Puzzles of angular acceleration

In summary: Maksymenko,I cannot to draw a picture, because I am not an artist. But the picture is very simple.In any point of space and time we have the aether, which is filled with polytrons (in my theory - the basic particles).A polytron consists of two components - the static diameter D_s (in my theory - the basic constant of Nature) and the dynamic diameter D_d.Polytron is formed in result of interaction between the two polytrons.The difference between D_s and D_d is the vibration of polytron.The vibration is characterized by the frequency of vibration and the amplitude of vibration.The frequency is defined by the size of D_d and the amplitude is defined by the mass
  • #1
At the time, it is cramped in the microcosmos of forum Theory Development; therefore I scrambled out to take the fresh air among the admirers of cosmic space.
I have the important occasion to talk about gravitation and inertia.
I managed to find the formula for gravitational electron mass in units of angular acceleration
[tex]M_e=\frac{g_c}{\pi D_s}=\frac{2c^2}{\pi D^2_s}=1.463681837\times 10^{36}\ \ \frac{1}{s^2} [/tex]
[tex]D_s=197.714\times 10^{-12}\ \ m[/tex] – the static diameter of hydrogen radial polytron (or approximate diameter of electron);
[tex]g_c=\frac{2c^2}{D_s}[/tex] – the centripetal acceleration of ergoline in polytron (or the curvature of speed of light);
This formula expresses the current state of real world.
The Earth is rotate around own axis and around of the Sun.
The solar system is rotate around of center of our Galaxy.
Our Galaxy is rotate around of center of some other Supergalaxy, etc.
Some of these systems can be rotating with accelerating; others can be rotating with slowing. The total of rotary accelerations influences the value of gravitation and mass in each point of space and time.
Besides, all these systems vibrate – from cosmic objects until atoms and below.
Atoms consist of vibrant energy rings - from polytrons.
The vibration of polytrons creates in space the electrical and magnetic forces, which are indissolubly coupled with each other. Forces of vibration are spread in space with speed of light, interacting with polytrons in atoms and with free polytrons, and create the lively and active medium for everything, what can vibrate.
In dinosaur's times the Earth year and the Earth day were shorter, therefore now we live in the phase of negative angular acceleration. We guess, that the electronegativity of the Earth is conditioned by her uniformly slowed gyration.
The Earth is the huge gyroscope, which is charged by negative electricity. The gyration of electric charge generates some part of magnetic field of the Earth.
In order to test quantitatively this supposition it is necessary go to the "magnetic" history of the Earth. During the existence the Earth, her magnetic poles had turned over some times. Not so large energy is necessary for turn over of poles of the Earth. In any case, it is significant smaller than it is necessary for rotational displacement of our Earth gyroscope on 180 degrees. But if to assume, that at rotation of the solar system around of galactic center, we moving on an elliptic orbit, then the pattern becomes more–less actual.
At moving of celestial body on an elliptic orbit the rotary acceleration of the body changes the sign four times for each turnover. The period of revolution of the solar system around of center of our Galaxy is approximately equal of 240 millions years. Therefore, the period of revolution of the magnetic field of the Earth should be equal of 60 millions years.
The reality of the world, in which we live, is, that we are capable to feel and to meter with the help of instruments only three phenomena of the nature - space, time and force. The majority of other physical units of measurements should not be utilized in theoretical physics, because they bring in tangle to understanding of the existing theories and hamper development of new hypotheses.
The research of physical and mathematical legitimacies of interaction between different objects of the surrounding world is extremely fascinating occupation. But we never should forget about the main duty for the researchers.
This duty consists in the solution of secrets of the living substance.
The equations of the electrical, magnetic and mechanical moments are designed specially to search for the laws of living substance in the mathematical form.
More detailed information, how the reduced formula was obtained you will discover in my site
in the works:
http://vlamir.nsk.ru/dipole of speed_e.pdf
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
what is a "polytron"?
  • #3
Originally posted by wolram
what is a "polytron"?
The very fast way get to know " what is a "polytron"?" – to read first page of
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  • #4
new theory?

vlamir, it seems that the ideas you've posted here are not part of QM, GR, SR, or the Standard Model. I guess they are also not part of String Theory or LQG.

Are you proposing a new theory?
  • #5
Any new theory is prolongation of the existing theories. If I had no some knowledge in the theories, listed by you, I wouldn't to develop and my theory.
But I consider, if the theory is constructed on a great amount of postulates, then this theory is poor. Therefore I have applied a principle of exception of postulates and have utilized the laws by Newton, Maxwell, Planck and Einstein (but not Shrodinger, Heisenberg, etc.).
In outcome the polytronic theory has only one postulate - ergoline.

Recently "The Guardian" have published the information "Science breakthrough of the year: proof of our exploding universe" by Tim Radford (Friday December 19, 2003).
Researches of the orbiting observatory WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) have shown, that the Universe is expanding with acceleration 71km per second per megaparsec.
Probably, the reason of acceleration is conditioned with imbalance between a visible matter (4 %), dark matter (23 %) and dark energy (73 %).

I would like to hope, that my formula for expression of gravitation through quadrate of time would help with solution of these puzzles.
  • #6
Can you draw please a picture which is described by your formula?
Does it means what a mass of electron have constantly decreasing in inverse proportion to a square of time? From what moment necessary to count the time and in what units?
In any case should be the compensation mechanism preventing disappearance of electron or atom.
It seems to me, that application of frequency instead of time for expression of mass more close to a real picture. Especially as all properties of your "polythronic model" are defined by the frequency order m .
  • #7
The conservation laws should not be broken. The mass (energy) cannot disappear absolutely. It should be transformed to space-time and vice versa, including and quadrate of frequency.

When in XX century was ascertained, that the mass is equivalent to energy, then the scientists should reflect on what units of measurements to use as base.
I consider, that the transition from the system Length-Force-Time to the system Length-Mass-Time was fallacious. It is quite possible, that the further researches of dark matter and dark energy will make us completely to refuse of formalism "mass".
In the polytronic theory it is already made.
According to energy postulate, the ergoline should display and combine all three base essences of the nature - space, forces and time.
Besides, the ergoline is an actual subject, which creates in space and in time phenomena of material objects and different radiations.
We exist in the world of unmovable space and movable time.
The Einstein's relativity theory admits also world of movable space and unmovable time.
Outgoing from this, I want to offer for arguing the following hypothesis.
1) The ergoline is the boundary phase state between space and time.
I.e. the ergoline is visible matter-energy (4 %).
2) The space is dark matter (23 %).
3) The time is dark energy (73 %).
4) (infinity of space)/(infinity of time) = speed of light

How you remember, in Physics Forums 2.0 we tried to consider topic " What is ergoline? ".
Let's try to solve this task once again.
  • #8
Originally posted by vlamir
The conservation laws should not be broken. The mass (energy) cannot disappear absolutely. It should be transformed to space-time and vice versa, including and quadrate of frequency.

When in XX century was ascertained, that the mass is equivalent to energy, then the scientists should reflect on what units of measurements to use as base.
I consider, that the transition from the system Length-Force-Time to the system Length-Mass-Time was fallacious. It is quite possible, that the further researches of dark matter and dark energy will make us completely to refuse of formalism "mass".
In the polytronic theory it is already made.
According to energy postulate, the ergoline should display and combine all three base essences of the nature - space, forces and time.
I disagree with a both three-component systems. They are superfluous. All should be constructed on the basis of one essence.
  • #9
I cannot imagine the mathematics of one essence.
The official paradigm, as it is well known, is built on three-dimensional space and on one-dimensional invariable time. The Authors of all new theories are attempting to sketch out time in coordinates of space, i.e. in coordinates of one essence. As a result, in each event we fall into the dead-end mathematical situation.
In my opinion, it is necessary to develop two interconnected hypothesises:
First hypothesis must expect existence of more than one essence and research them by means of mathematics.
Second hypothesis must expect existence of one essence, but for the study of this essence it is necessary, except mathematics, use other forms of cognitions. For instance, methods of penetration into decelerated or into accelerated time.
For the development of both hypothesises it is necessary to find the starting point on the scale of frequencies.
I consider, this point must be the frequency of relic radiation of Universe.
It is necessary carefully to measure in cosmos the intensity of spectral lines for hydrogen and helium within the range from 7 until 8 cm.
Regrettably, I did not find exact experimental data.
On the scale of frequencies situated also other interesting spots. There are Compton’s frequency for electron and frequency of ionizing of hydrogen atom.
Above of frequency of ionizing of hydrogen atom (between frequency orders m=2 and m=1) is located the area, where well are seen corpuscular characteristic of radiation.
Possible, this is the area of gamma-quantums, i.e. already not photons, but not yet particles.
Above of frequency order m=1 is located the area of splinters of certain essence, about which we much little know.
In the physics are exist notions “electronogram” and “diffractogram”. This is photography of crystals in the form of spots from flows of electrons and photons. I consider, that it is necessary to use two notions “photonogram” and “gammagram” instead of one notion “diffractogram”. Comparison of such photographies can give much important information about the structure of atoms and, consequently, about the structure of main essence.
I shall develop this mathematics in “BINARY LAW of BACKGROUND RADIATION”.
  • #10
I do not think it is necessary to search for mathematics before the general picture will appear in the completed kind. I think, that one essence on which all is constructed it is a PHOTON. Time, energy, space, mass and all fundamental forces are display of its mysterious properties. And all these NOT INVESTIGATED phenomena just a consequence of frequency of one photon and various combinations of photons.
The new periodic system of elements, for example, constructed on a frequency principle will be the convincing proof of this concept.
  • #11
Each of us goes in own way, which for him is represented as the most true.
But true is only one. Therefore, our general task consists in, don’t lose sight of reference points on different ways to this true.
As example, I shall refer to Daniel Andreev. This deeply religious person was the writer and the thinker. He died from illnesses after Stalin’s gulag in 1959.
Daniel Andreev was not the physicist. He studied various religions and philosophies.
But in his works Daniel Andreev speaks, that in the region of the Earth the time has from 236 up to 240 measurements.
How he discovered this number?
I try to construct the general picture with the help of mathematics. Therefore for me, each number and each formula are fragments of this picture.
Anri Poincare has told concerning the general picture of the world:
"It is elements, which one harmonically are arranged in such manner, that the mind without efforts can envelop them bodily, guessing parts."
Photons tell to us about structure, both the Universe, and atoms.
I agree with you, that we badly listen, about what speak photons.
  • #12
Each of us goes in own way, which for him is represented as the most true.
But true is only one. Therefore, our general task consists in, don’t lose sight of reference points on different ways to this true.
I respect your attempts at finding of the true laws of our world. Also, I wish you success on this way.
  • #13
Coming back to a thread, I would like to make the following addition.
Angular acceleration is consequence of rotation. I see the reason of rotation of all objects in operation of Time. Owing to definition of Time as the fourth dimension, it should be at 90 degree to the rest three. It is shown as angular momentum and leads to rotation of 3-d objects . Angular speed (acceleration) has inverse dependence from of object’s mass.
Therefore particles have the maximal speed of rotation, and the universe, as object, has minimal one.
  • #14
I have tread on this rake many times.
As I already spoke, the time cannot be represented with the help of coordinates of space.
Our brain is arranged in such a manner, that parameters of time are located somewhere in depth of subconsciousness.
Some people (extremely rare) have ability (the seventh feeling) to perceive these parameters.
But they cannot explain own phenomenon with the help of habitual for us images.
It just also is the proof of my words.
Let's approach to research of this question on the other hand. Let's consider concept of absolute zero of temperature by the example of resonance oscillations of polytrones.

The concept of absolute temperature was entered by lord Kelvin (1848) on the basis of theorem by Carno, according to which all convertible thermal machines, where a working body makes circular process between a heater and a refrigerator, have identical efficiency, irrespective of the nature of a working body.
The absolute zero of temperature has clear physical sense as temperature of a refrigerator in cycle of Carno, at which the efficiency of the thermal machine is equal 1.
The body, which has zero temperature, is not capable to transfer heat to any other body.

Thus, the concept of temperature concerns only very narrow area of visible energy and at all does not take into account neither dark mass, nor dark energy.
But in fact, neither the one, nor the other does not disappear at absolute zero.

As you can see, I do not use temperature in the polytronic equations.
I use amplitude of resonance oscillations, i.e. parameter of space. And, I not for a while yet did not consider oscillations of axial polytrones, because these oscillations cannot be registered with measure devices directly.
The amplitude of axial oscillations can be calculated, if the mass and the sizes of a particle are measured. But how to measure the sizes of invisible particle?
Let's assume, that it is possible to reach the absolute zero of temperature. In this case, the frequency of oscillations formally should be is equal to infinity.
The amplitude of oscillations should be equal to zero, besides formally.
Product of the square of frequency by the square of amplitude characterizes energy of particle.
The axial polytrone has constant internal energy in all a range of frequencies, but this energy is invisible.
Square of Infinity frequency õ Square of the Zero amplitude = Constant
At temperature of a deep cold vital processes in a microcosms are slowed down, but do not result in death. This phenomenon can be considered, as delay of time.
Though actually only the amplitude of processes have decrease, i.e. parameter of space. Frequency of processes, i.e. parameter of time, on the contrary, grows.
The formula, which is given in the beginning of this topic, shows, that the mass is inversely proportional to a square of time.
If I shall ask you, what is square meter – I shall receive a good explanation.
If I shall ask you, what is square hour – I shall not receive an explanation.
By the way, the square hour is one of parameters of angular acceleration.
I would not like to explain in third time the units of two kinds of energy – N*m and N*s.
I know, you attentively read my topics in PF2 and in PF3.
  • #15
Originally posted by vlamir
I have tread on this rake many times.
As I already spoke, the time cannot be represented with the help of coordinates of space.
The Time can be submitted as a change of something, including the spaces.
The body, which has zero temperature, is not capable to transfer heat to any other body.

Except of that, this a body disappears from our reality. It can’t nor to radiate nor to absorb anything (quanta or wave). Such the thing can’t exist. Absoluteness is not achievable under any conditions. It is infinite process.

If I shall ask you, what is square meter – I shall receive a good explanation.

It seems to me, this is not such simple question because we have no the authentic answer “what the Space is? “. I am not confident a lines in the space are really straight lines. The geometry of space is nonlinear.

If I shall ask you, what is square hour – I shall not receive an explanation.

The square of Time is present in the other relations connected with mass too.
For example :
E= mc^2
E= 1/2 mv^2
It would be more logical, if the mass is connected to gravity. I accept a Gravity, which is absolute, and the Absolute Time as one phenomenon.
  • #16
Originally posted by Michael F. Dmitriyev
It would be more logical, if the mass is connected to gravity. I accept a Gravity, which is absolute, and the Absolute Time as one phenomenon.
Searches of the center of Big Band and, accordingly, the center of the universe are unsuccessful.
In the parallel world, where the time is motionless, similar searches also will be unsuccessful.
However, if we shall unite these two worlds, then, may be, we shall find a required point.
It is not a point in space. It, also, is not a point in time.
Most likely, it is a point in that complex measurement, which we accept for a speed. But the problem is, that we can observe only one side of speed.
I have decided to give more time, for more utilitarian problems. Last work is devoted to hydrogen and heavy hydrogen. Anyway, this task is directly connected with structure of space.
I hope, that in due course, it will be possible to give a logical explanation to interactions between organic molecules through interchange by portions of frequencies and amplitudes.

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  • #17
I hope, after popular story about geometry of hydrogen, I will manage to explain own point of view about a birth and destructions of black holes.
These processes concern to area of nonlinear thermodynamics and they proceed at extreme speeds, pressures and temperatures. The theoretical physics for the present has no satisfactory mathematics for the description of similar processes.
Therefore, here I shall be compelled to use, a so-called, general picture.
In the general picture of our universe hydrogen has only one stable isotope – protium H. Other three isotopes (deuterium D, tritium T, and quartium Q) are not stable. Probably, deuterium has very big half-life period, which it is impossible to measure in terrestrial conditions. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain so small percentage of this isotope – 0.015 %. Disintegration of atoms of quartium can occur with three ways: quartium=4protium, quartium=2deuterium, and quartium=protium+ tritium.
It is extending explosion.
The nature shows for us infinite amount of phenomena of symmetry and antisymmetry. It is not only phenomena of particle-antiparticle. It is also proceeding of processes in direct and inverse direction. Besides, the pair x and 1/x concerns to phenomena of symmetry-antisymmetry also.
Hence, concerning hydrogen we should not exclude an opportunity of formation of quartium from protium due to absorption of energy and gobbling other particles.
I have in view not only process of “thermonuclear pressing-in” isotopes each into other.
I also have in view process of transition of axial polytrones of protium to a mode of anomalous oscillations. For occurrence of this process change of parameters of space - time is required. In this case simple hydrogen will stop any radiation and will be predisposed only for absorption of energy.
It is, so-called, vacuum explosion, or a black hole.
After that, in depths of a black hole the critical mass of quartium will be collect, inverse process, i.e. extending explosion will begin.
  • #18
And a little more about black holes and new stars. http://vlamir.nsk.ru/He_&_H_e.pdf
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  • #19
After ten years in GULAG, the Russian physicist Nikolay Aleksandrovich Kozyrev worked in Pulkovo observatory. Just there he had carried out and had explained the experiences about the cause and effect links between time and physical properties of substance.
According to hypothesis by Kozyrev, liberation and absorption of time occurs only at nonlinear thermodynamic processes. Stars are the best objects for research of these processes. Hence, with the help of a telescope and a gyroscope it will be possible to find out the connection between change of the mass-energy of a star and change of the mass-energy of a rotating gyroscope.
For checking of this hypothesis, the telescope has been directed on one of the nearest stars. Accordingly, the image of the star has been directed on the gyroscope, which has been suspended to one beam of very exact lever balance. After equilibration of the gyroscope, the telescope objective has been closed by sheet of thin metal foil. The weight of the gyroscope has changed. Then, the telescope objective has been closed by other sheets of different thickness and from various materials. Experience has shown, that the more thickness of a sheet, the less changes of the weight of gyroscope.
The conclusion from results of this experience the following – between the far star and the rotating gyroscope exists the force line, which can be shielded by a sheet from any material. Force lines of gravitation or magnetic fields to cause such effect are not capable. Other physical factors are unknown for scientists.
Hence, the time can apply for a role of the originator of mysterious force only.
Now I want to continue my thread and to show, that model of atom as composition from microscopic gyroscopes, inside which a certain energetic substance is revolving with prodigious speed, can explain the above phenomenon.
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  • #20
Before to continue the analysis of experiences by N.A.Kozyrev, I would like to make the reference to our last work about a structure of atoms. In this work it is shown, as on electronic microphoto of crystal of diamond it is possible to decipher the geometrical form of atom and molecule of carbon and to find out active energy zones on their surface.

Somehow or other, but between atoms and between stars the same forces operate, and, probably, the mechanism of transfer of these forces the stars keep inside of atoms.
Recently I has re-read previous topics in PF2 and PF3. As time quickly flies!
At the end of 2002, I and Michael F. Dmitriyev tried to develop in Theory Delelopment the topic “What is ergoline? ”. I hoped, that discussion about an intermediate essence between a matter and energy would point at our errors concerning understanding of the structure of the universe and the microcosm. Unfortunately, our theme wasn’t accepted civilly and was thrown into the forum of mysticism.
I would like reminding the beginning of that discussion:

The First question, to which we must answer, sounds so:
If exists parallel world?
Maybe this will show strange, but answer is necessary to search in paranormal phenomena. I hope, you are acquainted with the biography of the French physician and astrologer Nostradamus (Michel de Notre Dam). In the childhood he had got the excellent individual formation and hereinafter, during of whole his life, he developed and enriched own mentality by new knowledge. At age of 19 years he for the first time had felt the fit of epilepsy, disease, which pursued his the whole life. How the biographers confirm, after one of the nervous fits Nostradamus, for the first time, had felt propensity to predictions. The most exact and known revelations were made by him after most strong fits.
Here is, how in literature is described first fit of disease of Nostradamus:
”... On the following morning Michel much early come to the coast of the river, but gipsies there did not turn out to be. He approached closer to the river, has looked at the sky. It is shown to him that stars somehow strange lead itself, desperately wink, as want to talk with him. He did not come down eyes with the distant mysterious luminaries. Long looked upwards, until became dumb back of the head. Suddenly had felt that all body covered strange tremor. Small cricks running from the head to legs have deprived of its liberty of motion. Wanted to yell, on the help, but larynx suddenly became dumb. Pulled over darkness, wrapped up all body. He began to wheeze, felt, as saliva damp his lips, and he had lost a consciousness …”
When Michel became to oneself, he had felt himself healthy, as previously.
Analyze facts. During fits of epilepsy a brain of sick continues intensively to work. Ones groups of receptive centers feel strong inhibition and disconnect a consciousness from closer flows of information and noise. Other groups of receptive centers move over to the mode of anomalous sensitivity and begin to load into the subconsciousness such information, about which we, simple mortals, not even guess.
The Physicians confirm that that are hallucinations.
But so this indeed?

Now let's ask to itself the following question:
If the gyroscope is capable to feel some unknown force substance, then why the alive essence cannot feel this substance also?
It is quite possible, that the nervous system of individual, in the certain conditions, is capable to feel sharply influence of stars, and the brain of some individuals is capable to understand this information.
Not vainly in fact, the foretellers prefer to work under open-air and clear sky.
The nearest star to us is the Sun. Flashes, protuberances and dark stains on the Sun influence a state of alive organisms. I, for example, feel very painfully during hyperactivity of the Sun (as it is considered to be – magnetic), but, at the same time, I feel normally not far from more powerful radiators of variables and constant magnetic fields.
Any flash on the Sun is a nonlinear thermodynamic process. These flashes have action on functioning of gyroscopic compasses. Apparently, nonlinear thermodynamic processes on the Sun are capable to change initial orientation of axes of gyroscopes, but not by means of magnetic fields or gravitation.
Probably, the change of orientation of axes occurs not in the space, but in other system of readout. Maybe in the parallel world.
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  • #21
The conclusion from results of this experience the following – between the far star and the rotating gyroscope exists the force line, which can be shielded by a sheet from any material.
I agree.
Владимир Николаевич, пожалуйста напиши пару строчек по почте для восстановления твоего почтового адреса в моем компьютере.
  • #22
I have read his thread with much interst. Vlamir has some truly far reaching ideas. perhaps he is one of those he refers to as the deep thinkers. AS a guide alongour individeual paths to the "true" it is cruciall that we constantly test the postulate we use as we progress and to avoid atr all costs any dogmatic traps that are mere conveniences and a place to rest a tired and weary mind that asks for only one thing, peace of mind.

For what ir worth I too have a web page,http://frontiernet.net/~mgh1/ that looks at the fundamental Stern-Gerlach experiments in spin-1 particle transitions through inhomogeneous magnetic fields and gradients, as outlineded by Feynman in his textboo k"Lecture on Physics" Vol III Chapter 5. From my analysis there is a serious problem with the fundamental postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Not that I have found an error that negates QM, but I have discoverd an analysisi that grossly simplifies the so called "mysteries" of QM. For instance, discarding the angular magnetic vector that "is rigidly attached is a random orientation" when observing the spin-1/2 "two dots on the wall" after leaving a SG segment the theorist went too far too fast. What about a modified classical spin vector, that is attatched as a "vector on a universal joint, free to rotate in 3pi directions". When entering a magnetic field and gradient segment this vector would orient to the field direction and the particle would move up or down depending on which end of the vector were the "polarized end". Or if the "universal" joint is too much, how about a spherical model that remains spherical until distorted by a magnetic field which orients similar to the single line vector model. But then these models are QT heresy and verboten.

As a teaser, many writers discuss two hole diffraction and ask the rhetorical question "Does the electron choose the hole it is going to use before it gets there?" Yes it does as shown simply in the "Two Hole Diffraction " part of the tutorial web page, which ishttp://frontiernet.net/~mgh1/ and as stated, heretical.
The enemies of truth. Convictions are more damgerous enemies of truth than lies.
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  • #23
“Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies”.

It is true, Geistkiesel,
As it said among us – absolutely convinced person can be only idiot.
In one’s time, I tried to understand the primary reason of the phenomenon by Aaronov-Bom, but have come to the conclusion, that in this case the theory tries to interpret simplistically complex interaction of linear and rotary speeds, including and speed of light.
On page 4 in article:
I have described prospective experiment, which could clear up this problem.
But, unfortunately, about such experiments I anywhere did not read.
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  • #24
According to recommendations of the International astronomical union it is considered to be, that the solar system is from the center of our spiral galaxy on distance 8500 parseks and goes on the orbit with speed 220 km/s. Galactic year of Solar system lasts 240-250 million years. The Sun is youngish star. The age of ~4.5 billion years, i.e. three times is less than age of our galaxy. Therefore, the orbit of Solar system for the present insignificantly is deformed by time, but the eccentricity of orbit should be enough big. Hence, and speed of movement of Solar system on the orbit should be a various in various points of orbit.
As it has been marked in the beginning of this thread, for one revolution of Solar system around of the galactic axis angular acceleration changes a sign four times.
In this connection there is an analogy with four seasons of galactic year.
It is quite possible, that the Solar system comes nearer to the period of galactic winter. In fact blossoming of the epoch of dinosaurs has taken place more 100 million years ago, and reptiles, as is known, very much love heat.
Let my offer will not seem premature. In Siberia, for example, the winter begins unexpectedly – in the evening we go to sleep – in the street above-zero temperature; next morning we wake up – behind a window it is white-white and a frost of ten degrees. In galactic scale such sharp transition is equivalent to 5-10 thousand years (rather memorable time interval for human civilization).
Therefore, to engage with possible variants of preservation of human kind during galactic winter it is necessary constantly. Who knows, when and how this speculative information boom and “social dissidence” in our consumer society will finish?
Three variants are preliminary look through.
1) Use of hydrogen, as life-supporting fuel.
2) The deep programmed anabiosis at a cellular level.
3) Programming of all kinds of alive matter at a molecular level.

Anyhow, all three variants demand full decoding of structure of atoms and new knowledge of space and time.
My knowledge are insufficient to express the opinion about the second and third variants, therefore I shall touch upon only of the first, i.e. hydrogen energy.
  • #25
In the work
the model of reaction of formation of atom of helium 4 from four atoms of hydrogen is shown. Into reaction are entered sixteen hydrogen polytrons. As a result of reaction it is formed 12-polytronic atom of helium 4, and, so-called, thermonuclear energy is allocated.
It is considered to be, that in depths of the Sun this reaction proceeds uninterruptedly. In laboratory conditions on the Earth this reaction while to carry out it was not possible.

In the work
the model of reaction of formation of a molecule of hydride of lithium is shown. The molecule of hydride of lithium also consist of sixteen polytrons (8 lithium polytrons + 8 hydrogen polytrons). Deuteride of lithium is formed under the same scheme.
The molecule of deuteride of lithium deserves special attention for the reason, that deuteride of lithium 6 is the working substance in hydrogen bomb.
In principle, the molecule of deuteride of lithium 6 already is hydrogen microbomb. Inside lithium "shell" there is molecule of heavy hydrogen. At explosion of nuclear detonator, under action of huge pressure, lithium and hydrogen polytrons merge in heated lump, and thermonuclear reaction is taking fire.
In depths of the Sun there are also hydrogen and deuterium and lithium. Huge pressure and temperature deform polytrons and transform atoms in continuum of ergoline fuel.
The God has placed hydrogen, helium and lithium on the top of pyramid of elements, as though speaking for people – here is your hope, but you should be cautious.
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  • #26
Îõîòà ïóùå íåâîëè (work you enjoy never feels too hard) – it forced to search for answers on “ Puzzles of angular acceleration ” in areas far from physics. In the beginning of the thread the assumption has been stated, that our planetary system goes in electronegative sector of orbit.
Well-known, that the weak electric field influences on development of plants. If the vector of an artificial electric field coincides with a vector of the natural electric field of the Earth, then plants develop better, if is not – then growth of plants is suppressed. It would be strange, if the nature had not provide for development of the life on the Earth both variants – electronegative and electropositive.
Each of us from the school program knows, that during the epoch of dinosaurs huge horsetails, tree-ferns, mosses and other giants dominated, which presently look similarly to dwarfs. Some from them, to survive, went on the decumbent way of life, having provided itself relative independence from electric field; others, not having sustained changes, have disappeared from the face of the Earth.
I understand, it is too weak argument, but who knows – may be during the epoch of dinosaurs the lightnings fired a shot not from the sky into the ground, but on the contrary!?
  • #27
Now I would like again to return to Kozyrev's theory.
it is shown, that the photon consist of two parts: first half of photon has been named, as compressing concerning speed of light, the second – as decompressing.
this idea has been advanced in more detail and with application of mathematical ways for finding-out of the nature of gravitational field.
Anyway, it has been established, that expression of gravitation and mass through angular acceleration does not give the exhaustive answer to the problem of space and time.
Now I want to offer for discussion a variant of interaction of space and time, which, as consequence, follows from dipole of speed of light.
Speed of light in vacuum "c" is natural border of interface between two worlds, or, we shall tell so, between two polar conditions of the universe.
On the one side of border there is a condition (c+0), on the other side – a condition (c–0). Accordingly, the width of border between the worlds is equal to zero.
Inhabitants of the first world live in motionless (c+0)–space and with mobile, so they imagine it, time.
Inhabitants of the second world live in motionless (c–0)–space and also with mobile, so they imagine it, time.
The hypothetical exterior observer, could see, that in one world the space is motionless, whereas in the other – time is motionless.
In our world the space is a continuity, in which any conditions for atoms are allowed, but only one condition for photons. In the parallel world any conditions for photons, but only one condition for atoms are allowed.
The rotating gyroscope is some kind of a master key to the input into the parallel world. It is possible to imagine for itself some analogy, that at the moment of the beginning of rotation of gyroscope, its axis becomes linked to space of motionless time.
This connection does not allow a gyroscope to change angular position of the axis in our space. Force of connection depends not only on speed of rotation of a gyroscope, but also from parameters of rotation of the Earth, from parameters of rotation of Solar system, from parameters of rotation of our galaxy, etc.
Continuing this sequence in the opposite direction, we can tell, that force of coupling of an axis of a gyroscope with space of motionless time depends, finally, on speed of rotation of some structures in atoms. Using terminology by Kozyrev, we can tell, that “rotation of some structures in atoms” is an original cause of the cause-effect link between space and time.
The remark: In Kozyrev's theory the cause = force.
Hence, angular acceleration also is the cause, whereas inertia is consequence. Besides, periodic character of the cause will always produces quantum character of consequence.
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FAQ: Puzzles of angular acceleration

What is angular acceleration?

Angular acceleration is a measure of how quickly the angular velocity of an object changes over time. It is the rate at which an object's rotational speed increases or decreases.

How is angular acceleration calculated?

Angular acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in angular velocity by the change in time. This can be represented by the equation α = (ωf - ωi) / t, where α is the angular acceleration, ωf is the final angular velocity, ωi is the initial angular velocity, and t is the elapsed time.

What is the difference between angular acceleration and linear acceleration?

Angular acceleration measures the rate of change of an object's rotational speed, while linear acceleration measures the rate of change of an object's linear velocity. Angular acceleration is measured in radians per second squared, while linear acceleration is measured in meters per second squared.

How is angular acceleration related to torque?

Angular acceleration is directly proportional to the torque applied to an object. This means that the greater the torque, the greater the angular acceleration. This relationship is represented by the equation α = τ / I, where α is the angular acceleration, τ is the torque, and I is the moment of inertia.

What are some real-life examples of angular acceleration?

Some real-life examples of angular acceleration include a spinning top, a rotating carousel, a spinning ice skater, and a rotating ceiling fan. In all of these examples, the objects experience a change in rotational speed over time, which is a result of angular acceleration.

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