Question regarding possible extra time dimensions

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of extra dimensions in string theory and how they may explain quantum entanglement. The idea of a curled up extra time dimension is proposed, where particles can travel through and return to their starting point, potentially explaining the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. However, the theory is questioned and its merit and previous consideration are discussed.
  • #1

I am an amateur physics enthusiast and would like to pose a question to you.

It is my understanding that for string theory to make sense there should be 11 dimensions. Three extended spatial dimensions and one time dimension that we perceive, as well as seven hidden dimensions which cannot be seen due to our current level of technology being unable to detect anything that small. These extra dimensions are possibly curled up in Calabi-Yau manifolds and are located at every point in space. By “extended” time dimension I mean it extends from the creation of the universe to the present and onward much like our spatial dimensions appear to extend forever in all directions, as opposed to a curled up dimension.

If one or more of these extra dimensions are extra time dimensions instead of spatial dimensions, could this explain the phenomenon of quantum entanglement where the “effect” can be determined before the “cause” (as mentioned in a recent study at the University of Vienna)? If a particle were to travel through a curled up, extra time dimension which had a structure which allowed you to end up where it started, could this not be seen as a form of time travel? Let us call the point where the particle enters this extra time dimension, location A. After traveling through the curled up, extra time dimension, the particle ends up eventually at point A again (much like a particle moving through a torus would eventually end up back where it started). By traveling forward in this secondary time dimension, the particle has ended up at its previous point in our normal time dimension upon exiting this secondary time dimension, also appearing to have never left in our normal understanding of time.

In the end, it appears that the particles which are quantum entangled have successfully predicted their own outcome; however they have already experienced the “future” in this secondary, curled up time dimension.

Does this theory hold any merit? Has this been thought of before?

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
Quantum entanglement does not need anything "going back in time". It just can give results which are a bit unintuitive.

If you have an additional time direction, it is not the same as our regular time, so I wouldn't expect that moving in one time-direction would move a particle in the other one, too.
In addition, microscopic spatial dimensions correspond to microscopic time dimensions. The current limit for extra dimensions, based on gravitation experiments, is somewhere at ~50µm, which corresponds to ~0.1ps.

FAQ: Question regarding possible extra time dimensions

1. What are extra time dimensions?

Extra time dimensions are theoretical dimensions beyond the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) that we are familiar with. These dimensions are proposed in theories such as string theory and allow for the possibility of more than one dimension of time.

2. How many extra time dimensions are there?

The number of extra time dimensions proposed in different theories can vary. Some theories suggest one extra time dimension, while others propose up to six or more. The exact number and nature of these dimensions are still being explored and studied by scientists.

3. How do extra time dimensions affect our understanding of time?

If extra time dimensions do exist, they would fundamentally change our understanding of time. Our perception of time as a linear progression would be challenged, and events could occur simultaneously in different dimensions of time. It could also potentially explain phenomena such as time travel.

4. Can we directly observe or measure extra time dimensions?

Currently, we do not have the technology or means to directly observe or measure extra time dimensions. These dimensions are purely theoretical and are primarily studied through mathematical models and experiments in particle accelerators.

5. What implications do extra time dimensions have for our understanding of the universe?

The existence of extra time dimensions could greatly impact our understanding of the universe and its origins. It could potentially help reconcile conflicting theories and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. However, more research and evidence are needed before we can fully grasp the implications of these dimensions.

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