Effect of temperature on a squash ball

In summary, the conversation discusses the effect of temperature on the bounce of a squash ball. The question is posed, why does a hot ball bounce higher? Possible explanations include an increase in air pressure due to heating and different temperature coefficients for different types of balls, potentially leading to variations in ball speed. Another idea is that the material properties, such as thermo setting polymers and their setting temperature, may play a role in the bounce of the ball. It is also pointed out that an increase in temperature may actually make the ball more flexible and bouncier, as it breaks the bonds of crosslinks in the polymer. It is suggested that slower balls may have more crosslinks, while faster balls have
  • #1
hey,my gf is doing the effect of temperature on a squash ball expt and i started thinkin about it (im doing physics at uni(and this makes me sound sad dunt it lol)) but why does it bounce higher when hot...is it because the air inside heats up and therefore there is a higher pressure? but i was thinking about the different types of ball aswell, so would they have a different remperature co-efficent and dissapate the heat faster and therefore the balls with a higher temperature co-efficent be 'slower' balls or another idea...is it to do with the properties of the material ie, some type of thermo setting polymer and the balls have different temperatures at which they set, therefore the 'faster balls would have a lower setting temperature', its been a while since i did solid materials
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  • #2
i just realized i bin thinkin that an increase in temp would make the ball harder lol, so infact when the ball gets hotter doesn't it receive the energy to break the bonds of some of the cross links in the pllymer and therefore become more flexible and therefore bouncier
im guessing the slower balls have more crosslinks
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the effect of temperature on a squash ball. I can provide some insight into this topic.

Firstly, you are correct in thinking that the air inside the squash ball heats up, causing an increase in pressure and therefore a higher bounce. This is known as the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature.

However, as you mentioned, there are also other factors at play, such as the type of material used in the squash ball. Different materials have different thermal properties, which can affect how they respond to changes in temperature. For example, some materials may expand more when heated, leading to a higher bounce, while others may not expand as much and therefore have a lower bounce.

Additionally, as you suggested, different types of squash balls may have different temperature coefficients, meaning they may dissipate heat at different rates. This could also impact their bounce performance.

Overall, the effect of temperature on a squash ball is a complex interaction between factors such as air pressure, material properties, and temperature coefficients. Further research and experimentation would be needed to fully understand and explain this phenomenon. I hope this helps to answer your question. Best of luck to your girlfriend with her experiment!

FAQ: Effect of temperature on a squash ball

1. How does temperature affect the bounce of a squash ball?

The bounce of a squash ball is greatly affected by temperature. As the temperature increases, the air molecules inside the ball expand and cause the ball to become more pressurized. This results in a higher bounce. On the other hand, as the temperature decreases, the air molecules contract and the ball becomes less pressurized, resulting in a lower bounce.

2. What is the ideal temperature for a squash ball to have the best bounce?

The ideal temperature for a squash ball to have the best bounce is between 45-55 degrees Fahrenheit (7-13 degrees Celsius). At this temperature range, the ball's air molecules are at the optimal pressure to provide a consistent and predictable bounce.

3. How does the type of surface affect the temperature of a squash ball?

The type of surface that the squash ball is in contact with can greatly affect its temperature. For example, a ball on a hot court surface will absorb more heat and have a higher internal temperature, resulting in a higher bounce. Conversely, a ball on a cold court surface will absorb less heat and have a lower internal temperature, resulting in a lower bounce.

4. Can extreme temperatures permanently damage a squash ball?

Yes, extreme temperatures can permanently damage a squash ball. If a ball is exposed to very high temperatures, it can cause the air molecules inside to expand beyond the ball's capacity and cause it to burst. On the other hand, exposure to very low temperatures can cause the ball to become too pressurized and crack or deform.

5. How can the effect of temperature on a squash ball be reduced or controlled?

The effect of temperature on a squash ball can be reduced or controlled by storing the balls in a temperature-controlled environment before use. This will help to keep the balls at the optimal temperature range for the best bounce. Additionally, players can also warm up the balls by rubbing them between their hands or using a ball warmer before playing to increase their internal temperature and improve their bounce.
