Best way to produce 1 million volts dc

  • Thread starter reddevil2576
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    Dc Volts
In summary: It's not a good idea to work with high voltage if you don't know much about it, let alone work with 1 million volts.
  • #36
I don't think this is a reactionless drive a reactionless drive would use a hypothetical form of thrust that doesn't require any outside force to produce linear force. It has a outside force which is going to come from the spinning ring and the coil acting like a brake. But its all contained you never run out of fuel and you will never have a top speed I don't think. I think the only thing you can adjust on the vehicle will be the acceleration you create. But that's ok that means you will be able to use acceleration as artificial gravity and if there's no top speed we can find out what happens when you break light speed and get to other solar systems very fast and all that good stuff. I'm waiting for a job right now but after I get the one I've applied for I plan on building a little one first to see if the idea works I've got a pretty good idea were to start.
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  • #37
reddevil2576 said:
I don't think this is a reactionless drive a reactionless drive would use a hypothetical form of thrust that doesn't require any outside force to produce linear force.
No. A reactionless drive would produce propulsion without the expulsion of a reaction mass. A rocket for example produces propulsion by expelling it's fuel at high velocity. If your device were operating in a vacuum, what would be the reaction mass?
reddevil2576 said:
It has a outside force which is going to come from the spinning ring and the coil acting like a brake. But its all contained you never run out of fuel and you will never have a top speed I don't think.
How can the ring provide an outside force when it is contained within the vehicle? You might as well try to pick yourself up off the ground by reaching down and pulling up on your feet. There is no magic in a spinning wheel that's going to do that for you, no matter how fast it's spinning.
reddevil2576 said:
I'm going to start looking into physics though it will help me with my situation like you say.
Yes, I agree it will help you discover your misconceptions.
  • #38
The definition of a working mass is a mass against which a system works to create acceleration. That mass is the ring that is spun to very high speeds. And your wrong that's not what it means look up the definition of reaction less drive how could this be a reaction less you spin the ring to very high speeds and the reaction is when the 4th coil turns on the other ones will be off maybe the right one on as well to keep the bat centered while it acts like a brake. turn the one on the top or bottom off to get left and right movement very slow though. The only thing I would consider a reaction less drive is nothing there will always be a reaction otherwise you would feel no force and with any acceleration you feel a force.
  • #39
So you use the coil to create a force at the rim of the ring. But if you do that there will be an opposite force at the center of the ring. The forces will cancel each other out so there will be no thrust at all.
And why does it need to be a coil? Can't you just use a simple mechanical brake instead?
  • #40
reddevil2576 said:
The definition of a working mass is a mass against which a system works to create acceleration. That mass is the ring that is spun to very high speeds.
You are incorrectly thinking that you can transfer the energy of a spinning wheel into linear propulsion for your device. In the vacuum of space your device would be an isolated system. Unless it propels matter or is acted on by an external force it can go nowhere. Applying braking to the spinning ring would only cause your device to spin, as the angular momentum of the spinning ring would be transferred to the angular momentum of the body of the device. Switching your braking on and off will not change this.
reddevil2576 said:
And your wrong that's not what it means look up the definition of reaction less drive how
I did. Here is one from Wikipedia:
A reactionless drive or inertial propulsion engine (also reactionless thruster, reactionless engine, and inertia drive) is any form of propulsion not based around expulsion of fuel or reaction mass.
Your ring does not qualify as an expulsion mass because it remains attached to the device, and it does not expel matter. So your device is a reactionless drive.

I'm an open minded person and I don't mind entertaining such ideas. Even NASA has funded projects for spacecraft propulsion which would require breakthroughs in physics before they could be realized. But I'm not sure the rules of this forum allow for it. So I will make this my last post in this thread. I just thought you should be aware of what you're up against - the conservation of momentum. Have fun working on your machine. And be careful. 1 million volts could be potentially dangerous. :)
  • #41
Yeah right there won't be a completely linear force it will be angular or whatever that's why I will need 3 of them evenly spaced around a ufo shaped craft on the edges so the angular force will all be working in the upwards direction in separate directions but it will act like a linear force with the movement of the craft. and while your in space if it does act like that that will be even better then you won't have to worry about having enough spin out of the ring to get so much lift I was thinking about that. But then I would have to have the coil on the left and the coil on the right to be on at the same time and the top and bottom ones be on when there not so that the ring won't stop when it goes through the coil on the left because the coil on the right will exhibit the same force as the left so the ring will continue to spin but it will still have the upwards force on the ship.
  • #42
My original post isn't about that though its the threads that talk about that I was just letting you know what I needed the original info for.
  • #43
So does anyone have any good ideas on how to get a constant dc power supply not something that has to charge then discharge.
  • #44
Topher925 said:
Put 250 of" in series.

If you did that then you would be exposing every transformer to 1MV which I am quite certain their insulation can't handle

You could make a large tesla coil with a large homemade diode, or many seriesed diodes on the secondary
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  • #45
If you want a constant High Voltage DC source try a voltage multipier. This circuit uses diodes and capacitors driven by AC to create the High Voltage DC. You also need to specify the current or power you need from the power source. High voltage low power is no problem to create.
Lets do a thought experiment. Assume your craft's mass is 1000kg. You will then need 9810J just to balance gravity for 1 second. You will need 19620 watts to accelerate up at 1G for 1 second. For 1 minute you will need 1,177,200 joules of energy. Where will that energy come from. A 5KW generator needs to produce power for 235 seconds to supply just enough power for that one minute. So how much would a 20KW generator and fuel weigh.
Here's a second thought experiment. Take a 1m steel disk and spin it up to 20000rpm. How much faster can you spin it before it flies appart? The linear velocity of the disk translates to 1047m/s which is about 300,000 times less than the speed of light.
Thought experiments are fun and cheep!
  • #46
I fear that we have a candidate for a Darwin award here, but good luck!
  • #47
Relay said:
Lets do a thought experiment. Assume your craft's mass is 1000kg. You will then need 9810J just to balance gravity for 1 second.

I'm not sure that's correct - if you're just balancing the force of gravity there's no work being done and no change in kinetic energy. Of course the craft still has to apply a force to balance the force of gravity, but the energy required to produce that force will differ depending on the method used. I imagine in the case of a rocketship it depends on the energy density of the fuel and how much has to be burned each second (power) to generate the mass flow rate/exhaust velocity for the required dP/dt. In the case of some sort of electromagnetic craft it depends on...? In either case though I don't think it's such a simple calculation.
  • #48
reddevil2576 said:
I'm wanting to build a dc power source of 1 million volts more would be nice but ill start with a million and work my way up from there. Any suggestions would be helpufull. Is it possible to build a 1 million volt capacitor or should i build a capacitor bank to smooth out the ac current after its rectified or do you have a better suggestion for me. I'm wanting to build a coil gun with 1 million volts and not have to wait for capacitors to charge all the time just want to have a high voltage supply and fire it whenever. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

C/W multiplier would be the best way, in my opinion, but coil guns don't work that way, they usually operate anywhere from 60-600VDC at a few hundred amps. I would look into boost converters and a capacitor bank. I made a coil gun a few years back using 14 330V 330uf photoflash capacitors ($1 a piece from and a simple boost converter using a 555 timer and an irf 630 mosfet. It charged in about 5 seconds from 24vdc input.
  • #49
actually I have a new design for an engine that uses no fuel at all just electricity to power a craft with gyro I guess. I'm not to smart on the physics part of it but I'm very mechanically enclined and believe it will work acutally I need to produce a bunch of amperage I guess that's the one for a strong coil gun I guess you could call it that's not even close to what your thinking its for but I need to build very powerful coils to do what I need to do I'm going to order superconducting wire and build them out of that after i test the idea with cheaper wire.
  • #50
Please be careful. High voltage electricity is very dangerous: treat it with respect.

Whatever you do, don't follow the suggestion try to fly a kite in a thunderstorm. While Benjamin Franklin is said to have tried such a bold experiment and survived, other people have lost their lives trying such stunts.
  • #51
I once (about 15 years ago) saw a compact coaxial 1-megavolt electron accelerator that was about three stacked nested coaxial layers of Cockroft Walton multipliers, one layer inside the other. Outside the whole assembly, about 1 or 1.5 meter diameter, was a large coil running about 10 kHz (I think) that was inducing voltage in pickup coils in each layer. The 10 kHz induction signal was picked up and multiplied to several hundred kilovolts in each layer. The whole assembly was about 2 meters long.
Bob S

[added] See US patent #5,124,658
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