Understanding the Derivative of a Dot Product: A Question on the Product Rule

In summary: and this is one of the reasons i try to make myself familar with the differentiability properties of maps.
  • #1
I have come across something that seems a little strange to me. The derivative of a dot product is something similar to the product rule. I am having difficulties grasping this. Isn't the dot product of two vectors a scalar? And then I always thought of a scalar as a real number and the derivative of a real number is 0. So why does a theorem similar to the product rule exist and work?
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  • #2
Gott_ist_tot said:
I have come across something that seems a little strange to me. The derivative of a dot product is something similar to the product rule. I am having difficulties grasping this. Isn't the dot product of two vectors a scalar? And then I always thought of a scalar as a real number and the derivative of a real number is 0. So why does a theorem similar to the product rule exist and work?

A "scalar" is generally a "scalar function"... which is not necessarily a "scalar constant". The derivative of a constant is what is zero.
  • #3
Of two constant vectors, yes, the dot product is a constant (and a scalar). But when you consider vector functions, e.g.
T(x)=exp(x)i + log(x)j
U(x)=cos(x)i + csc(x)j
Then the dot-product of these will definitely not be a constant -- it will be the quantity exp(x)cos(x) + log(x)csc(x). That's where the formula is useful. You'll find that if T and U are constant vectors, then the formula will give you the expected result: 0.
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  • #4
product rule

it helps to know what a derivative is, i.e. that a derivative is a continuous linear map that approximates the difference in the values of the original map.

Take the multiplication map RxR-->R taking (x,y)-->xy. This is a bilinear map and its derivative at (a,b) is a linear map L(s,t) such that if x = a+s, y = b+t, then the difference xy-ab is approximated by the linear map L(s,t) to within an error which vanishes faster than (s,t) as (x,y) approaches (a,b).

In this case take L(s,t) = at+bs. Then the difference xy-ab differs from at+bs by the error term xy-ab - at-bs = (a+s)(b+t)-ab-at-bs = st, which does vanish faster than either s or t as (s,t) goes to zero.

so the derivative of xy, at (a,b), as a linear map on RxR, is the map taking (s,t) to at+bs. To get the leibniz rule, compose the derivative (f'(c),g'(c)) of a differentiable map R->RxR defined by a pair (f,g), with the derivative of multiplication taken at (f(c),g(c)).

This gives the linear map taking r to (f'(c)g(c)+f(c)g'(c))r.

as usually taught in elemenmtary calculus, this linear map is referred to only by the unique entry in tis 1by1 matrix, namely the number f'(c)g(c)+f(c)g'(c).

The same proof works for any continuous bilinear map, modulo the fact that commutativity does not always hold.

So the derivative of a possibly non commutative continuous bilinear map VxW-->U at a point (a,b), where V,W,U are complete normed vector spaces, maps (s,t) to (bs+at). and so the derivative of a product map fg:X-->U, viewed as a composite X-->VxV-->U where VxV-->U is a bilinear product, and (f,g) define the map X-->VxV, at the point c in X, is the linear map X-->U taking x in X to, what else? some plausible continuous linear function of x with values in U, namely [I guess] f’(c)(x).g(c) + f(c).g’(c)(x).

Hows that look?
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  • #5
if this seems confusing, it is. i not long ago had an anonymous referee for a research paper of mine, object to a statement i made about the derivative of a bilinear map, which statement however was completely correct. so even professionals are confused by these things at times.

but this is a lesson in elarning the right definition of a derivative, as a linear approximation to the difference map f(x)-f(a), linear in (x-a) that is.

i also had a professional analyst friend make a mistake on this latter score in a prelim exam, confusing linearity in x with linearity in (x-a).

FAQ: Understanding the Derivative of a Dot Product: A Question on the Product Rule

1. What is the formula for finding the derivative of a dot product?

The formula for finding the derivative of a dot product is the product rule, which states that the derivative of a product of two functions is equal to the first function times the derivative of the second function plus the second function times the derivative of the first function. In other words, (f(x) * g(x))' = f(x) * g'(x) + g(x) * f'(x).

2. Why is it important to know how to find the derivative of a dot product?

Knowing how to find the derivative of a dot product is important because it allows us to calculate the rate of change of a vector quantity with respect to another vector quantity. This is useful in many fields of science, including physics, engineering, and economics.

3. How does the derivative of a dot product relate to the dot product itself?

The derivative of a dot product is related to the original dot product by the chain rule, which states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function evaluated at the inner function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function. In this case, the outer function is the dot product and the inner function is the variable with respect to which we are taking the derivative.

4. Can the derivative of a dot product be negative?

Yes, the derivative of a dot product can be negative. This would occur when the dot product is decreasing, meaning that the rate of change of the dot product is negative. This can happen when the two vectors involved in the dot product are moving in opposite directions.

5. Are there any special cases when finding the derivative of a dot product?

One special case when finding the derivative of a dot product is when the two vectors involved are perpendicular to each other. In this case, the dot product would be equal to zero, and the derivative would also be equal to zero. This is because the two vectors are not changing in relation to each other, so there is no rate of change to be calculated.

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