This is the end. The beautiful end, my friend.

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
  • Start date
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking In summary, eNtRopY shares that they are a PF addict and have decided to leave the website due to it consuming too much of their time and not providing much value. They also mention the dangers of being addicted to an online forum and how it can be detrimental to one's life. Other users express their appreciation for the forum and its members, and Ivan Seeking shares that they will be meeting up with another member for lunch.
  • #1
My name is eNtRopY. I am a PF addict.

Mentat's mom is wise. I will take her advice and leave. This website is devouring my very essence. I shouldn't be here. I spend too much time arguing with people about inconsequential bullsh:t. What have I learned from any of you? What have I taught any of you? I see now that the bad outweighs the good.

The only reason I am posting this thread is to ensure that I won't come back. Don't waste your time responding to this message. I will not return to read it.

Being a PF addict is dangerous. If I were a drug addict or an alcoholic, at least a support group might intervene. No one cares when you waste your life away online.

See in you in another life, maybe. It's been... real...

Physics news on
  • #2
And another person has fallen victim.. shouldn't we put a disclaimer of some sort warning people for the side effects of joining this discussion group?
  • #3
This is the first site I've found that actually has worthwhile topics other that "what's your favorite flavor of jello?"

I've actually learned a thing or two here.. I'm not leavin:wink:
  • #4
I live in the sticks with virtually no one around with common interests. [It turns out that Integral and I are neighbors and we are going to hook up]. Due to my work which I really love, I have spent years in isolation working alone through the night. I also have joined numerous other forums that are all ruined by flamers, zealots, the absence of moderators, or censorship.

You are the first truly interesting people that I have had to talk with in almost ten years. Or course I have friends, and neighbors, and family, but for a very long time I have been completely alone with the things I really love to study and discuss. How long can a person pretend to be interested in the discussions of others without any reciprocation? I look forward to all of you every day.

I know one person who went through a series of life crisis that had driven him to the edge of suicide. He credits a forum like this - one that focuses on personal problems - with saving his life.

Sure I've gone overboard with my participation here. But, not only did I have ten years worth of stuff to get out, my life has also allowed the luxury of excessiveness for a time.

Cheers to PF. Cheers to all of my friends at PF. :smile:
  • #5
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I live in the sticks with virtually no one around with common interests. [It turns out that Integral and I are neighbors and we are going to hook up]. Due to my work which I really love, I have spent years in isolation working alone through the night. I also have joined numerous other forums that are all ruined by flamers, zealots, the absence of moderators, or censorship.

You are the first truly interesting people that I have had to talk with in almost ten years. Or course I have friends, and neighbors, and family, but for a very long time I have been completely alone with the things I really love to study and discuss. How long can a person pretend to be interested in the discussions of others without any reciprocation? I look forward to all of you every day.

I know one person who went through a series of life crisis that had driven him to the edge of suicide. He credits a forum like this - one that focuses on personal problems - with saving his life.

Sure I've gone overboard with my participation here. But, not only did I have ten years worth of stuff to get out, my life has also allowed the luxury of excessiveness for a time.

Cheers to PF. Cheers to all of my friends at PF. :smile:

Dude, what are you, and independently wealthy reasercher or something?
  • #6
Originally posted by Zantra
Dude, what are you, and independently wealthy reasercher or something?

LOL, good for you Ivan Seeking, that is why Greg has set up this forum and has done a great job of keeping it up and working.
  • #7
Originally posted by Zantra
Dude, what are you, and independently wealthy reasercher or something?

No. I'm a private consultant and contractor. I write computer code and design control systems; typically known as a Systems Integration Engineer. I have worked on projects ranging from stealth boats for the Israeli Navy to LASER drilling systems for ESI; from the launch control systems for National Missile Defense program to potato chip production.

At times I do real well, and at times I don't. Last year business was so good that I would have been hard pressed to do better if I had won the lottery. I worked over 4500 hours last year. I had another year in which I worked about 4000 hours and made less than before starting college.
  • #8
Originally posted by Monique
LOL, good for you Ivan Seeking, that is why Greg has set up this forum and has done a great job of keeping it up and working.

From what I can tell, this forum only exists out of goodness of Greg's heart. Cheers to Greg! :smile:
  • #9
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
From what I can tell, this forum only exists out of goodness of Greg's heart. Cheers to Greg! :smile:

DITTO! but also thanks to all those who gave to keep it going, money, time, and sharing knowledge...THANKS!
  • #10
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
[It turns out that Integral and I are neighbors and we are going to hook up].:smile:

What do you mean, "hook up"?
  • #11
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
What do you mean, "hook up"?

Meet for lunch.

Gosh...I hope you don't mind me mentioning this Integral.

Is it OK for Mentors to consort with the little people?

I'm going to wear an alien mask so he'll recognize me.
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  • #12
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Meet for lunch.

Gosh...I hope you don't mind me mentioning this Integral.

Is it OK for Mentors to consort with the little people?

I'm going to wear an alien mask so he'll recognize me.

Sucking up for the premium avatars... I see how it is!
  • #13
Originally posted by Zantra
Sucking up for the premium avatars... I see how it is!

I've got my sights on head alien.

Neighbors and fellow alumni actually. :smile:

The Great Oregon State University Physics Department!

Edit: I raised hell with all of them also.
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  • #14
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
From what I can tell, this forum only exists out of goodness of Greg's heart. Cheers to Greg! :smile:

Ditto for me.. Thanks Greg!
  • #15
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
No. I'm a private consultant and contractor. I write computer code and design control systems; typically known as a Systems Integration Engineer. I have worked on projects ranging from stealth boats for the Israeli Navy to LASER drilling systems for ESI; from the launch control systems for National Missile Defense program to potato chip production.

At times I do real well, and at times I don't. Last year business was so good that I would have been hard pressed to do better if I had won the lottery. I worked over 4500 hours last year. I had another year in which I worked about 4000 hours and made less than before starting college.

I'm in IT as well.. rode the whole dot com wave, and was aiming for systems integration, but never got that far due to the bubble bust- had been toying with my own business until that happened.

Now that it's gone bust I'm heading back to school, and going to pursue my dream of being a doctor... so I'll be terrorizing the UCI campus before long:wink:
  • #16
Originally posted by Zantra
Now that it's gone bust I'm heading back to school, and going to pursue my dream of being a doctor... so I'll be terrorizing the UCI campus before long:wink:

Don't feel too bad.edit. The flood of '96 killed my first venture... made 50 cents and hour for two years of work.

I used to spend time at UCI medical center.

Fantastic! What kind of doctor? I hear proctology is hot!
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  • #17
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Don't too feel bad. The flood of '96 killed my first venture... made 50 cents and hour for two years of work.

I used to spend time at UCI medical center.

Fantastic! What kind of doctor? I hear proctology is hot!

Meaning you knew people that worked/went to school there, or were you just the Tim Taylor of California and giving your insurance company nightmares?

Ya I have always wanted to be a psychiatrist, but I may change my mind during medical school and go for something like neurology. Of course there's always gynacology:wink:

UCI has an an excellent medical program, and I would do psychiatric rotations at LBVMA(vetrans hospital in long beach) and general rounds at their orange facility.

Of course not being 18 anymore, I have to consider the logistics of working full time and going to school full time, then giving up my not too shabby current career to go to medical school full time. Haven't worked out the kinks yet, but I have some people who are supportive, so where there's a will..
  • #18
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
LASER drilling systems for ESI... to potato chip production.
hey, I want to work with lasers too. Don't you need an assistant?

PS: I'm pretty new to PF but I plan on staying here for a while...:smile:
  • #19
Originally posted by eNtRopY
My name is eNtRopY. I am a PF addict.

Mentat's mom is wise. I will take her advice and leave. This website is devouring my very essence. I shouldn't be here. I spend too much time arguing with people about inconsequential bullsh:t. What have I learned from any of you? What have I taught any of you? I see now that the bad outweighs the good.

The only reason I am posting this thread is to ensure that I won't come back. Don't waste your time responding to this message. I will not return to read it.

Being a PF addict is dangerous. If I were a drug addict or an alcoholic, at least a support group might intervene. No one cares when you waste your life away online.

See in you in another life, maybe. It's been... real...

Hmmm, peculiar topic.
Personally, I’m not leaving until I find out some more about aliens; What would it take to convince them God exists, their views on homosexuality, masturbation, and yeah, how old they are!
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  • #20

i am MSI i come here to waste time and have some fun!
i always destroy threads and write a lot of typos .. , i have some good news ...


SATANICS, ... chat with me!
  • #21
Yes, the beautiful end. The end is truly glorious, full of splendor, in feeling and scene; Now walk over the sunlit hills, as you face the magnificient descent of the sun upon the evening hour. Rest in peace my friend;)
  • #22

Originally posted by MSI
i am MSI i come here to waste time and have some fun!
i always destroy threads and write a lot of typos .. , i have some good news ...


well since you just got here-- cya!

SATANICS, ... chat with me!
  • #23
MSI was around at the previous version of PF.
Sorry to hear you're leaving too. :frown:
  • #24
good bye

thanks boulderhead for mentioning that
i am really busy this year i got to finish my graduation project and i got to leave my girl friend :frown: i won't take here to the next adventure in my life i think i should leave her to live her life
as i said after i graduate i will do the adventure i talked about i will continue my studing maybe i will go germany or italy or USA "to florida" i didn't decide yet and i promise after i settledown their i will be back now goodbye see you guys in future "maybe 2 years or more :wink:"

SATANICS, ... chat with me!
  • #25
What are all of you guys leaving!? I just got here and it is the first time in years I have gotten to have a real conversation about science. I need you all, don't leave! [b(]:frown: I just got hank of the smilies, you can't leave now!
  • #26
You leave, then you come back. It happens
I haven't been on the forums in months now, but I came back, just for a quick look to see what's changed.
Alot has changed, it's nice to see change.
Won't be back for a couple of months, heck, maybe everything will be changed this time :wink:
Good to see all these new members, good to see all the old ones are still here too though
  • #27
Hello ML,
You leave, then you come back. It happens
Funny you should mention that, as yesterday I saw the name eNtRopY displayed in the Currently Active Users list near the bottom of the main page.
  • #28
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Hello ML,

Funny you should mention that, as yesterday I saw the name eNtRopY displayed in the Currently Active Users list near the bottom of the main page.

What? Do you expect me to quit cold turkey? C'mon, throw me frickin' bone here! It's not like they have an arm patch for this sort of thing.

  • #29

Did you suffer any withdrawal symptoms, such as fingers typing away on tabletop?
  • #30
Originally posted by BoulderHead

Did you suffer any withdrawal symptoms, such as fingers typing away on tabletop?

Well, I started smoking again.

  • #31

Originally posted by BoulderHead
Personally, I’m not leaving until I find out some more about aliens; What would it take to convince them God exists, their views on homosexuality, masturbation, and yeah, how old they are!

My gosh BoulderHead. I give and give and you just keep asking for more! I am posting as fast as I can.
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  • #32
Originally posted by eNtRopY
What? Do you expect me to quit cold turkey? C'mon, throw me frickin' bone here! It's not like they have an arm patch for this sort of thing.


Glad to see ya! It brought a tear to my eye every time I saw your name.
  • #33

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
My gosh BoulderHead. I give and give and you just keep asking for more! I am posting as fast as I can.
  • #34

Originally posted by BoulderHead
Hmmm, peculiar topic.
Personally, I’m not leaving until I find out some more about aliens; What would it take to convince them God exists, their views on homosexuality, masturbation, and yeah, how old they are!

Alien Masturbation? I see why I haven't made it over to the "other" section yet
  • #35
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Meet for lunch.

Gosh...I hope you don't mind me mentioning this Integral.

Is it OK for Mentors to consort with the little people?

I'm going to wear an alien mask so he'll recognize me.
Not at all, I am looking forward to the meeting.

Hey, I am back on my graveyard shift now, so have nearly every afternoon free. I live about 1 mi from Home Depot, maybe we can meet there for a hotdog and cup of coffee! Or even Costco if you do that!

Looking forward to an interesting conversation!

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