Real life situation to a sin graph on position by time graph

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of taking derivatives of different functions, such as the sine function and the exponential function. It is mentioned that while the derivatives of most functions are never identically zero, there are some functions where the derivative may be zero at certain points. The conversation also explores the idea of taking derivatives of derivatives, and how this relates to real life situations. Finally, the conversation touches on the question of whether there can be a real life situation where the function and its derivative are the same.
  • #1
Here is the deal, no matter how many times you take the derivative of the sin graph, you never get zero b/c you get in a cycle, well, I just can't picture anything like that happening in real life b/c if you keep taking derivative, at some point of time, the graph has to be y=0 equation b/c the acceleration of the acceleration of the... has to be at some point of time be zero. Do you follow me?
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  • #2
Why? Suppose you were pacing, moving from -1 to 1 and back, following the value of the sine function.
  • #3
Skhandelwal said:
Here is the deal, no matter how many times you take the derivative of the sin graph, you never get zero b/c you get in a cycle, well, I just can't picture anything like that happening in real life b/c if you keep taking derivative, at some point of time, the graph has to be y=0 equation b/c the acceleration of the acceleration of the... has to be at some point of time be zero. Do you follow me?

It's not clear what you are asking. Yes, the repeated derivatives of sin x, like the derivatives of most functions, are never identically 0. But then you say "has to be at some point of time zero". Are you saying that for some t some derivative must be 0? Yes, that's true for sin t. The first derivative of sin t is cox t which is 0 for x= any odd multiple of [itex]\frac{\pi}{2}[/itex].

On the other hand, the function y(x)= ex has derivatives of all orders equal to ex which is never 0 for any x.
It's not clear to me what you are saying "has to be at some point of time zero".
  • #4
Yes, you can add exponential function too. All I am asking is that when you take derivative of position graph, you get velocity, you take derivative of velocity graph, you get acceleration, you take deriv. of accel. graph, you get jerk(accel. of accel.), you take deriv. of that(you get accel. of accel. of accel.) and as you keep taking deriv. you keep getting accel. of accel. of ...
Now the thing is, in real life, I can't think of any situation that would project such a phenomenon. In physics class, life motion can be presented by position graph, well I just can't think of any situation where the rate at which you accelerate accelerates at the same rate. Do you follow me this time?
  • #5
Population growth accelerates exponentially.

A mass bouncing on a spring moves with harmonic motion.

There's your sine and ex models
  • #6
I get sin/cosine problem, however, exponential problem remains...

For the exponential graph, if I try to explain you my question mathematically, it will take a whole page for me so I will ask you conceptually. I realize that our population growth is increasing exponentially, but if we try find the acceleration of the acceleration of rate it is increasing at, we won't get the same graph no matter at what rate something is increasing.(as far as I know which has to be wrong if there is an example of e^x graph) What I am wondering is that how can there be graph whose derivative is the same graph as so on till infinity correspond to a real life situation?

Here is a summarized version of the mathematical version of my exponential problem question. If something is growing at an exponential rate and its function is given as y=2^x then its derivative will be 2^x X Ln2. Which is less and that makes sense, although no matter how many deriv you take of that it will never be zero, I understand that. But what I am wondering is that can there be a real life situation who function will be given as y=e^x? So no matter how many deriv. you take of it, you will get the same thing?
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  • #7

FAQ: Real life situation to a sin graph on position by time graph

1. What is a sin graph and how is it related to a position by time graph?

A sin graph is a type of graph that represents a sine function, which is used to describe periodic or oscillating motion. It is related to a position by time graph because the position of an object over time can often be described using a sine function, such as in the case of a pendulum or a spring.

2. How can a real-life situation be represented by a sin graph on a position by time graph?

A real-life situation, such as the motion of a pendulum or a mass on a spring, can be represented by a sin graph on a position by time graph by plotting the position of the object at different points in time. As the object oscillates back and forth, the position values will follow a sine function and create a sin graph on the position by time graph.

3. How are the amplitude, period, and frequency of a sin graph related to a real-life situation?

The amplitude of a sin graph represents the maximum displacement of the object from its equilibrium position, which can be related to the maximum height of a pendulum or the maximum stretch of a spring. The period of a sin graph, which is the time it takes for one complete cycle, is related to the time it takes for the object to complete one full oscillation. The frequency, which is the number of cycles per unit time, is related to how fast the object is oscillating in real-life.

4. Can a sin graph on a position by time graph be used to predict future motion of an object?

Yes, a sin graph on a position by time graph can be used to predict future motion of an object as long as the motion is periodic or follows a repeating pattern. By analyzing the amplitude, period, and frequency of the graph, we can make predictions about the future position of the object at different points in time.

5. What other factors can affect the shape of a sin graph on a position by time graph?

The shape of a sin graph on a position by time graph can be affected by other factors such as the mass of the object, the strength of the spring, or the length of the pendulum. These factors can change the amplitude, period, and frequency of the graph, and therefore alter the shape of the sin graph.

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