Closest Habitable Planet: Gliese 581g | 79 Year Trip?

  • Thread starter jbobay2339
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In summary, the conversation discusses various topics related to habitable planets, specifically focusing on the closest known one, Gliese 581g. It is mentioned that the distance to this planet is about 20 light years and traveling at 11 miles per second would take approximately 340,000 years. The concept of time dilation due to the universe's expansion is brought up, but it is concluded that it would not make a noticeable difference in this case. The conversation also touches on the density and composition of Gliese 581g, as well as the controversy surrounding its existence. The post then veers off into a humorous discussion about nanoseconds and a previous scientific controversy.
  • #1
OK I'm fairly new to these topics but eager to learn but as I'm sure most of you know the closest know habitable planet is gliese 581g. They say at 11 miles a sec it will take 79 years but I'm wondering does that take into account the universes expansion and would it be 79 Earth years and if so wouldn't time be going slower for someone traveling at that speed. I realizes its not a very technical question but its just a curious thought I had. Thanks
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  • #2
Welcome to the forum. Currently we do not know of any other habitable planet other than Earth; whilst it is located within the habitable zone where water could form we do not even know if it is a solid planet (it is also several times the mass of Earth). On top of that for something to be habitable we require a biosphere, specifically one we have evolved to cope with.

The distance to gliese 581g is ~20 light years which is 5.87 trillion miles! At a mere 11 miles per second it would take roughly 17,000 years.

The expansion of the universe is minute and at this distance would not make a difference.
  • #3
Haha thanks that answered that as you can tell I've just started some reading and learning but I love this stuff
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  • #4
jbobay2339 said:
haha thanks that answered that as u can tell I've just started some reading and learning but i love this stuff
No problem :smile:
  • #5
The 5.87 trillion miles ryan mentioned is for one light year, so the journey to gliese 581g at 11m/s will take about 340,000 years. The planet is about 3-4 Earth masses and its diameter is estimated at 1.2 - 1.4 times that of earth. That gives it a mean density somewhat greater than earth, so it definitely looks like a rocky planet. Here is the paper purporting its existence Its existence has, however, been in dispute. See for the juicy details [scientists version of a cat fight].
  • #6
Chronos said:
The 5.87 trillion miles ryan mentioned is for one light year, so the journey to gliese 581g at 11m/s will take about 340,000 years.
Cheers for the catch, I forgot to put the two things I'd said together.
  • #7
jbobay2339 said: wouldn't time be going slower for someone traveling at that speed?

Not enough to make a noticeable difference. Even at velocities slightly greater than that it still

wouldn't amount to much. For example, at the 17 miles per second velocity toward Gliese,

time dilation would still not be noticeable. For every second we age on Earth, the crew would

age approx 12 nanoseconds or twelve billionths of a second less. On the Mir space station

with an approx orbital velocity of 4.7845581802275 miles per second, a crewmember

ages approx 3 nanoseconds, or three billionths of a second less for every second we age

on Earth,

Earth orbital velocity around our sun averages approx 18.5044 mi. per second,
or 29.783 kilometers per second.

C-ship: The Dilation of Time
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  • #8
This is why interstellar travel is only remotely reasonable if we can find a means to keep the ship accelerating continuously throughout the entire journey. That or commit ourselves to some extraordinarily long-term journeys.
  • #9
Radrook said:
Not enough to make a noticeable difference

12 nanoseconds

3 nanoseconds

Don't treat nanoseconds so lightly, you are wrong by just 60 ns and you stir up a havoc in the scientific community.
  • #10
Borek said:
Don't treat nanoseconds so lightly, you are wrong by just 60 ns and you stir up a havoc in the scientific community.
Why would you post this?
  • #11
Borek said:
Don't treat nanoseconds so lightly, you are wrong by just 60 ns and you stir up a havoc in the scientific community.
Chalnoth said:
Why would you post this?
Perhaps because it was funny :smile:
  • #12
Chalnoth said:
Why would you post this?

Just a joke. : )
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  • #13
Radrook said:
Actually, to be acceptable grammatically, it should read like this:

Don't treat nanoseconds so lightly[.]

As to why it is posted, others might speculate and uselessly chuckle. However, only the poster can really tell. As the comment stands unsubstantiated, it inevitably comes across as mere opinion. Perhaps the author might be kind enough to elaborate in order to help keep the thread on track.


Your post confuses me greatly, so I just have to ask: are you entirely unfamiliar with the concept of humour, and do you really not know what the 60 ns was in reference to? OR were you yourself just trying to make a joke as well? If the latter, I got to say, you need to work on your material. :-p
  • #14
cepheid said:

Your post confuses me greatly, so I just have to ask: are you entirely unfamiliar with the concept of humour, and do you really not know what the 60 ns was in reference to? OR were you yourself just trying to make a joke as well? If the latter, I got to say, you need to work on your material. :-p

Perhaps you are right and I misunderstood the post.
My sincere apologies.
  • #15
Borek said:
Don't treat nanoseconds so lightly, you are wrong by just 60 ns and you stir up a havoc in the scientific community.

You are 100% right! Even a nansecond is very important in science.
  • #16
It was a reference to the 60 ηs "anomaly" detected in the travel time for a neutrino and the subsequent hoopla.
  • #17
CaptFirePanda said:
It was a reference to the 60 ηs "anomaly" detected in the travel time for a neutrino and the subsequent hoopla.

Thanks for the info.
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  • #18
Also just for clarity, I was the one giving you a hard time, not Borek, who told the joke.

Sorry for giving you a hard time.

FAQ: Closest Habitable Planet: Gliese 581g | 79 Year Trip?

1. What is the closest habitable planet to Earth?

The closest habitable planet to Earth is currently believed to be Gliese 581g, which is located approximately 20 light years away from our solar system.

2. How long would it take to travel to Gliese 581g?

Based on our current technology, it would take approximately 79 years to travel to Gliese 581g. This is assuming the use of a spacecraft that can travel at the speed of light.

3. What makes Gliese 581g a potentially habitable planet?

Gliese 581g is located within the habitable zone of its star, meaning it receives enough heat and light to potentially support life. It also has a similar size and mass to Earth, and may have liquid water on its surface.

4. What challenges would astronauts face on a 79 year trip to Gliese 581g?

The main challenges would include maintaining physical and mental health during such a long journey, as well as ensuring a sustainable food and water supply. There may also be challenges related to the effects of long-term space travel on the human body.

5. Are there any plans to send a spacecraft to explore Gliese 581g?

Currently, there are no official plans to send a spacecraft to explore Gliese 581g. However, there have been proposals for potential future missions, such as the Breakthrough Starshot project, which aims to send a fleet of spacecraft to explore the Alpha Centauri star system, including Gliese 581g.

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