Quick question about the properties of dark matter/energy

  • Thread starter AntiQuarks
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In summary: Dark matter is not affected by any force except gravity. Since solid matter is actually quite empty (except for neutron stars), dark matter particles can pass through without being noticed, except for a possible direct collision with a nucleus, which is hard to detect.
  • #1
Just some thought on dark matter/energy, please correct me if I am wrong in any case:

Is it possible to explain the difficulty in detecting the dark matter from Earth due to
1)the relative Size and Scale of space it's occupying, or
2) the Mass it's affecting,
in order for them to have effective influence on other matter?

Kind of similar to (Just an example) the graviton particle, under the scale of sub-atomic level it has almost puny to no effect on other particles, but gravitons(responsible for gravity) have huge effects on the scale of cosmic size matter such as galaxies..etc.

Could it be the dark matter works relatively in large(Comic) scale only?

Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
We interprete Hubble's law that inflation of space enlarges wavelength of traveling lights emitted from stars. Wavelength of light is QM size matter. So inflation of space or dark matter distribution actually affects QM size matter in a very uniform way.
  • #3
Dark matter is not affected by any force except gravity. Since solid matter is actually quite empty (except for neutron stars), dark matter particles can pass through without being noticed, except for a possible direct collision with a nucleus, which is hard to detect.
  • #4
sweet springs said:
We interprete Hubble's law that inflation of space enlarges wavelength of traveling lights emitted from stars. Wavelength of light is QM size matter. So inflation of space or dark matter distribution actually affects QM size matter in a very uniform way.
Hi sweet springs,

Thank you for your reply. So how does dark matter inflate the space in between the more distant galaxies in a higher rate than the closer galaxies when its affects in QM size is uniform?

Does it happen in a sense that it's inflating faster on the outer range of the universe relatively compare to the center(or the observer) of the universe? Again, please correct me if I'm wrong in any cases.

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  • #5
mathman said:
Dark matter is not affected by any force except gravity. Since solid matter is actually quite empty (except for neutron stars), dark matter particles can pass through without being noticed, except for a possible direct collision with a nucleus, which is hard to detect.

Thank you mathman, do you think if, we waited for long enough time and still unable to observe a direct/indirect sub-atomic particles collision, and at the same time, other groups are working on modifying mathematics equations and laws that would fit on comic scales (similar to what happens on quantum mechanics);

It will coming into a situation that we have different sets of laws and physics for different scale of matter? (When sizes go from one extreme to another extreme, would that be consider as different dimensions, as they suspect 6 dimensions are hidden in the quantum world, and the 11th dimension is hidden between parallel universes...)

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  • #6

AntiQuarks said:
Thank you for your reply. So how does dark matter inflate the space in between the more distant galaxies in a higher rate than the closer galaxies when its affects in QM size is uniform?

I myself is learning it in another thread that would entertain you also.

FAQ: Quick question about the properties of dark matter/energy

What is dark matter/energy?

Dark matter and dark energy are two theoretical concepts in astrophysics that are thought to make up a majority of the universe's mass and energy. Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light and therefore cannot be seen or detected through traditional means. Dark energy, on the other hand, is a type of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

What are the properties of dark matter/energy?

The properties of dark matter and dark energy are still largely unknown. However, scientists believe that dark matter is "cold" or slow-moving, and that it is distributed throughout the universe in a web-like structure. Dark energy is thought to have a negative pressure, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

What is the evidence for the existence of dark matter/energy?

The existence of dark matter and dark energy is inferred through observations of the behavior of galaxies and the expansion of the universe. The gravitational effects of dark matter can be seen in the rotation of galaxies and the bending of light in gravitational lensing. The existence of dark energy is supported by observations of the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Can we detect or measure dark matter/energy?

Currently, scientists are unable to directly detect or measure dark matter or dark energy. However, there are ongoing experiments and research efforts to try to detect these elusive concepts. Some methods include searching for indirect signals from dark matter particles or studying the effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe.

Why is studying dark matter/energy important?

Understanding the properties and behavior of dark matter and dark energy is crucial for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It can also provide insights into the nature of gravity and potentially lead to new theories or discoveries in physics. Additionally, finding ways to detect and measure dark matter and dark energy could have practical applications in areas such as space travel and energy production.

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