Increase of radius of circular rod due to torque

In summary: Your Name]In summary, to calculate the change in radius of a circular beam when a torque is applied, we can use the equations for torsional shearing stress, polar moment of inertia, Young's modulus, and contraction due to shear. Substituting the given values for torque, radius, and length, we can solve for the change in radius of the beam. Using the equation for Young's modulus, we can then calculate the value of G, which is equal to 9215558692.57753 \frac{N}{m^{2}} in this case.
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Homework Statement

I am trying to understand how will the radius of a circular beam grow when a torque is applied.
There is a beam with length l, radius r, and a moment M1 applied on it. Its radius will grow with dr.
What is the Young modulus of the beam?
M= 15 N m
r= 0.008 m
l= 0.2 m
dr= 0.00064 m

Homework Equations

Torsional shearing stress
[tex]\tau=\frac{M r}{J}[/tex]
Polar moment of inertia
[tex]J=\frac{1}{2} \pi r^{4}[/tex]
Young modulus definition
[tex]G=\frac{l \tau}{dx}[/tex]
Contraction due to shear
[tex]dl=l - \sqrt{l^{2} - dx^{2}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

expressing [tex]dx[/tex] with [tex]G[/tex]
[tex]dx=\frac{l \tau}{G}[/tex]
substituing [tex]dx[/tex] to [tex]dl[/tex]
[tex]dl=l - \sqrt{l^{2} - \frac{l^{2} \tau^{2}}{G^{2}}}[/tex]
substituing [tex]\tau[/tex] to [tex]dl[/tex]
[tex]dl=l - \sqrt{l^{2} - \frac{M^{2} l^{2} r^{2}}{G^{2} J^{2}}}[/tex]
substituing [tex]J[/tex] to [tex]dl[/tex]
[tex]dl=l - \sqrt{- 4 \frac{M^{2} l^{2}}{\pi^{2} G^{2} r^{6}} + l^{2}}[/tex]
dr is square root of dl (multiplying with [tex]\sqrt{m}[/tex] to keep units)
[tex]dr=- \sqrt{dl} \sqrt{m}[/tex]
substituing [tex]dl[/tex] to [tex]dr[/tex]
[tex]dr=- \sqrt{m} \sqrt{l - \sqrt{- 4 \frac{M^{2} l^{2}}{\pi^{2} G^{2} r^{6}} + l^{2}}}[/tex]
solving for G
[tex]G=- 2 \mathbf{\imath} m \sqrt{M^{2}} \sqrt{l^{2}} \sqrt{\frac{1}{\pi^{2} dr^{4} r^{6} - 2 l m \pi^{2} dr^{2} r^{6}}}[/tex]
[tex]G = 9215558692.57753 \frac{N}{m^{2}}[/tex]
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. To answer your question, we need to consider the equilibrium of the circular beam under the applied torque. We can use the torsional shearing stress equation to relate the torque (M) and the radius (r) to the applied stress (\tau), which is given by \tau=\frac{M r}{J}. Here, J is the polar moment of inertia, which is calculated using the beam's radius as J=\frac{1}{2} \pi r^{4}.

Next, we can use the definition of Young's modulus (G=\frac{l \tau}{dx}) to relate the applied stress (\tau) to the strain (dx) in the beam. The strain in the beam is the change in length (dl) divided by the original length (l).

We can also use the equation for contraction due to shear (dl=l - \sqrt{l^{2} - dx^{2}}) to calculate the change in length (dl) of the beam due to the applied torque.

Substituting the expression for dx into the equation for dl and solving for dl, we get dl=l - \sqrt{l^{2} - \frac{l^{2} \tau^{2}}{G^{2}}}.

Now, we can substitute the given values for M, r, and l into the equation for dl to calculate the change in length (dl) of the beam. We can then use the given value for dr to calculate the change in radius (dr) of the beam.

Finally, we can use the equation for Young's modulus (G=\frac{l \tau}{dx}) to relate the change in length (dl) to the change in radius (dr) and solve for G.

Using the values given in the question, we get G = 9215558692.57753 \frac{N}{m^{2}}.

I hope this helps clarify the concept for you. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Increase of radius of circular rod due to torque

What is the definition of increase of radius of circular rod due to torque?

The increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque is a phenomenon in which a circular rod experiences a change in its radius when a torque is applied to it. This change in radius is caused by the transfer of angular momentum from the torque to the rod.

How does torque affect the radius of a circular rod?

When a torque is applied to a circular rod, it causes a deformation in the rod, leading to an increase in its radius. This is because the torque creates an angular acceleration in the rod, which results in a transfer of angular momentum and causes the rod to expand in size.

What factors can influence the increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque?

The increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque can be influenced by various factors, including the magnitude of the torque, the material properties of the rod, and the initial radius of the rod. Additionally, external forces and environmental conditions can also play a role in determining the extent of the increase in radius.

Is the increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque reversible?

Yes, the increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque is reversible. When the torque is removed, the rod will return to its original size as the angular momentum is transferred back to the torque. However, if the torque is continuously applied, the rod may experience permanent deformation and the increase in radius may become irreversible.

How is the increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque related to mechanical stress?

The increase of radius of a circular rod due to torque is directly related to mechanical stress. As the torque causes the rod to expand, it also creates internal stresses within the material of the rod. The magnitude of these stresses is directly proportional to the increase in radius and can affect the overall strength and stability of the rod.

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