A Bohm-type Theory may be necessary?

  • Thread starter p764rds
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In summary: Its not the wavefunction that's been stretched, its the clock that's been stretched.In summary, According to the contributor, the universe can collapse a single photon wave function over millions of square miles because the wavefunction has a destination information known at the beginning of the process. This is possible because the wavefunction does not rely on the distance of separation between the photon and the observer.
  • #1
I have always had trouble wondering how the cosmos can spread out a single photon wave function over millions of square miles - until it is decohered - and then the wave function collapses over that whole area including the one point at which it was 'observed'.

Why does this appear like a difficult task for the universe to achieve? Because of the huge spatial extent that the wave function needs to collapse instantly. What mechanism can collapse the wave function instantly over a large spatial area. Seems wrong to me.

So I am interested how Bohm Theory violates weak causality involving a reference frame that travels faster than light (backwards in time) such that the photon 'knows' its destination at point of departure. This is allowable because between photon spawning and observation no 'track' exists. It essentially travels along no knowable path. This has been shown by many experiments.

If a particle knows its point of arrival on its departure then the huge surface area of possible end points is no longer a huge problem for the Universe to solve. It 'knows' its arrival point at the start.

This would also restore some logic and rationality into bizarre experiments such as Wheeler's delayed path experiment.

I do not agree with Bohms pilot wave, BUT the idea of destination information known at departure IMO is needed to explain experimental results and allow collapse of wave function instantly over massive spatial areas that occurs instantly.
Bohm has a mechanism for this - his faster than reference frame - and I see no problem if an informational explanation that essentially ignores the distance of separation is used.

What do you think?

The contributor who wrote a lot about Bohm is not in the forum at present, so can someone else pick up the baton?
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  • #2
These are some great questions. I would point out that instantaneous solutions suffer from the fact that a future context may not yet have occurred which plays into things. The backwards causal type solutions do not have that particular problem.
  • #3
p764rds said:
What do you think?

I think that it’s very interesting. One way to escape Mr. Bohm is to use Relational Blockworld (RBW), where nothing really "moves", but I think someone else has to give you the details (I’m still working on it).

One question that I think is interesting is the redshift of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB).

If the wavefunction is not real, how do you 'stretch' something that does not exist!?

Or, as in the case of dBB, if the photon does not have a well-defined value of wavelength (before measurement), how do you 'stretch' something that is not well-defined!?

Just some thoughts...
  • #4
There's no such thing as instantaneous equations, all equations have to be dynamic, but to be frank I'm just book marking this so pinch of salt. :smile:
  • #5
DevilsAvocado said:
I think that it’s very interesting. One way to escape Mr. Bohm is to use Relational Blockworld (RBW), where nothing really "moves", but I think someone else has to give you the details (I’m still working on it).

One question that I think is interesting is the redshift of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB).

If the wavefunction is not real, how do you 'stretch' something that does not exist!?

Or, as in the case of dBB, if the photon does not have a well-defined value of wavelength (before measurement), how do you 'stretch' something that is not well-defined!?

Just some thoughts...

Red shift CMB and gravitational bending etc are relativistic corrections rather than operating on the wavefunction itself.
  • #6
Yeah I know, it’s hard to talk about cosmological redshifts without mentioning relativity.

But anyhow, the CMB temperature was about 3000 K at the "time of last scattering", and now it’s ~3 K. The photons/wavefunction hitting the CCD camera in WMAP has been traveling for ~13 billion years to produce this picture in the "final measurement":


Are you saying that relativity makes it OK to "fiddle" with wavefunction without "disturbing" it?
  • #7
DevilsAvocado said:
Yeah I know, it’s hard to talk about cosmological redshifts without mentioning relativity.

But anyhow, the CMB temperature was about 3000 K at the "time of last scattering", and now it’s ~3 K. The photons/wavefunction hitting the CCD camera in WMAP has been traveling for ~13 billion years to produce this picture in the "final measurement":

Its the clock at the observation co-ordinate that has changed compared to the clock at the spawn point.

FAQ: A Bohm-type Theory may be necessary?

1. What is a Bohm-type theory?

A Bohm-type theory is a quantum theory that proposes an underlying, hidden variable that determines the behavior of particles. It was first developed by David Bohm in the 1950s as an alternative to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

2. Why may a Bohm-type theory be necessary?

A Bohm-type theory may be necessary as it provides a more intuitive explanation for the behavior of particles in quantum systems. It also offers a way to reconcile determinism with quantum mechanics, which is a major issue in the field.

3. How does a Bohm-type theory differ from other quantum theories?

A Bohm-type theory differs from other quantum theories in that it proposes an underlying, deterministic reality that is not observed in traditional quantum mechanics. It also does not rely on the concept of wave-particle duality.

4. What evidence supports a Bohm-type theory?

There is currently no definitive evidence that supports a Bohm-type theory. However, some experiments have shown results that are consistent with the predictions of this theory. Further research and experimentation is needed to fully validate this theory.

5. What are the potential implications of a Bohm-type theory?

If a Bohm-type theory is proven to be accurate, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and the behavior of particles. It could also lead to new technologies and applications in fields such as quantum computing and communication.
