Equation simplifies if a certain parameter is small

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In summary, the conversation discusses a differential equation and its simplification for a small value of Q. There is a question about why only the second derivative is neglected and not the sine term. Further discussion leads to the realization that there is a hidden assumption of a short RC time in the equation.
  • #1
Hi folks,

I have a differential equation which looks like

[tex]sin(f) + \frac{1}{Q}\frac{d(f)}{dt} + \frac{d^2(f)}{d t^2} = g(t)[/tex]

Now for Q << 1 this should, according to our lecture, simplify to

[tex]sin(f) + \frac{1}{Q}\frac{d(f)}{dt}}{d t^2} = g(t)[/tex]

Why that?

I mean, obviously for Q<<1, 1/Q >> 1. But why do we negelct only [tex] \frac{d^2(f)}{d t^2}[/tex]?derivator
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  • #2
Unfortunately I cannot see the attachment, I suspect that you forgot to delete a dt².
Probably there is some other hidden assumption somewhere, like d²f/dt² varying slowly, or df/dt and d²f/dt² being of similar magnitude, such that the second derivative can be neglected.

I am also a bit puzzled why the sine term should not be neglected as well. Possibly because the equation can be solved exactly with it, perhaps because df/dt is also quite large and the quickly oscillating sine gives a non-trivial contribution?
  • #3
I deleted the attachement, since I tried to post a more abstract case, which isn't related to any physical problem.

The original problem can be found in the following screenshot:


(please not: not eqn 2.6 should reduce to 2.8. in fact, 2.7 should reduce to 2.8 )

which is from page 13 of this pdf-file: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/condmat/superc/theses_files/8.pdf


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  • #4
If I throw away the second derivative and solve for the first derivative, I don't get equation (2.8).
So it seems like something more is going on here.
Unfortunately I'll have to go out for an hour or so, but I will take a better look when I get back and see if I can understand what's going on here on a purely mathematical basis.
  • #5
I now got equation (2.8), initially I missed that they switched back to a t-derivative rather than [itex]\tau[/itex]-derivative.
Indeed the only approximation they make is ignoring the [tex]\frac{d^2\gamma}{d\tau^2}[/tex]

Let's follow through with the second derivative intact: we start from
[tex]\frac{d^2\gamma}{d\tau^2} + \frac{1}{Q} \frac{d\gamma}{d\tau} + \sin\gamma = \frac{I}{I_0} [/tex]
Since [itex] \tau = Q \frac{t}{RC}[/itex],
[tex]\frac{d\gamma}{d\tau} = \frac{d\gamma}{dt} \frac{dt}{d\tau} = \frac{RC}{Q} \frac{d\gamma}{dt}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{d^2\gamma}{d\tau} = \left(\frac{RC}{Q}\right)^2 \frac{d^2\gamma}{dt^2}.[/tex]

The equation thus becomes
[tex]\left( \frac{RC}{Q} \right)^2 \frac{d^2\gamma}{dt^2} + \frac{RC}{Q^2} \frac{d\gamma}{dt} = \frac{I}{I_0} - \sin\gamma. [/tex]
Isolating the first derivative,
[tex] \frac{d\gamma}{dt} = \frac{Q^2}{R C} \left( \frac{I}{I_0} - \sin\gamma \right) - Q \frac{d^2\gamma}{dt^2}. [/tex]

So the question is basically: why can we neglect Q with respect to Q²/RC?
In other words, why is
[tex]\sqrt{\frac{2eI_0}{\hbar C}} R C \ll \frac{2eI_0}{\hbar C} (RC)^2 / RC[/tex]
That is,
[tex]1 \ll \sqrt{\frac{2eI_0}{\hbar C}}[/tex]
So apparently, there is the silent assumption that the RC time is very short here, i.e. RC << Q << 1.

How sensible this is I cannot tell you, I can do the math but I don't know much about Josephson junctions.

FAQ: Equation simplifies if a certain parameter is small

1. What does it mean for an equation to simplify?

When an equation simplifies, it means that it becomes easier to understand and solve. This can occur when certain terms or factors can be combined or cancelled out, resulting in a more concise and manageable expression.

2. How does a certain parameter being small affect an equation's simplification?

A small parameter in an equation can often lead to simplification because it allows for certain terms to be disregarded or approximated, making the equation more manageable and easier to solve. This is especially true for equations involving complex or large numbers.

3. Can an equation still be accurate if a certain parameter is small and the equation simplifies?

Yes, an equation can still be accurate even if a certain parameter is small and the equation simplifies. This is because simplification does not always result in loss of accuracy, as long as the simplification is done carefully and with consideration for the significance of the parameter.

4. Is it always necessary to simplify an equation if a certain parameter is small?

No, it is not always necessary to simplify an equation if a certain parameter is small. Simplification is often done for convenience or to make an equation easier to solve, but if the equation is already manageable and the small parameter does not significantly affect the overall result, simplification may not be needed.

5. Are there any risks or limitations to simplifying an equation if a certain parameter is small?

There can be risks or limitations to simplifying an equation if a certain parameter is small. Simplification may lead to loss of accuracy if not done carefully, and it may also limit the range of validity for the equation. It is important to consider the significance of the parameter and the potential consequences of simplification before making any changes to the equation.

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