Equilibrium constants Ka, Kc, Kx, Kp and rate constants in reversible reactions

In summary: Ke=k+/k- is valid for all equilibrium constants like Ka, Kx, Kp, Kc. However, there are differences in order to maintain the fact that Ka≠Kc≠Kx≠Kp. Kc is the most used. It is based on concentration or molarities. Kc=∏(cj^Sj) where Sj is the stoichiometric coefficient of j chemical compound and Cj is its concentration. Concentration is often written as [j]. It has [mol/volume]^Sj units. Kp is used in reactions in vapor phase so its defined through partial pressures of j in the vapor phase. Kp=∏
  • #1
Is the statement Ke=k+/k- valid for all equilibrium constants like Ka, Kx, Kp, Kc? All of the expressions I have found for this statement relate Kc, k+ and k- only.
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  • #2
ymhiq said:
Is the statement Ke=k+/k- valid for all equilibrium constants like Ka, Kx, Kp, Kc? All of the expressions I have found for this statement relate Kc, k+ and k- only.

At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction must equal the rate of the reverse reaction. If the rates are expressed in terms of activities, then the equilibrium constant will be equal to the ratio of the forward- to the reverse rate constant.
  • #3
Chestermiller said:
At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction must equal the rate of the reverse reaction. If the rates are expressed in terms of activities, then the equilibrium constant will be equal to the ratio of the forward- to the reverse rate constant.

Thanks for your reply, I knew that but my doubt is exactly if Ke=Ka=Kc=Kx=Kp=(k+/k-) but in advance I Know that Ka≠Kc≠Kx≠Kp so the statement Ke=k+/k- is valid only valid for Kc according to my findings in literature. What about the others equilibrium constants? Is this statement valid for them If so what would be the differences in order to maintain the fact that Ka≠Kc≠Kx≠Kp?
  • #4
ymhiq said:
Thanks for your reply, I knew that but my doubt is exactly if Ke=Ka=Kc=Kx=Kp=(k+/k-) but in advance I Know that Ka≠Kc≠Kx≠Kp so the statement Ke=k+/k- is valid only valid for Kc according to my findings in literature. What about the others equilibrium constants? Is this statement valid for them If so what would be the differences in order to maintain the fact that Ka≠Kc≠Kx≠Kp?
So that we are on the same page, please refresh my memory of the definitions of Ka, Kc, Kx, and Kp. Do all of these refer to equilibrium constants for chemical reactions using different concentration parameters (and units)?
  • #5
Chestermiller said:
So that we are on the same page, please refresh my memory of the definitions of Ka, Kc, Kx, and Kp. Do all of these refer to equilibrium constants for chemical reactions using different concentration parameters (and units)?

Yes, Indeed. All of them are equilibrium constants for chemical reactions.

Kc is the most used. It is based on concentration or molarities. Kc=∏(cj^Sj) where Sj is the stoichiometric coefficient of j chemical compound and Cj is its concentration. Concentration is often written as [j]. It has [mol/volume]^Sj units.

Kp is used in reactions in vapor phase so its defined through partial pressures of j in the vapor phase. Kp=∏(pj^Sj). It has [pressure]^Sj units.

Kx is in terms of mole fractions. It used for liquid phase reactions. Kx=∏(xj^Sj). It's dimensionless.

Ka is the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant. By definition Ka=∏(aj^Sj). It's dimensionless.

All of them are different and I don't know if you can use the concept Ke=k+/k- for all of them. If so, what would be the differences?
  • #6
Yes, they are all related to one another. Start out by writing KE in terms of activities or fugacities. Then express the activities in terms of concentration times activity coefficient, or fugacities in terms of pressure times fugacity coefficient. This will let you see how the different K's are related, and where the k+ and k- can come in.
  • #7
Chestermiller said:
Yes, they are all related to one another. Start out by writing KE in terms of activities or fugacities. Then express the activities in terms of concentration times activity coefficient, or fugacities in terms of pressure times fugacity coefficient. This will let you see how the different K's are related, and where the k+ and k- can come in.

Would it be correct if I'd wrote something like: Kc = k+/k- = Ka/[{(ƩCj)^(-ƩSj)}*{∏(P^Sj)}*{∏(∅j^Sj)}] ? Here, P is total pressure and ∅j is the fugacity coefficient of j.
  • #8
The easiest way to study this is to assume ideal gas behavior and ideal solutions (no heat of mixing). Start out simple, by relating Kp and Kc. The partial pressure of a species is related to the concentration by p = c RT. Substitute this into the expression for Kp. This should allow you to determine the relationship between Kc and Kp. Starting simple like this is very helpful. Why? If you can't solve for the simplest case, you certainly won't be able to do more complicated cases.


FAQ: Equilibrium constants Ka, Kc, Kx, Kp and rate constants in reversible reactions

What is an equilibrium constant?

An equilibrium constant is a numerical value that represents the ratio of products to reactants at equilibrium in a reversible reaction. It is denoted by the symbol K and can be calculated using the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium.

What is the difference between Ka, Kc, Kx, and Kp?

Ka is the equilibrium constant for acids, Kc is the equilibrium constant for molar concentrations, Kx is the equilibrium constant for activities, and Kp is the equilibrium constant for partial pressures. They all represent the same concept of equilibrium, but use different units depending on the type of reaction.

How do equilibrium constants relate to reaction rates?

The equilibrium constant does not directly relate to the reaction rate. However, the forward and reverse rate constants (k1 and k-1) are used to calculate the equilibrium constant. The larger the equilibrium constant, the further the reaction proceeds towards completion, and the smaller the equilibrium constant, the closer the reaction is to equilibrium.

Can the equilibrium constant change?

The equilibrium constant is a constant value at a given temperature. It can change if the temperature changes, but it remains constant during a reaction at a specific temperature.

How do I calculate equilibrium constants and rate constants?

Equilibrium constants and rate constants can be calculated using the equilibrium concentrations or pressures of reactants and products, as well as the temperature. It is important to note that equilibrium constants are dimensionless, while rate constants have units of time^-1. Various mathematical methods, such as the equilibrium constant expression and the rate law, can be used to calculate these values.

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