Moon Center of Mass/ Center of Gravity

In summary: Yes, the gravitational pull between two uniform spheres can be calculated as if they were two points at their respective center of mass.
  • #1

I was wondering about an issue that we just started in my physics class: we learned that center of mass (CM) and center of gravity (CG) coincide in an object as long as the force of gravity is uniform over that object. So, for something near the Earth's surface we can say that CM and CG coincide because the small change in height means that gravity is essentially uniform over that object; but when you get to the moon, do the CM and CG coincide? It's a very large object, so does gravity have a constant value all along it?

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  • #2
Both the center of gravity and center of mass of a uniform sphere coincide with the geometrical center. The Earth's pull is not uniform from the front of the moon to the back, but the only effect this has on the moon is to cause a tidal stress.
  • #3
Is there any reason why this is true? I'm thinking that even if the moon were thought of as nested, spherical shells, that doesn't mean the force of gravity can't be somewhere other than the center of mass (or can it)?
  • #4
schaefera said:
Is there any reason why this is true? I'm thinking that even if the moon were thought of as nested, spherical shells, that doesn't mean the force of gravity can't be somewhere other than the center of mass (or can it)?

I never heard someone referring to "center of gravity" in space. But, conceptually, moon's center of gravity is definitely not center of mass.
  • #6
Bill_K said:
This is a well-known theorem, but if you don't accept it, by all means tell us where you think it is instead. Or see

Yes, the gravitational pull between two uniform spheres can be calculated as if they were two points at their respective center of mass.

But is center of gravity something you need to calculate the magnitude of gravity? No! The "as if gravity exerted on one point" is in the context of torque and rotation!
  • #7
Consider an object consisting of two point masses, m1 and m2, separated by displacement vector r. Suppose they are in presence of gravitational field with vector strength g1 and g2 respectively. Center of mass is trivially located at rCM=rm2/(m1 + m2) from m1.

Finding center of gravity is slightly more complicated. It is a point a combined force from which generates the same amount of torque on the system.

[tex]\vec{T} = m_2 \vec{r}_2 \times \vec{g}_2[/tex]

[tex]\vec{F} = m_1 \vec{g}_1 + m_2 \vec{g}_2[/tex]

To generate torque T, force F must be applied to a point:

[tex]\vec{r}_{CG} = \frac{\vec{F} \times \vec{T}}{||F||^2} + \vec{r}_p[/tex]

Note that the solution is not unique. rp is any vector perpendicular to F. However, for general g1 and g2, there is no solution rCG = rCM.

FAQ: Moon Center of Mass/ Center of Gravity

1. What is the difference between the Moon's center of mass and its center of gravity?

The center of mass is the point at which an object's mass is evenly distributed in all directions, while the center of gravity is the point where the force of gravity acts on an object. For a symmetrical object like the Moon, the center of mass and center of gravity are usually in the same location.

2. How is the Moon's center of mass calculated?

The Moon's center of mass is calculated by taking into account the distribution of mass within the Moon, including its crust, mantle, and core. It is also influenced by the gravitational pull of Earth, as the two bodies have a mutual attraction. Scientists use complex mathematical equations to determine the exact location of the Moon's center of mass.

3. Does the Moon's center of mass change over time?

Yes, the Moon's center of mass does change over time due to various factors such as tides, impacts from asteroids or comets, and the shifting of its internal structure. However, these changes are very small and are not significant enough to affect the Moon's orbit around Earth.

4. How does the Moon's center of mass affect its orbit around Earth?

The Moon's center of mass plays a crucial role in its orbit around Earth. It is at this point that the gravitational force between the two bodies is strongest. Therefore, any changes in the Moon's center of mass can affect its orbit and lead to changes in its distance from Earth and the duration of its orbit.

5. Can the Moon's center of mass be used to determine its internal structure?

Yes, the Moon's center of mass can provide valuable information about its internal structure. By studying the Moon's center of mass, scientists can estimate the size and distribution of its core, mantle, and crust. They can also use this data to understand the Moon's formation and evolution.

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