Why Russel's paradox and barber paradox occur

  • Thread starter Avichal
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In summary, paradoxes like Russel's paradox and the barber paradox occur because we are able to construct sentences that may or may not have any basis in reality. The assumptions in the barber paradox lead to a contradiction, indicating that one or more of the assumptions is false. Some people are trying to modify the definition of set theory to avoid these paradoxes, such as with the introduction of Zermelo's rule which disallows arbitrary set formation. This rule has been successful in avoiding contradictions in set theory.
  • #1
Why do paradoxes like Russel's paradox and the barber paradox occur? Is something wrong with the definition or what?
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  • #2
Such paradoxes exist because we are able to construct sentences to which there may or may not be any grounds in reality. We can ask all sorts of silly questions as well.
"What colour is Wednesday?" for example.

In the case of the barber paradox, though, the assumptions lead to a contradiction. This implies that one or more of the assumtions is false. Essentially, such a town does not exist and cannot exist.
  • #3
Exactly ,even I think that the question itself is silly. But then why are people trying to modify the definition of set theory to avoid the paradox?
  • #4
Avichal said:
Exactly ,even I think that the question itself is silly. But then why are people trying to modify the definition of set theory to avoid the paradox?

Who is trying to modify set theory?

My understanding was that Cantor's set theory was proven to be inconsistent (by Russel and Zermelo and perhaps others) so a more axiomatic approach was necessary.

The issue is this: a set is defined by it's elements.
So I can come up with all sorts of inconsistent sets eg Russle's paradox.

So maybe a set is not defined by it elements? Or maybe we have to be careful about what elements define a set. I believe that is what other approaches to set theory are about (eg Quinian set theory).
  • #5
Avichal said:
Exactly ,even I think that the question itself is silly. But then why are people trying to modify the definition of set theory to avoid the paradox?

Regarding the set of all sets:

If you allow unrestricted set formation, you get a paradox. So the solution is to disallow unrestricted set formation.

That is: Let P be a predicate. A predicate is just a statement that is either true or false about some particular object. So if P(x) is the statement, "x is an even number" then P(2) is true and P(47) is false.

Now we make a rule: For any predicate P, we can form the set {x : P(x)}. In other words given any predicate, we can form a set made up of exactly those objects for which the predicate is true.

But that rule fails! If we let P(x) mean, "x is not an element of x" and we form the set

R = {x : P(x)}

then R is an element of R if and only if R is NOT an element of R. We have a contradiction. So our "rule" was a disaster. It led to an inconsistent system of set theory. (I'm using R in honor of Russell, of course.)

The solution (or more accurately, ONE possible solution, and the solution in common use today) is to disallow arbitrary set formation. The new rule, let's call it Zermelo's rule, is that to form a set using a predicate, the objects over which we test the predicate must already be elements of some other set U.

So if P is a predicate, and U is a set, then

Z = {x [itex]\in[/itex] U : P(x)}

does not lead to a contradiction. Problem solved! And that's why we don't allow unrestricted set formation: because it immediately leads to a contradiction. From now on, when constructing new sets of objects that satisfy some predicate, we can only test objects that are already known to be elements of some other set.

That fixes the problem.

[Technical note: It's more accurate to say that Zermelo's idea does not lead to a contradiction as far as we know. We can't know for sure if set theory is free of contradictions. That's a technical issue that's not relevant here, but I didn't want to lie by claiming that set theory can prove itself consistent; because it can't.]

Now, as far as the barber who shaves all those who don't shave themselves: Clearly he is shaved by Occam's razor!
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  • #6
What he said.
  • #7
Thank you guys!

FAQ: Why Russel's paradox and barber paradox occur

Why do Russel's paradox and barber paradox occur?

Russel's paradox and barber paradox occur because they both involve self-referential statements or concepts, which can lead to logical contradictions. In other words, they involve a statement that refers to itself, creating a loop that cannot be resolved.

What is Russel's paradox?

Russel's paradox is a mathematical paradox that was first presented by philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russel in 1901. It involves a set that contains all sets that do not contain themselves. This set leads to a contradiction, as it cannot exist as either a member or non-member of itself.

What is the barber paradox?

The barber paradox is a logical paradox that was first presented by philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russel in 1905. It involves a hypothetical town with only one barber who shaves all the men who do not shave themselves. The paradox arises when we consider whether the barber shaves himself or not, as either answer leads to a contradiction.

Why are these paradoxes important?

These paradoxes are important because they challenge our understanding of logic and set theory. They demonstrate that there are certain concepts and statements that cannot be resolved within a logical framework, leading to a deeper understanding of the limitations of mathematics and logic.

How can we avoid these paradoxes?

There are various ways to avoid these paradoxes, such as limiting the use of self-reference in statements, revising the rules of logic to account for self-referential statements, or using alternative approaches to set theory. However, there is no universally accepted solution to these paradoxes, and they continue to be a subject of debate and study in mathematics and philosophy.

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