Is the Earth's Core Solid or Liquid?

In summary, the Earth's core is primarily composed of iron and nickel, with some lighter elements mixed in. The outer core is liquid, while the inner core is solid due to the immense pressure and heat at the center of the Earth. Scientists use seismic waves to study the core and have determined that it is constantly in motion, creating the Earth's magnetic field. While there is still much to learn about the Earth's core, current evidence suggests that it is both solid and liquid in different layers, allowing for the dynamic processes that sustain life on our planet.
  • #1
Hi Guys,

This may seem like a stupid question but if the Earth gets hotter the closer to the core you get, then why is the inner core apparently solid? Yet the outer core is liquid?

They are both (inner/outer cores) made of roughtly the same stuff, and assuming pressure alone is what heats the core, why would it be cool enough to solidify in the centre?

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  • #2
It doesn't have to be cool to solidify. Increased pressure can solidify liquids as well, especially if the solid has lower volume than the liquid.

Pressure doesn't heat the core, no idea what you mean by that.
  • #3
Hi Borek,

Thanks for your reply.

Firstly then, what causes the heating?

Secondly, I don't fully understand why the core should be solid. If the core has less mass and the same amount of heat around it, then shouldn't the core change phase more easily?

The only way I can see the effect happening is if the Earth is heated from an external source and the heat doesn't radiate(/conduct/convect) well enough to melt the core.

Much like frying some butter in a frying pan. The frying pan is external to the butter, and as the pan heats up, it heats the external surface of the butter, whilst the core of the butter is still solid (for a while).
  • #4
There are two sources of heating - radioactivity and tidal forces.

The deeper you go, the higher the pressure and the temperature - it happens that as some depth PT are such that the melt solidifies.
  • #5
Oh ok.

So why would radioactivity be higher as you get deeper? Has anyone done any sort of mining to show this to be the case?

What would induce the core tidal forces? I know the Moon is supposed to control the surface ocean waves.

you mention:
The deeper you go, the higher the pressure and the temperature - it happens that as some depth PT are such that the melt solidifies.

What experimental evidence has been gained sofar to profile the Earth's PT to the core? Do you have any links I can read about?

I suppose you're wondering where I'm taking this? Well, some of the data I've found suggests the core heating and rotation may be of electromagnetic origin. However before I put the whole idea out for sanity checking, I need to make sure the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Theidea seems scalable too, which points to other practical implications.
  • #6
motorman said:
Oh ok.

So why would radioactivity be higher as you get deeper?
Gravity: radioactive isotopes are heavy.
Has anyone done any sort of mining to show this to be the case.
We are not capable of mining that deep.
Well, some of the data I've found suggests the core heating and rotation may be of electromagnetic origin. However before I put the whole idea out for sanity checking...
This forum allows neither crackpottery or unpublished personal theories.
  • #7
motorman said:
Oh ok.

So why would radioactivity be higher as you get deeper? Has anyone done any sort of mining to show this to be the case?

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest anyone has ever drilled into the Earth's surface. It reached 12,262 metres underground, which was about 1/3 of the way through the crust.
  • #8
motorman said:
So why would radioactivity be higher as you get deeper?

It is not. That is, as the elemental composition is not constant, for sure there exist some stratification, but there is no need for the radioactivity to get higher when you get deeper to explain the temperature differences.

What would induce the core tidal forces? I know the Moon is supposed to control the surface ocean waves.

Tidal forces don't act on water only, they deform the whole planet.

FAQ: Is the Earth's Core Solid or Liquid?

1. Is Earth's core solid or liquid?

The Earth's core is made up of two parts: the inner core and the outer core. The inner core is mostly solid, while the outer core is in a liquid state due to its high temperature and pressure.

2. How do scientists know the composition of Earth's core?

Scientists use a variety of methods such as seismic waves and magnetic field measurements to study the composition of the Earth's core. They also analyze samples of rocks from deep within the Earth's interior.

3. How hot is the Earth's core?

The temperature of the Earth's core is estimated to be around 5,400 degrees Celsius (9,800 degrees Fahrenheit). This is due to the high pressure and radioactive decay of elements within the core.

4. Can the Earth's core change from solid to liquid or vice versa?

The Earth's core can change from solid to liquid or vice versa over long periods of time, but it is a slow process. The temperature and pressure conditions in the core would need to drastically change for this to occur.

5. What role does Earth's core play in the planet's magnetic field?

The Earth's core plays a crucial role in generating and maintaining the planet's magnetic field. The liquid outer core, which is made up of iron and nickel, conducts heat and creates convection currents that generate the magnetic field.
