Wonder electro-harm potential of scenario

  • Thread starter bowlegged
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In summary, the potential for a strong shock and possible electrocution is high if one accidentally touches only the hot wire of a household circuit while standing barefoot on a dampish dirt floor. However, if the scenario is idealized with the person wearing briefs and having calm and dry skin, the power may not travel down the skin and instead find an avenue through the muscles. This would result in lower amperage and wattage, potentially making the shock less severe. However, it's important to remember that household current is always potentially lethal and should never be treated lightly.
  • #1
If one were to accidentally touch only the hot wire (ie black) of an ordinary household circuit while standing barefoot on a dampish dirt floor, what is the potential for a strong shock and if contact is maintained, possible electrocution? Idealize the scenario with: you're wearing only briefs and your skin is absolutely calm and dry. The power couldn't travel down your skin I figure and would find an avenue through the muscles? It's a long distance, finger to foot, and there is bound to be impedance. I'd think maybe the power would be too sapped to be a real nasty. Then again. if it happened while barefoot on a cement basement floor, we'd be looking at tons more impedance. Barefoot on a carpeted basement cement floor: that couldn't be a shock hazard, could it? The greater the impedance the lower the amperage, I figure, hence lower wattage and it's the wattage that jolts, I hazard to guess.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why would wearing briefs make a difference?

If the current only travels thru you muscles, you should be so lucky. If it travels thru your heart, lights out, permanently.

It's not the volts, it's the amps which kill you.

Household current is not safe to play around with. Always treat it as lethal.
  • #3
SteamKing said:
If the current only travels thru you muscles, you should be so lucky. If it travels thru your heart, lights out, permanently.
And here I thought the heart was a muscle. :rolleyes:
  • #4
SteamKing said:
Why would wearing briefs make a difference?

Well, it would make a difference if you were wearing a full set of medieval metal armor :smile:
  • #5

I can provide some insight into the potential hazards of an electrocution scenario described in this content. Firstly, it is important to note that any type of electrical shock can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. The severity of the shock depends on various factors such as the voltage of the electrical source, the duration of the shock, and the path the current takes through the body.

In the scenario described, the individual is standing barefoot on a damp dirt floor and accidentally touches the hot wire of a household circuit. This presents a dangerous situation as the dampness of the floor can increase the conductivity of the body, making it easier for the current to flow through the body. Additionally, the fact that the individual is wearing only briefs and has dry skin can also contribute to the ease of current flow.

The distance between the finger and the foot is also a factor to consider. The longer the distance, the higher the impedance or resistance to the flow of current. However, it is important to note that even with a longer distance, the current can still flow through the body and cause harm.

The type of floor, whether it is cement or carpeted, can also affect the impedance and the severity of the shock. A cement floor will have lower impedance compared to a carpeted floor, which can increase the resistance to the flow of current. However, the shock can still be dangerous in both scenarios.

In terms of wattage, the amount of current flowing through the body is more important than the wattage itself. A higher current can cause more damage to the body, even if the wattage is low. The human body has a certain threshold for electrical current, and any current above this threshold can lead to tissue damage, cardiac arrest, and even death.

In conclusion, the scenario described in this content presents a serious risk of electrocution. It is important to always take precautions when dealing with household circuits and to avoid touching any live wires. Additionally, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if an electrical shock occurs, as even minor shocks can have long-term effects on the body.

FAQ: Wonder electro-harm potential of scenario

1. What is the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario?

The "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario refers to the potential for electro-harm, or harm caused by electricity, in a given situation. It is a measure of the risk or danger posed by the use or presence of electricity in a scenario.

2. How is the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario determined?

The "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario is determined by evaluating various factors, such as the type and amount of electricity involved, the equipment or devices being used, and the environment or setting in which it is being used. It also takes into account any potential hazards or risks associated with the scenario.

3. Why is it important to consider the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario?

Considering the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario is important because it helps to identify and mitigate potential risks and hazards associated with the use of electricity. It can help prevent accidents, injuries, and damage to equipment or property.

4. Can the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario be reduced?

Yes, the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario can be reduced by taking appropriate safety precautions, such as using insulated equipment, following safety protocols, and having a thorough understanding of the potential hazards and risks involved.

5. How can scientists help to minimize the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario?

Scientists can help minimize the "wonder electro-harm potential" of a scenario by conducting research and developing new technologies and safety measures to reduce the risks and hazards associated with the use of electricity. They can also provide guidance and recommendations for safe practices in various scenarios.
