Quick question: Why is Saturns atmosphere LESS stormy than Jupiters?

  • Thread starter nukeman
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In summary, the conversation discusses the reasons for the differences in atmospheric activity between Jupiter and Saturn. It is believed that Saturn's lower mass and distance from the sun contribute to its less active atmosphere. However, other factors such as the makeup of the atmospheres and the presence of moons may also play a role. Additionally, Jupiter's hot core also contributes to its atmospheric effects.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

Title says it all. Is it because of the temp difference? Is it because has more mass, so is it because Jupiter has a larger atmosphere?

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Saturn has less mass than Jupiter.

And yes I believe it's due to its proximity to the Sun, and the lower amount of energy it receives to fuel convection currents and all the good stuff that goes into making weather.
  • #3
Mu naught said:
Saturn has less mass than Jupiter.

And yes I believe it's due to its proximity to the Sun, and the lower amount of energy it receives to fuel convection currents and all the good stuff that goes into making weather.

If this were the only force at work, we would expect atmospheric activity to fall off monotonically as distance with the sun increases. It does not. Neptune has a very active atmosphere, for example.

Surely this contributes, but it is not the whole, or even the majority, of the story for explaining the differences in the Jovian planets' atmospheres.
  • #4
I'd say there are too many factors and variables to really say why. Differences in mass, distance from the sun, gravity effects from moons, makeup of the atmospheres, and possibly a thousand other things would have an effect.
  • #5
Jupiter also has a very hot core [due to mass], which also fuels atmospheric effects.

FAQ: Quick question: Why is Saturns atmosphere LESS stormy than Jupiters?

1. Why is Saturn's atmosphere less stormy than Jupiter's?

One of the main reasons is the difference in their compositions. Saturn has a higher proportion of hydrogen and helium, while Jupiter has a higher proportion of heavier gases. This leads to stronger winds and storms on Jupiter.

2. Are there any other factors that contribute to the difference in storminess?

Yes, the distance from the Sun also plays a role. Saturn is further away from the Sun, which means it receives less energy and has a cooler atmosphere. This results in less intense storms compared to Jupiter, which is closer to the Sun.

3. Is there a difference in the size of storms on Saturn and Jupiter?

Yes, Jupiter's storms, such as the Great Red Spot, can be much larger than any storm seen on Saturn. This is due to Jupiter's larger size and stronger atmospheric dynamics.

4. How does the strength of Saturn's magnetic field affect its atmosphere?

Saturn's magnetic field is weaker than Jupiter's, which allows for more interaction between the atmosphere and the solar wind. This helps to dissipate energy and reduce storm activity on Saturn.

5. Can the difference in storminess be seen in the appearance of Saturn and Jupiter?

Yes, Saturn's atmosphere appears smoother and more uniform compared to Jupiter's, which has distinct bands and swirls caused by strong storms. However, both planets still have some level of storm activity visible in their atmospheres.

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