How can I use trigonometric functions to simplify my vector algebra problem?

In summary, the conversation is about vector algebra and the process of finding the vector of minimum length. The problem involves plugging a specific value into the given vector equation to show a specific result. The conversation also discusses the legality of certain operations and offers an alternative, more elegant solution using trigonometric functions. After some time and effort, a solution is found and the conversation ends with appreciation for the help provided.
  • #1
I hate Vector Algebra!

I am having some trouble doing some vector algebra and any help or direction is greatly appreciated.

In our lecture we drew a vector C(s) = A + s(B-A) which described a line passing through points A and B and found that the vector of min. length (shortest dist. from origin to line) was given by so = [A (dot) (A-B)]/[|B-A|2. The actual problem is to plug so into C(s) to show that C(so) = (sqrt(|A|2|B|2 - (A dot B)2))/(|B-A|).

What I have so far consists of changing [A (dot) (A-B)]/[|B-A|2 to [-A (dot) (B-A)]/[|B-A|2 so I can square the (B-A) however, when I do that I do not know how to then multiply that by the dot product of A. I know that A dot (B-A) is A dot B minus A dot A (A squared) but I have no idea how to do A dot (B-A)2. Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
The_Brain said:
... I have no idea how to do A dot (B-A)2. Thanks for any help.
For a vector V, the quantity V2= ( V (dot) V ) is a scalar.
Note that A (dot) ( (B-A)2 ) is not a legal operation.
  • #3
Sorry about my notation - I should have been more obvious about the A squared part being a scalar but thanks for telling me that A (dot) ( (B-A)2 ) is not a legal operation, now I know not to work in that direction.
  • #4
Maybe not the most elegant solution

\def\vA {\vec A}
\def\vB {\vec B}
\def\vC {\vec C}
&= \vA + s(\vB-\vA)\\
C^2 &= A^2 + 2s\vA\cdot(\vB-\vA)+s^2(\vB-\vA)\cdot(\vB-\vA)\\

\def\vA {\vec A}
\def\vB {\vec B}
\def\vC {\vec C}

\def\vA {\vec A}
\def\vB {\vec B}
\def\vC {\vec C}
\def\vAB {(\vA\cdot\vB)}
&= A^2 + 2 \left[ \frac{\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB)}{|B-A|^2}\right]\vA\cdot(\vB-\vA)+\left[ \frac{\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB)}{|B-A|^2}\right]^2(\vB-\vA)\cdot(\vB-\vA)\\
&= A^2 - 2 \left[ \frac{\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB)}{|B-A|^2}\right]\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB)+ \frac{(\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB))^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= A^2 - \frac{(\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB))^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= \frac{A^2 (\vB-\vA)\cdot(\vB-\vA)- (\vA\cdot(\vA-\vB))^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= \frac{A^2 (B^2-2\vAB+A^2)- (A^2-\vAB)^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= \frac{A^2 (B^2-2\vAB+A^2)- (A^4-2A^2\vAB +\vAB^2)}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= \frac{A^2 B^2-2A^2\vAB+A^4- A^4+2A^2\vAB -\vAB^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
&= \frac{A^2 B^2-\vAB^2}{|B-A|^2}\\
  • #5
I think that's as elegenat as it can get. After about an hour two days ago, I finally came up with a solution that was just as long if not longer than yours. It seems as if it's just brute force is the route here. :bugeye: Thanks for all your help.
  • #6
If you allow yourself to use some trigonometric functions, it may have been easier to manipulate.
Note that [itex]\vec A\cdot \vec B=AB\cos\theta[/itex] so that [itex]A^2B^2-(\vec A\cdot \vec B)^2=A^2B^2-A^2B^2\cos^2\theta=A^2B^2(1-\cos^2\theta)=A^2B^2\sin^2\theta[/itex].

FAQ: How can I use trigonometric functions to simplify my vector algebra problem?

What is Vector Algebra?

Vector Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the manipulation and analysis of vectors, which are quantities that have both magnitude and direction.

Why do people hate Vector Algebra?

People may hate Vector Algebra because it can be complex and difficult to understand, especially for those who are not mathematically inclined. Additionally, it may not always seem relevant or applicable to everyday life.

What are the key concepts of Vector Algebra?

Some key concepts of Vector Algebra include vector addition and subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot product, cross product, and vector projections.

How is Vector Algebra used in real life?

Vector Algebra has many practical applications, such as in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to solve problems involving forces, motion, and geometric transformations.

Is Vector Algebra necessary to understand other branches of science?

While Vector Algebra may not be directly relevant to all branches of science, it provides a foundation for understanding more complex concepts in physics and other fields. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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