What happens to the gravitational energy of a cooling brown dwarf galaxy?

In summary, brown dwarf galaxies are the coldest systems in the universe, but eventually they will be ripped apart by the tidal effects of more massive galaxies.
  • #1
Gold Member
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Brown dwarf galaxies are, i think the coldest systems in the universe, If they continue to loose heat energy they must loose gravitational energy as well, eventually these galaxies will be ripped apart by the tidal effects of more massive galaxies.
So if this is correct what happened to the gravitational energy that held the system together?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
wolram said:
Brown dwarf galaxies are, i think the coldest systems in the universe, If they continue to loose heat energy

If they really are "the coldest", then they won't be losing heat energy; they will be gaining it (because something that's colder than anything else in the universe can only get warmer, not colder, as it interacts with other things).

That said, I don't think these objects (do you have a reference for "brown dwarf galaxies"? not sure what they are supposed to be, I know what "brown dwarfs" are as single objects but I'm not aware of whole galaxies composed of them) are colder than the CMBR, which is at 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. So they would, in fact, continue to radiate heat energy, because they aren't really the "coldest" things in the universe.

wolram said:
they must loose gravitational energy as well

The dwarf will "lose energy" in one sense, yes; but not in another sense. Suppose there is a brown dwarf all alone in empty space, far from all other objects. You are somewhere far enough away from it that its gravity doesn't affect your motion, but you can watch it slowly radiate heat energy.

As the radiated energy passes you on its way outward, the mass that you measure for the brown dwarf will decrease, yes; in that sense it does "lose energy". However, as this happens, the brown dwarf becomes *more* tightly bound, gravitationally--i.e., it becomes *harder* to tear it apart (in the sense that it would take more energy to do so). So in that sense, it is not "losing gravitational energy"--its binding energy (the energy it would take to disassemble it) is increasing, not decreasing.

wolram said:
what happened to the gravitational energy that held the system together?

As the above shows, the "gravitational energy" you are referring to is *negative*. The system gets more tightly bound as it loses energy. In order for the system to be torn apart, sufficient energy has to be *added* to it; as the system loses heat energy and becomes more tightly bound, the amount of energy it takes to do this *increases*. So the accounting always balances.
  • #3
As an astrophysicist, I must say, I have never heard the term "brown dwarf galaxies"...only brown dwarfs...o.o
  • #4
wolram said:
Brown dwarf galaxies are, i think the coldest systems in the universe, If they continue to loose heat energy they must loose gravitational energy as well, eventually these galaxies will be ripped apart by the tidal effects of more massive galaxies.
So if this is correct what happened to the gravitational energy that held the system together?
As gravitational systems lose heat, they collapse inward.
  • #5
I am curious, why would you think a brown dwarf loses gravitational potential by cooling? How would that differ from white dwarfs that ultimately cool to become black dwarfs - and in a time frame which is probably shorter than that of a brown dwarf temperature dropping below the CMB. I agree with Matterwave, the notion of a brown dwarf galaxy is not a term with which I am familiar. No offense, but, it appears you are connecting dots that lack definition.

FAQ: What happens to the gravitational energy of a cooling brown dwarf galaxy?

What is a brown dwarf?

A brown dwarf is a type of celestial object that falls between a giant planet and a small star. It is bigger than a gas planet, but not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion like a star.

What is the next stage of a brown dwarf?

The next stage of a brown dwarf is the cooling stage, where it gradually cools down and dims over billions of years. Eventually, it will become a cold, dark object known as a black dwarf.

How do scientists study the next stage of brown dwarfs?

Scientists study the next stage of brown dwarfs by observing their spectra, or the different wavelengths of light they emit. They also use computer simulations to model the cooling process and compare it to observations.

Can brown dwarfs ever become stars?

No, brown dwarfs do not have enough mass to sustain nuclear fusion and become stars. However, they can merge with other objects, such as other brown dwarfs or planets, and potentially increase their mass enough to become a star.

Could brown dwarfs support life in their next stage?

It is highly unlikely that brown dwarfs would be able to support life in their next stage. They do not emit enough light or heat to sustain life, and any planets orbiting them would likely be too cold to support life as well.
