New revolutionary theory explaining every thing about black hole

In summary: End of universe also seems to be a part of this equation, but i want to be sure about these ideas before presenting them.In summary, Aekansh is working on a black hole mystery and has come up with some ideas about how they are created. He is concerned about the current definition of a black hole, as it does not seem to be accurate. He also wants to make sure that his ideas are correct before presenting them. He mentions the End of Universe and the force exerted by a less massive object on a more massive one during a supernova. All of this seems to suggest that his ideas are plausible.
  • #1
Dear Friends,
from some time in the past i have been working on the black hole mystery. and i figured out some ideas about black hole's creation. the present defination does not seen to be acceptable to comman sence, as how can a less massive object strong gravitationalforce than a much more massive object, as the present defination sugest. so figured it out that how could it can be possibe in my ideas time travel according to Einstein-Rosen Bridge,end of the universe are also explained. but the problem is i want tofully conferm these ideas befor presenting it. kindly send me any information you think present defination of black hole doesnot prove or any thing you thinkis helpful to solve it.

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  • #2
It would be helpful if you would proofread your note. It is full of spelling errors and the punctuation makes it almost unreadable.
  • #3
I have my own definition of a black hole. I do not agree with the current definition or model governing the phenomenon. I would like to hear your idea of how a black hole works. If you could, post it here or PM me. I'd appreciate your explanation.
  • #4
Let's see if I can word this right...

Lots of stuff gets clustered in one spot, makes lots of gravity, and makes other stuff want to be in that spot. The matter in a black hole is condensed to the extreme, but is not "infinitely" small. There's only one way to go after you pass the event horizon.
  • #5
A black hole is simple to define. When the force of gravity overwhelms the neutron degeneracy limit, a black hole forms. That does not seem very hard to understand. Just because our math breaks down at that point does not mean physical reality breaks down. Obviously, it does not. We observe a universe that permits both black holes and our inability to understand them [at least to our satisfaction].
  • #6
to all of you,
Every one is saying that a black hole is created due to intence gravitational force of the remaining core of the star after supernova, but will anyone please explain to me that hoe could a less massive core of a star can exert much more force than the parent star with a mass greater than the black hole as during supernova it lost a huge amount of mass as energy and space dust.

FAQ: New revolutionary theory explaining every thing about black hole

What is the new revolutionary theory about black holes?

The new theory proposes that black holes are not actually "holes" in space, but rather objects made up of a highly compacted and distorted form of matter. This matter is so dense that it generates a powerful gravitational pull, making it difficult for anything to escape once it gets too close.

How does this theory explain the extreme gravitational pull of black holes?

The theory suggests that the intense gravitational pull of black holes is due to the extreme density of matter within them. As more matter gets pulled in, the black hole grows in size and its gravitational pull becomes even stronger.

What does this theory say about the event horizon of a black hole?

The event horizon, which is the point of no return for anything approaching a black hole, is still present in this theory. However, it is not a physical barrier but rather a point of extreme distortion in space-time caused by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole.

Can this theory explain the phenomenon of Hawking radiation?

Yes, the theory proposes that Hawking radiation, a type of radiation that is emitted by black holes, is actually a result of the intense gravitational pull causing particles to be pulled apart and annihilated. This process releases energy in the form of radiation.

How does this theory differ from previous explanations of black holes?

This theory differs from previous explanations of black holes because it does not rely on the concept of a singularity, or a point of infinite density, at the center of a black hole. Instead, it offers a new way of understanding the nature of black holes based on the behavior of matter under extreme conditions.
