Suggested Math and Physics Courses for Plasma physics/Fusion Engineering?

In summary: It's a general engineering field.In summary, the person is a second year engineering physics major and is interested in fusion engineering and plasma physics. Their university does not offer formal classes in these areas, so they are looking for math and physics courses to gain a better understanding. They have flexibility in taking extra courses and their university offers courses in elementary particle physics, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, and computational physics. They are also considering taking a theoretical physics course, but it is only offered in the summer. They have talked to their current physics professor who recommended taking courses in group theory and complex analysis, but they are unsure if a course in complex variables for engineers would be equivalent to complex analysis. It is mentioned that
  • #1
Hello all, I am currently a second year engineering physics major, specializing in Nuclear Engineering. What would be the best Math and Physics courses to get an idea of what fusion engineering and/or Plasma physics is like (My university does not offer any formal fusion engineering classes)? I am planning on going five years for undergrad, so I have a bit of flexibility of taking extra courses in addition to those required for my major.
Math Required for Major:
Calc I-IV
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Vector Analysis for Engineers
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
Introductory Linear Algebra

The physics requirement seems to be pretty much the same as about any other physics undergrad program. If needed I'll list the courses (but there are quite a few!)
In addition to the required Courses, my university also offers these courses every year:
Elementary Particle Physics
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Nuclear Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Computational Physics
There are a few other courses that seem to be offered sporadically, but I can't find any details on them except for the call number for the course. If I take the graduate level quantum mechanics, then those courses appear more often, but due to time and scheduling issues I do not believe I would have a chance to take them ( I would be taking the grad level quantum mechanics in my fifth year). Thanks for any suggerstions!
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, one additional physics course I'm thinking about take is "Methods of Theoretical Physics". The prereqs for it are "Mathematical Principles in Science I" and "Mathematical Methods in Science".
So that adds two more math courses and an additional physics. The only problem is that the theoretical physics course is only offered in the summer.
  • #3
I talked to my current physics professor about it an he recommended that I take Group theory and Complex analysis. My university offers Complex Variables for Engineers, is that along the same idea as Complex Analysis? The other Complex analysis courses that my university offers are all grad level and there is no way I would be able to meet all the prereqs by the time I graduate. Also the group theory seems to only be a grad level course.
  • #4
The undergrad version of group theory would probably be in a more general class called Abstract Algebra or just Algebra. If your school has a math major its very unlikely that they wouldn't have an undergrad algebra class. Complex variables is the class you're looking for complex analysis.
  • #5
Fusion engineering? There is no such thing.

FAQ: Suggested Math and Physics Courses for Plasma physics/Fusion Engineering?

1. What courses should I take to prepare for a career in plasma physics or fusion engineering?

The most important courses to take for a career in plasma physics or fusion engineering are introductory courses in physics, mathematics, and engineering. Specifically, you should focus on courses in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. Additionally, courses in applied mathematics, such as differential equations and linear algebra, will provide a strong foundation for understanding the complex mathematical concepts involved in plasma physics and fusion engineering.

2. Are there any specialized courses that are specifically geared towards plasma physics and fusion engineering?

Yes, there are several specialized courses that are specifically designed for students interested in plasma physics and fusion engineering. Some examples include courses in plasma physics, nuclear engineering, and materials science. These courses will provide a more in-depth understanding of the principles and techniques used in these fields.

3. Do I need to have a strong background in computer science to study plasma physics or fusion engineering?

While a background in computer science is not necessary for studying plasma physics or fusion engineering, it can be helpful. Many research projects in these fields involve complex simulations and data analysis, so having knowledge and experience with programming languages, data analysis software, and computer modeling can be beneficial.

4. Are there any recommended electives that would complement a major in plasma physics or fusion engineering?

Some recommended elective courses that would complement a major in plasma physics or fusion engineering include courses in nuclear physics, plasma diagnostics, and fusion reactor design. These courses will provide a deeper understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of plasma physics and fusion engineering.

5. What skills and abilities are necessary for success in the field of plasma physics and fusion engineering?

To be successful in the field of plasma physics and fusion engineering, you should have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics, as well as excellent problem-solving and critical thinking skills. You should also have a strong interest in research and experimentation, as well as the ability to work well in a team and communicate complex ideas effectively.

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