Proving Matrix in Block Form: nxn Nilpotent & (n-k)x(n-k) Invertible

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that any nxn matrix can be written in block form with a nilpotent matrix and an invertible matrix, and mentions the use of Jordan normal form as a possible method. It is also mentioned that the process of finding Jordan normal form can be complex and time-consuming, and that it may be necessary to extend the field of coefficients to include all eigenvalues of the matrix. However, for the specific problem at hand, it is not necessary to construct the full Jordan normal form, only the block corresponding to the eigenvalue of 0. This can be done without extending the field of coefficients.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove any nxn matrix can be written as in block form

N 0
0 B

where N is a kxk nilpotent matrix and B is an (n-k)x(n-k) invertible matrix.

Need help getting started, or any hints/any help at all would be really appreciated. Thank you!
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  • #2
What do you mean by "can be written"? Is similar to (as in A = S^(-1) B S)? If yes, Jordan normal form is your answer, simply order all Jordan blocks of eigenvalue zero in the upper left corner.
  • #3
The wording is from a problem I found online, but I think similarity is what they're after. I'm not sure what else it could mean. Thanks for the help. Now time to google Jordan normal form.
  • #4
If you don't know what the Jordan normal form of a matrix is, here are some lecture notes:

However, the proofs are quite involved, so it's not something for one afternoon. Maybe there is a simpler way to prove your statement, I don't know. But once you have Jordan normal form, almost everything related to that becomes trivial :)
  • #5
I found a fact on wikipedia saying that any square matrix has a Jordan normal form if the field of coefficients is extended to one containing all the eigenvalues of the matrix. How would you go about showing this?
  • #6
The extension basically is needed because not all polynomials factor completely over any field, for example x²+1 is not factorizable over the reals, but over the complex numbers you have x²+1 = (x-i)(x+i). Since the eigenvalues of any matrix are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, and in Jordan normal form the eigenvalues of your matrix are along the main diagonal, you need to include this.

To show that every matrix then has a Jordan normal form, you basically construct the normal form itself, which goes by induction (the section "A proof" in the wikipedia article gives a short overview).

However, for your original problem, you even don't need to construct the whole Jordan normal form. You only need to construct the Jordan block corresponding to λ=0, and leave the rest at it is (this rest gives you B). Then you don't even need to factor the characteristic polynomial corresponding to B, and so don't need to extend your field.
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FAQ: Proving Matrix in Block Form: nxn Nilpotent & (n-k)x(n-k) Invertible

1. What is a nilpotent matrix?

A nilpotent matrix is a square matrix in which all entries above the main diagonal are zero and the entries on the main diagonal are all non-zero. It is called nilpotent because when the matrix is multiplied by itself repeatedly, it eventually becomes a matrix of all zeros.

2. How is the nilpotent matrix proved in block form?

The nilpotent matrix can be proved in block form by using the definition of a nilpotent matrix, which states that all entries above the main diagonal are zero and the entries on the main diagonal are all non-zero. By arranging the matrix in block form, it becomes easier to see this pattern and prove it.

3. What is an invertible matrix?

An invertible matrix is a square matrix that has an inverse matrix, meaning that when the matrix is multiplied by its inverse, the result is the identity matrix. In other words, an invertible matrix can be "undone" or reversed using its inverse matrix.

4. How is the invertible matrix proved in block form?

The invertible matrix can be proved in block form by using the definition of an invertible matrix, which states that the matrix must have an inverse. By arranging the matrix in block form, it becomes easier to see this pattern and prove that the matrix has an inverse.

5. What is the significance of proving a matrix in block form?

Proving a matrix in block form allows for a more organized and systematic approach to understanding and analyzing the matrix. It also helps to identify patterns and properties of the matrix, such as nilpotency and invertibility, which can be useful in solving complex problems involving matrices.

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