [itex]\phi_{n}[/itex] equals [itex]-\pi[/itex] for even values of [itex]n[/itex]. What I know is that when the argument of the arctan function is undefined (since it's divided by 0), it means that the angle is [itex]\pi/2[/itex], because only then the tan would be undefind! So why [itex]\phi_{n} = -\pi[/itex] then? does someone have an idea?
I do understand the [itex]\pm\pi[/itex] addition for the odd values of [itex]n[/itex] (i.e [itex]n=3,7,11,...[/itex]), but that [itex]\phi_{n} = -\pi[/itex] is not completely clear to me (and quite annoying to be honest...:rolleyes:).

The Attempt at a Solution

Couple of hours of thinking, going back to the basics of polar representation of numbers in the x-y plane (in fact, it's the [itex] a_{n}-b_{n}[/itex] plane here) but nothing practical really... any suggestions?
Thanks! :-p


  • Homework.pdf
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  • Solution.pdf
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  • #2
Something wrong here somewhere.

If tan-1(bn/an) = -π for all even n then bn = 0 for all even n. But b2 = 2Vm/πn sin^2(nπ/4) = Vm/π ≠ 0.

So there is something wrong with the submitted solution.
  • #3
rude man said:
Something wrong here somewhere.

If tan-1(bn/an) = -π for all even n then bn = 0 for all even n. But b2 = 2Vm/πn sin^2(nπ/4) = Vm/π ≠ 0.

So there is something wrong with the submitted solution.

Thanks for responding rude man.
So would you then consider [itex]n=\pi/2[/itex] as a solution for [itex]\phi_{n}[/itex] for all even n? or maybe you suggest a different solution?
The way I see it, for all even n you have [itex]a_{n}=0[/itex] and [itex]b_{n}[/itex] has a value which gets lower as n grows, but also [itex]b_{n}=0[/itex] for [itex]n=0,4,8,...[/itex].

How would you fix the submitted solution?
  • #4
Adir_Sh said:
Thanks for responding rude man.
So would you then consider [itex]n=\pi/2[/itex] as a solution for [itex]\phi_{n}[/itex] for all even n? or maybe you suggest a different solution?
The way I see it, for all even n you have [itex]a_{n}=0[/itex] and [itex]b_{n}[/itex] has a value which gets lower as n grows, but also [itex]b_{n}=0[/itex] for [itex]n=0,4,8,...[/itex].

How would you fix the submitted solution?

I guess I would just start over:

V(t) = a0/2 + Ʃ{ancos(nωt) + bnsin(nωt)} from n = 1 to ∞.

Your an coefficients are

an = (Vm/π)∫cos(ωt)d(ωt) from 0 to π/2
bn = (Vm /π)∫sin(ωt)d(ωt) from 0 to π/2

Notice that d(ωt) = ωdt. It's easier to integrate w/r/t ωt rather than t. So the limits of integration change from 0 → T/4 to 0 → π/2.

To express this series in the form V(t) = a0/2 + Ʃcncos(nωt - ψ) from n = 1 to ∞,

cn = √(an2 + bn2)
and ψn = tan-1(bn/an).

This is all standard textbook stuff.

In computing ψ be sure to retain the signs of a and b separately. For example, if a = 1 and b = -2, tan-1(1/-2) ~ π - 0.46 whereas if a = -1 and b = 2, tan-1(-1/2) ~ -0.46. These angles are different and are separated by π.

Happy computing!
  • #5

The phase in a Fourier series represents the shift or delay of the sinusoidal component in the signal. In a periodic rectangular wave, the signal is symmetric about the y-axis, meaning that it has no shift or delay. This results in a phase of 0 for all even values of n.

When solving for the Fourier coefficients, the arctan function is used to determine the phase. For even values of n, the argument of the arctan function is undefined, as you mentioned. This means that the phase could technically be any value, including -π. However, since the signal is symmetric, it makes sense to choose a phase of 0 (or -π, which is equivalent in this case) for simplicity.

In summary, the phase being equal to -π for even values of n in the Fourier series of a periodic rectangular wave is a result of the signal's symmetry and the choice of a reference phase. It is not a fundamental property of the signal itself.

FAQ: Finding the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave

1. What is a Fourier Series?

A Fourier Series is a mathematical representation of a periodic function as a sum of sine and cosine waves. It allows us to break down a complex periodic function into simpler components that are easier to analyze and manipulate.

2. How do you find the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave?

To find the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave, we first need to determine the period of the wave. Then, we use the Fourier Series formula to calculate the coefficients of the sine and cosine waves. These coefficients represent the amplitude and frequency of each component wave in the series.

3. Why is the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave important?

The Fourier Series allows us to approximate any periodic function using a finite number of sine and cosine waves. This is useful in many fields such as signal processing, image and sound compression, and circuit analysis.

4. Are there any limitations to the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave?

Yes, there are limitations to using the Fourier Series. It can only be applied to functions that are periodic and have a finite number of discontinuities. Additionally, the Fourier Series may not converge for some functions, leading to inaccurate approximations.

5. How is the accuracy of the Fourier Series of a periodic rectangular wave determined?

The accuracy of the Fourier Series depends on the number of terms used in the series. As we increase the number of terms, the series will better approximate the original function. However, the accuracy may also be affected by the limitations of the Fourier Series and the complexity of the original function.

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