Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation

  • Thread starter TokenMonkey
  • Start date
In summary, The conversation discusses the topic of pseudo-arclength continuation and the challenges of obtaining derivatives w.r.t s. The speaker, a chemical engineer, has been reading up on the subject but only has access to second-hand sources. The solution involves a procedure described in Kubicek's Algorithm 502 in ACM Trans. Math. Software.
  • #1
Hi there,

Apologies if this is the wrong section for this question; I'm not a regular here. I assume a mod will move it if it's not the right place.

I have a quick question regarding pseudo-arclength continuation. As some background, I am a chemical engineer, not a mathematician, applied or otherwise, so my knowledge of numerical methods is limited to the "standard" engineering stuff, which, unfortunately, does not include this.

I've been reading up as extensively as I can on pseudo-arclength continuation, but unfortunately, it's all from second-hand sources; I don't have access to Keller's original paper (not that I'm sure that would help me). Here's what I understand at this point:

We want to solve a problem [itex]F(x,\lambda)=0[/itex]. We assume that the solution is known at [itex]x^0[/itex] and [itex]\lambda^0[/itex]. To avoid the singularity of the Jacobian, and therefore the breakdown of Newton's method, at turning points, [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]\lambda[/itex] both become parameterised by arclength ([itex]s[/itex]), and we end up with an augmented system of equations to solve:

[itex]\left(u-u^{0}\right)\mathrm{d}u^{0}/\mathrm{d}s+\left(\lambda-\lambda^{0}\right)\mathrm{d}\lambda^{0}/\mathrm{d}s-\Delta S=0[/itex]

While this seems simple enough, how does one obtain the derivatives w.r.t [itex]s[/itex]? Not a single text seems to mention this. Ideas that spring to mind are forward differences using, say, cubic splines; however, that seems horrendously inefficient to me. There must be a better way!

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  • #2
I suppose the question boils down to: is there a straightforward way of expressing [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]\lambda[/itex] as functions of [itex]s[/itex]?
  • #3
I found the answer: a procedure is described in Kubicek's Algorithm 502 in ACM Trans. Math. Software.

FAQ: Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation

1. What is "Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation"?

Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation is a numerical method commonly used in scientific computing to find solutions to nonlinear problems. It involves solving a series of linear equations, using a combination of the secant and Newton methods, to trace out a path of solutions.

2. How does "Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation" work?

First, an initial guess for the solution is made and a tangent direction is chosen. Then, the secant method is used to solve a linear equation along the chosen tangent direction. This results in a new solution, which is then used as the initial guess for the next iteration. The process is repeated until the desired solution is found.

3. What are the benefits of using "Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation"?

One major benefit of using Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation is that it can handle highly nonlinear problems, where other methods may fail. It also allows for a smooth path of solutions to be traced, which can be useful for understanding the behavior of a system.

4. What are the limitations of "Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation"?

One limitation of Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation is that it can be computationally expensive, especially for large systems. It also requires a good initial guess for the solution, which may be difficult to obtain in some cases.

5. What are some real-world applications of "Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation"?

Pseudo-arclength continuation implementation has been used in a variety of fields, including engineering, physics, and economics. Some specific applications include studying the behavior of mechanical systems, predicting fluid flow patterns, and analyzing economic models.
