Solving the Spinning Wheel Problem - Jonathan

In summary, The manner in which rotation becomes a translation can be difficult to understand, but it is important to note that there is no such thing as "only a rotational force". While a force applied at the center of mass causes only translation, the same force applied at a different point can induce both translation and rotation. This does not violate any laws, as the increase in kinetic energy is a result of the force being applied over a greater distance as the object rotates.
  • #1
Hi All! This is my first real post here.

I have a pretty basic question regarding rotating objects and the manner in which the rotation becomes a translation.

If I drop a bicycle wheel against the ground, it bounces back toward my hand. But if the wheel is spinning as it falls, it will move forward after it bounces.

I know (think) this is because of the opposing friction from the contact of the spinning wheel and the ground, but a diagram of the forces would show a frictional force perpendicular to the wheel's center of mass. Shouldn't this then be a completely rotational force?

If the wheel is floating perfectly still in space and a force is applied perpendicular to the wheel's center of mass, it will cause the object to spin without any linear translation, like a basketball on the end of somebody's finger, or a plate on a stick, right?

So a perpendicular force applied opposite to the direction an object is rotating will cause it to move in the direction of the force? Is that right? How would that be calculated?

Thanks! Hope I made my question understandable. Anything to point me in the right direction would be really appreciated.

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  • #2
This is something that takes a bit getting used to, but there's no such thing as 'only a rotational force'. I know, it's completely counter-intuitive, but if you apply a force so that it hits the center of mass, then it produces a translation but no rotation. However, if you apply this same force at a different point such that it induces a torque and a rotation, it will still product the same translation!

This is NOT a violation of any laws. You may be thinking "but isn't there also an increase in kinetic energy, due to the fact that the object is rotation AND translating". That would be a true statement. However, when you apply a force away from the center of mass, the force is applied over a greater distance as the object rotates, and subsequently the increase in kinetic energy comes from the fact that you really did increase the amount of work you did on the object.
  • #3

Hi Jonathan, welcome to the community and thanks for your question! You are correct in your understanding that the spinning wheel problem is due to the opposing friction between the wheel and the ground. This is known as the gyroscopic effect, where a spinning object resists changes in its orientation.

To answer your question about the perpendicular force causing linear translation, it depends on the point of application of the force. If the force is applied at the center of mass of the spinning object, it will only cause rotation without any linear translation. However, if the force is applied at a point other than the center of mass, it will cause both rotation and linear translation.

In terms of calculation, this can be done using the principles of torque and angular momentum. The torque, or rotational force, is equal to the product of the force and the distance from the point of application to the center of mass. The angular momentum, or rotational motion, is equal to the product of the moment of inertia (a measure of an object's resistance to rotation) and the angular velocity.

I hope this helps clarify your understanding of the spinning wheel problem. Keep exploring and asking questions!

FAQ: Solving the Spinning Wheel Problem - Jonathan

1. What is the spinning wheel problem?

The spinning wheel problem, also known as the "Jonathan problem," is a mathematical puzzle that involves finding the most efficient way to rotate a wheel with multiple spokes so that all the spokes are in a horizontal position at the same time.

2. Why is this problem important?

This problem has real-world applications, such as in the design of wind turbines or bicycle wheels, where ensuring that all spokes are evenly tensioned is crucial for optimal performance and safety.

3. What are some possible solutions to the spinning wheel problem?

There are various approaches to solving this problem, including mathematical calculations, computer simulations, and physical experiments. Some solutions involve changing the shape or size of the wheel, while others focus on the placement and movement of the spokes.

4. Has the spinning wheel problem been solved?

No, there is no definitive solution to this problem yet. While there have been many proposed solutions, none have been universally accepted as the most efficient or effective approach.

5. What are some challenges in solving the spinning wheel problem?

One of the main challenges in solving this problem is the complexity of the mathematical equations involved. There are also practical limitations in terms of the size and shape of the wheel, as well as the number of spokes that can be used. Additionally, finding a solution that is both efficient and feasible in real-world applications can be difficult.

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