Calculating Equilibrium Temperature in a Water Mixture

In summary, to find the equilibrium temperature in a problem like this, you can use the equation q = m*C_p *ΔT and set the heat transfer of one object equal to the heat transfer of the other. This will give you an equation with one unknown variable, the final temperature. By solving algebraically, you can find the final temperature, which will be the same for both objects. It is important to convert to Kelvin if the specific heat capacity is based on Kelvin.
  • #1
How would you find the equilibrium temperature in a problem like this? **I don't need the answer, just some advice on getting there**

45g of water at 4 degrees C is added to 150g of water at 75 degrees C. What is the mixture's equilibrium temperature?
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  • #2
[tex]q = m*C_p *\Delta T[/tex]
Both objects will have the same heat transfer....
  • #3
FredGarvin said:
[tex]q = m*C_p *\Delta T[/tex]
Both objects will have the same heat transfer....

I don't get it...

m = total mass
c = forgot it's name of water
delta T = unknown
q = unknown

You have two unknowns...
  • #4
heat lost by one volume of water at its temperature will be gained by the other. Thus
q1 (gained)=-q2(lost), you'll need to set the q equal to each other and solve for final temperature, Tf, which will be the same for the two equations.
  • #5
So how do I solve for q? Either way I look at it, I've got two unknowns. Do I need to use solving for simultaneous equations or something?
  • #6
Its Easy...

hey tokimasa


we know m,M and we can cancel "c" because both c are equal(we are talking about mixing the same material here-water)...then we will get an equation based on T...and we can find T from it,which is the temperature of the mixture...

now i will tell u the idea behind this...we are talking about mixing the same substance...that is the property of heat transfer and temperature changes can be easily related...when u bring cold water towards hotter water...the hot loses some Q...this Q is gained by cold water...then only the condition becomes equillibrium isn't it??here one is loosing and the other is gaining...thats y the sign difference occurs
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  • #7
nomorevishnu said:
hey tokimasa


we know m,M and we can cancel "c" because both c are equal(we are talking about mixing the same material here-water)...then we will get an equation based on T...and we can find T from it,which is the temperature of the mixture...

now i will tell u the idea behind this...we are talking about mixing the same substance...that is the property of heat transfer and temperature changes can be easily related...when u bring cold water towards hotter water...the hot loses some Q...this Q is gained by cold water...then only the condition becomes equillibrium isn't it??here one is loosing and the other is gaining...thats y the sign difference occurs

I see where you are coming from now. But where do you get 227 and 348 from?
  • #8
He's converting to kelvin, but he did it wrong.

The heat gained frmo one equals the heat lost from the other

[tex] q_1 = -q_2 [/tex]

[tex] m*c*(T_{celsius}+273) = -m*c*(T_{celsius} + 273) [/tex]

Where the left side is one of the liquids, and the right side is the other. C is the same for both, and m is the mass of each quantity.
  • #9
y is it wrong man?we have to incorporate temperature change as well...and i did it Q1=-Q2...ok...dont simply say its wrong
  • #10
But it is wrong.. T - 277? T - 348? Whats that?
  • #11
now what!

in the problem given by tokimasa...Tf...the final equilibrium temperature is what we have to find...for both the part of liquids change of temperature takes place...for the cooler water temperature increases from 277K(given by tokimasa) to*c*(Tf-277)

for the cooler water temperature decreases from 348K(also given) to Tf...
so Q=M*c*(Tf-348) T is always Tf-277 and Tf-348 do u understand??
  • #12
First of all, is it really necessary to change it to Kelvin? Is the answer meant to be in Kelvin?

It is quite simple. You find m*c*DT for both of the "waters". You know the mass of both, the specific heat capacity (c) is 4190, and you know the initial temperature of both systems. You want to find the final temperature.

m1*c*DT1 + m2*c*DT2 = 0

so you get 0.045*4190*(Tf-4) + 0.15*4190*(Tf-75) = 0

Then you just solve it algebraically.

Cehck that your answer is between 4 degrees and 75 degrees.
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  • #13
~angel~ said:
First of all, is it really necessary to change it to Kelvin? Is the answer meant to be in Kelvin?

It is quite simple. You find m*c*DT for both of the "waters". You know the mass of both, the specific heat capacity (c) is 4190, and you know the initial temperature of both systems. You want to find the final temperature.

m1*c*DT1 + m2*c*DT2 = 0

so you get 0.045*4190*(Tf-4) + 0.15*4190*(Tf-75) = 0

Then you just solve it algebraically.

Cehck that your answer is between 4 degrees and 75 degrees.

Yes, kelvin is necessary. Other than that this is all correct..
I just noticed I forgot the deltas in my equations above.
  • #14
celsius and kelvin depends upon the unit of specific heat constant...that is "c"...if u r taking c on the basis of celcius...use celcius...if c is in SI use kelvins...

FAQ: Calculating Equilibrium Temperature in a Water Mixture

What is equilibrium temperature?

Equilibrium temperature is the temperature at which a system is in thermal equilibrium, meaning there is no net transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings. It is the temperature at which the system's internal energy is at a maximum and entropy is at a maximum.

How is equilibrium temperature calculated?

Equilibrium temperature can be calculated using the equation: Teq = √(T1*T2), where Teq is the equilibrium temperature, T1 is the temperature of the first object, and T2 is the temperature of the second object. This equation is known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law and is based on the assumption that both objects are blackbodies.

What factors affect equilibrium temperature?

The factors that affect equilibrium temperature include the emissivity of the objects, their surface area, and the absorption and reflection of radiation. Additionally, the temperature difference between the objects and the distance between them also play a role in determining the equilibrium temperature.

Why is equilibrium temperature important?

Equilibrium temperature is important because it helps us understand how thermal energy is transferred between different objects. It also helps us determine the most efficient temperature for processes such as heat transfer, heat engines, and radiative cooling. Additionally, equilibrium temperature is a key concept in fields such as thermodynamics, astrophysics, and climate science.

Can equilibrium temperature change over time?

Yes, equilibrium temperature can change over time as the factors that affect it, such as surface area and distance between objects, can change. For example, as an object cools down, its equilibrium temperature will decrease. Additionally, changes in the energy inputs to a system, such as changes in solar radiation, can also cause the equilibrium temperature to change over time.
