Calculating Work and Force in a Perfectly Inelastic Collision

But then you must account for the 116 kJ by other means. I'm not sure what the problem intends to teach us. It seems to be asking us to calculate the average force, but the force must be larger than the original kinetic energy, so I'm not sure what that is about. If you are confused, I am also.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car of mass 1240 kg has kinetic energy of 116 kJ. There is a stalled SUV of mass 2710 kg blocking the intersection. Because he obliviously chatting away on his cell phone, the driver of the car plows into the SUV without braking. The two vehicles stick together (a perfectly inelastic collision) and slide to a stop.

Homework Equations

a) How much work is done against the force of friction, during the time when the vehicles are sliding?

b) The answer to a) above is less than the original kinetic energy. Assume that the energy was transformed to work done by crushing the cars and that the cars were crushed a total of 77.4 cm. What, then, was the magnitude of the average force during the collision?

Assume that the wheels of both cars are locked and do not roll. Also assume that the pavement is dry and that the coefficient of friction between the cars and the road is μ = 0.960.

c) If the pavement was level, how far did the two vehicles slide?

d) Suppose that the pavement was not level, that the car was heading up a hill whose slope was 12.1°. Then the distance the two “shmooshed” vehicles slid uphill was

e) Suppose this time that the car had been heading down the 12.1° grade when it hit the SUV. The distance of slide would then be

The Attempt at a Solution

a) since perfectly inelastic...

m1*KE1 +m2*KE2 = (m1+m2) * KE
(1240)(116) + (2710)(0) = (1240+2710) KE
KE = 36415 J = 36.415 kJ

b) W = F*d
36415 J = F (0.774 m)
F = 47048.036 N

c) Ffr = u*(mg)
W = Ffr*d
W = u(mg)* d
36415 J = (.960)(92710 kg +1240kg)(9.8) * d
d = 0.9799 m

d) W = Ffr * cos (theta) * d
36415 J = (.960)(92710 kg +1240kg)(9.8) * cos(12.1) * d
d = 0.8433 m

e) W = Ffr * sin (theta) * d
36415 J = (.960)(92710 kg +1240kg)(9.8) * sin(12.1) * d
d = 3.9337 m

:confused: Still unsure about the formula differences of d and e. ?
Can anybody help me out?? :frown:
Physics news on
  • #2
well off the top of my head, d fails to account for the work done by gravity in coming to a stop, and vice versa. You resolved the frictional force correctly I think but then neglected the work done vs mgh.
  • #3
am i also missing a factor for part b?
  • #4
be right back--playing some net gammon.
  • #5
well the question assumes a perfectly inelastic collision--is this like a perfect storm? Inelastic assumes energy is not conserved, but you set it up as it was.

FAQ: Calculating Work and Force in a Perfectly Inelastic Collision

1. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is a scalar quantity and is dependent on the mass and velocity of the object.

2. How is kinetic energy calculated?

Kinetic energy is calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity.

3. What is the relationship between kinetic energy and work?

Kinetic energy and work are closely related as work is defined as the energy transferred to or from an object by a force, and this transfer of energy can change the object's kinetic energy.

4. Can an object have kinetic energy without any work being done on it?

No, an object cannot have kinetic energy without any work being done on it. Kinetic energy is a result of work being done on the object, either by an external force or by the object itself.

5. How does kinetic energy affect an object's motion?

Kinetic energy affects an object's motion by determining its speed and ability to do work. The greater an object's kinetic energy, the faster it will move and the more work it can do.
