New Computer Case Design - Airflow Dynamics?

In summary, the homemade computer case designed mainly for silence will use many levels to force the sound to bounce back and forth (off of walls lined with sound deadening material), and hopefully not hinder air flow too much.
  • #1
Building a homemade computer case, designed mainly for silence.
General theory is computers generate heat, fighting heat (fans) make noise.

Heat moves, up, don't fight it. Case will be designed in a chimney fashion. Using many levels will force the sound to bounce back and forth (off of walls lined with sound deadening material), and hopefully not hinder air flow too much.

Question is, from an airflow perspective, should each tier have the same volume? What I'm worried about is if you go from a tier with a large volume to a smaller tier, does the air simply speed up?

I would expect if you halved the volume, their air speed would double. However, I'm concerned about creating a pressure buildup trying to force the air through the smaller tier which would decrease effeciency.

|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|   <-- exhaust air filter, grill
|     DVDROM     |   <-- 5.25" bay
|  ____________  |
|   CPU  [ [ [   |   <-- upside-down motherboard
|   | |  [ [ [   |
|___| |__||______|   <-- two exhaust ducts
|                |
|_____________   |
|                |
|     HD         |
|_PSU____________|   <-- PSU and 120mm fan push air
|                |
|_____________   |
|                |
|                |
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|   <-- intake air filter
 V              V    <-- legs to raise above floor

Any input from someone real familar with how air flows?
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  • #2
My fluid dynamics is too rusty, I'll let someone else tackle that. I'd say as long as you don't get too small with your air pathways, not much to worry about there.

The two main types of sound reduction are to absorb the sound energy (foam, fiberglass insulation, jute carpet padding, etc) and to minimize structure borne noise. The structure borne noise that is a result of the actual mechanical panels acting as 'speakers' creating the noise in the interior compartment can have the noise level reduced with viscoelastic asphalt based materials and decoupling materials. Works fine in cars and planes but that wouldn't help much in a computer case.

You need quiet fans (places like Grainger sometimes list fans with db rating) and then need to try to place absorbing material effectively to minimize direct sound (and reflect it back in) and this is a simple 90 degree or 180 bend with an absorber placed for the sound to 'run into' at the end of the turn. Here's a picture about 1/3 the way down this page that shows how to create a box to quiet down a HVAC register, and that's a fan blowing air in a manner similar to yours...

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  • #3
Its a little tough to tell from the pic, but are you showing everything horizontal? Motherboard, drives, etc? That'll completely destroy your airflow. The motherboard especially, must be vertical and there must be at least a small unobstructed vertical air path.
  • #4
Neoprene washers on the screws between the fans and metal.

Yes, cutting the area in half doubles the velocity of the air and will increase the pressure some.

Some company (Dell I think?) just used a huge heatsink on their CPU and the PSU fan for their PIII cooling. Very quiet. Ran the heatsink to infront of the PSU fan intake. And I think Apple had a fairly recent model with no fan.
  • #5
Think about conservation of energy before you put sound absorption inside your case. What happens to that accoustic energy when it is absorbed? It is converted to heat. Also, probably more importantly, most sound absorbers act like thermal insulation. They restrict airflow, and prevent convection processes from moving heat to the case's metal exterior.

  • #6
Some of the the Dell cases are quite silent. I think most of the sound comes from bad bearings in the fans. Papst (or Pabst, can't remember exactly) makes great fans. Perhaps a little pricey, but they're really nice ! Worth looking into, I think.

FAQ: New Computer Case Design - Airflow Dynamics?

1. What is the importance of airflow dynamics in computer case design?

The airflow dynamics in a computer case are crucial for maintaining the internal temperature of the components. Proper airflow ensures that the hot air generated by the components is efficiently removed, preventing overheating and potential damage.

2. How can I improve the airflow in my current computer case?

There are several ways to improve the airflow in a computer case, such as adding more fans, cleaning dust build-up, and repositioning components to optimize the flow of air. Upgrading to a case with better airflow design and cable management can also make a significant difference.

3. What are some features to look for in a computer case for optimal airflow?

A computer case with good airflow design should have adequate ventilation, fan placements for intake and exhaust, and proper cable management options. It should also have filters to prevent dust from entering and obstructing the airflow.

4. Is liquid cooling necessary for good airflow in a computer case?

No, liquid cooling is not necessary for good airflow in a computer case. While it can help with cooling, it is not the only solution. Proper fan placement and cable management can also achieve good airflow and cooling.

5. How can I test the airflow in my computer case?

There are several ways to test the airflow in a computer case, such as using temperature monitoring software, checking the fan speeds, and physically feeling the air coming out of the case. You can also use smoke or a candle to see how the air flows inside the case.
