Electronic device are still alive even when they are off?

In summary, some electronic devices are still "alive" even when they are turned off due to features such as standby voltage or soft on/off switches. However, this varies depending on the device and pulling the plug will completely turn it off. Additionally, even when not in use, some devices may draw a small amount of current due to imperfect on/off switches. Overall, the extent to which a device is still "alive" when turned off depends on the specific device and its features.
  • #1
is it true that electoronical device are still alive even when they are off? if yes why?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
It depends upon the device. The recent generations of computers have a standby voltage which is always on, many TVs and other electronic devices have a similar feature. This allows for soft on/off switches. That means the device is controlled by lower voltages and usually comes up faster.

If you pull the plug they are off cold.

Again this feature depends completely on the device and varies.
  • #3
Yes, it is true.

Devices that are not completely off can:
- respond to a remote control
- keep time
  • #4
There's also the factor that even something like a toaster draws an infinitesimal current when not in use, if plugged in, just because most on/off switches aren't perfect insulators.
  • #5
Danger said:
There's also the factor that even something like a toaster draws an infinitesimal current when not in use, if plugged in, just because most on/off switches aren't perfect insulators.

If a person is going to THAT extreme I'd say leakage in the cord and for that matter the wiring in the house is more significant.

FAQ: Electronic device are still alive even when they are off?

1. How is it possible for electronic devices to still be alive when they are turned off?

Electronic devices, such as smartphones and laptops, have a small battery called a CMOS battery that provides a small amount of power to keep the device's internal clock running and maintain settings, even when the device is turned off. This allows the device to "wake up" quickly when turned back on.

2. Does this mean that electronic devices are constantly using energy even when they are turned off?

Yes, but the amount of energy used is very minimal. The CMOS battery only provides enough power to maintain basic functions and settings, and does not drain the main battery of the device. However, if the device is not used for a long period of time, the CMOS battery may eventually run out of power and need to be replaced.

3. Can turning off the device completely, such as unplugging it or removing the battery, prevent this energy usage?

Yes, removing the main battery or unplugging the device from a power source will completely shut off the device and prevent any energy usage. However, this may also reset the device's clock and settings, and it may take longer for the device to turn back on when powered on again.

4. Are there any risks associated with leaving electronic devices in a "sleep" or "off" state?

No, there are no known risks associated with leaving electronic devices in a "sleep" or "off" state. The small amount of energy used by the CMOS battery is not enough to cause any harm to the device or the user.

5. Is there a way to completely shut off a device without removing the battery or unplugging it?

Yes, most electronic devices have a "shut down" function that completely turns off the device and conserves energy. This can usually be accessed through the device's settings or by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds. It is recommended to use this function when the device will not be in use for an extended period of time.

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