Finding Minimum Number of Spot-Welds for Steel Lap Joint

In summary, a homework question asks for the number of spot welds that must be used to support a stress of 20 MN/m2. The student tries to find this number using the tensile stress and cross-sectional area, but gets lost. The student finds the number of spot welds using the load and critical stress/spot weld.
  • #1

Homework Statement

please help i have just been introduced to shear stress and can do the basics i have just got a problem with this homework question and i am after some pointers as how to tackle it here's the question TWO STRIPS OF STEEL,100*2.5MM,ARE SPOT WELDED TOGETHER TO FORM A LAP JOINT, THE SPOT-WELDS BEING SINGLE SHEAR. THE SPOT WELD HAVE A DIAMETER OF 4MM AND THE SAFE SHEARING STRESS ON SPOT-WELD IS 35MN/m2. EVALUATE THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF COMPLETE SPOT-WELDS NEEDED IF THE JOINT IS SUBJECTED TO A TENSILE STRESS OF 20MN/m2 hpe you can help cheers

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Use the tensile stress and cross-sectional area to determine the load.

Then take the load and divide by the total area of the spot welds = N*Aspot.

The shear stress is just the load divided by the area supporting that load.
  • #3
thanks i will let you no how i get on
  • #4
  • #5
The load is related to the Tensile Stress 20MN/m2. The cross-sectional area is correct.

One must find the number of spot welds, such that the shear stress in one spot weld is less than the safe shear stress of 35 MN/m2.
  • #6
ok double checked load 20MN/m2 x 250x10-6 = 5x10 3 then 35x10 6 / 5 x103 = 7 x 10 3 if this is not right I am lost thanks again
  • #7
Ok. With the load, one must divide the load by the total area of the N spot welds in order for the shear stress in any spot weld to be less than 35 MN/m2.

See if this reference helps.

Stress is load P divided by area A or [itex]\sigma[/itex] = P/A or F/A. Conventially [itex]\sigma[/itex] refers to the normal stress, i.e. the stress vector is parallel with the normal to the surface of interest. Also, [itex]\tau[/itex] = P/A or F/A, but here the load or force is perpendicular to the normal of the surface, i.e. the load/force is parallel with the surface.

So in the problem at hand, determine P/A, where A = N As, whereAs is the area of one spot weld.

You're getting there. :smile:
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  • #8
i have found p/a or f/a =5 x10 3/1.25x10-5(area of one spot weld)=400 x 10 6 how do i find how many spot welds now as i have tried to divide the answer by 35 MN/m2 your help is much appreiciated
  • #9
So take the total stress and divide by critical stress/spot weld. The number of welds N, must be a whole number, and one has to round up regardless, since the local stress (in any given spot weld) must be less than the critical stress.
  • #10
do i divide 5 x 10 3/1.25 x 10 - 5 as i have the answer on the question sheet as 7 but this formula =400 10 6 I am lost!
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FAQ: Finding Minimum Number of Spot-Welds for Steel Lap Joint

1. How is the minimum number of spot-welds determined for a steel lap joint?

The minimum number of spot-welds for a steel lap joint is determined by considering the thickness of the steel sheets, the strength of the spot-welds, and the applied load. This calculation is typically done using mathematical models and simulations.

2. What factors affect the minimum number of spot-welds needed for a steel lap joint?

The minimum number of spot-welds needed for a steel lap joint is affected by the thickness of the steel sheets, the type and strength of the welding process, the applied load, and the desired safety factor. Other factors such as material properties and joint geometry may also play a role.

3. Can the minimum number of spot-welds be reduced to save time and cost?

In some cases, the minimum number of spot-welds can be reduced by using stronger welding techniques or optimizing the joint design. However, this should only be done after thorough analysis and consideration of safety, as reducing the number of spot-welds may compromise the strength and integrity of the joint.

4. How accurate are the calculations for determining the minimum number of spot-welds?

The accuracy of the calculations for determining the minimum number of spot-welds depends on the accuracy of the input parameters and assumptions made in the mathematical models. It is important to use reliable and validated data and to account for all relevant factors to ensure the accuracy of the results.

5. Are there any standards or guidelines for determining the minimum number of spot-welds for a steel lap joint?

Yes, there are various standards and guidelines available for determining the minimum number of spot-welds for a steel lap joint. These include industry standards such as ASTM and ISO, as well as guidelines from professional organizations such as the American Welding Society. It is important to follow these standards and guidelines to ensure safe and reliable joint designs.
