What is the gyroscopic effect and how does it affect rotational motion?

  • Thread starter binarybob0001
  • Start date
In summary, Bobby is looking for help with rotational physics and has looked at moments of inertia. He has also looked at the gyroscopic compass and Ernest F. Barker's paper "Elementary Analysis of the Giroscope". He is hopeful that Wolfram will finish his webpage eventually.
  • #1
Hi, I'm not sure if this belongs here or in general physics. Moderators please feel free to move this post if it is not in the right place.

I have been perusing the internet looking for information related to the gyroscopic effect without much avail. I have detailed knowledge of linear physics, such as, force, momentum, acceleration and so on. I am hoping that someone here will volunteer to either teach me rotational physics or direct me to good sources. I know linear algebra, multivariable calculus and second-order differential equations well. I just need some help with the concepts. The gyroscopic effect and precession interests me the most. Why does rotation on one axis make rotations on a second axis more difficult? How much more difficult is it to rotate? Any online sources or just plain typed explanations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Bobby.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
there are two a very interesting references:

The Giroscopic Compass - The Theory of the Giroscopic Compass
The MacMillan Company - New York 1944

And there is also a paper by Ernest F. Barker (Univ. of Michigan) called "Elementary Analysis of the Giroscope". It seems to have been published in American Journal of Physics (not a recent issue, cause it was received on March 3, 1960).

This last reference is very interesting because it does not mention angular momentum and torque. The only physical reason it mentions is the unbalance of centripetal force from side to side.

Best Regards,

  • #3
DaTario said:
And there is also a paper by Ernest F. Barker (Univ. of Michigan) called "Elementary Analysis of the Giroscope". It seems to have been published in American Journal of Physics (not a recent issue, cause it was received on March 3, 1960).

This is a reminder to everyone that when you cite a paper, you should not only include the first author's name and the journal name, but also the volume, page (or article) number, and year. These are the standard info that practically all physics journals would require in the citations. The date a manuscript was received is rather irrelevant in a citation.

  • #4
First off, thanks for the help. To get myself started on rotational motion, I looked at moments of inertia. I was finally able to proove that torque/(mr^2)would be equal to radial acceleration of a point mass. In other words, moments of inertia now make sense. What should I learn next?

I did want to mention a sub question of mine though. If torque = F*r, the equation above can be written as F/mr. Why shouldn't we use force when performing calculations? I have a feeling that the answer will be obvious at a later time, but maybe not.
  • #5
I have a paper on gyroscopes and it references the Feynman Lectures on Physics, chapter 20. I have yet to dig this up, but you may have access to it.
  • #7
I suppose when I'm threw with my own studies I will write a tutorial.
  • #8
ZapperZ said:
This is a reminder to everyone that when you cite a paper, you should not only include the first author's name and the journal name, but also the volume, page (or article) number, and year. These are the standard info that practically all physics journals would require in the citations. The date a manuscript was received is rather irrelevant in a citation.

I know, but the xerox copy I have in hand is the only one I can find nearby, and there is no such complete information inside the very paper. So, trying to go beyond the rules and protocols in order to inform the most, I sent him this
piece of information, even incomplete. Hoping it may help,


FAQ: What is the gyroscopic effect and how does it affect rotational motion?

1. What is the gyroscopic effect?

The gyroscopic effect is the tendency of a rotating object to maintain its axis of rotation. This means that the axis of rotation will remain fixed in space, regardless of any external forces acting on the object.

2. How does the gyroscopic effect work?

The gyroscopic effect is caused by the conservation of angular momentum. When an object is rotating, it has angular momentum and this momentum will remain constant unless acted upon by an external force. This is what causes the object to maintain its axis of rotation.

3. What are some examples of the gyroscopic effect in everyday life?

There are many examples of the gyroscopic effect in everyday life. Some common examples include the stability of a spinning top, the stability of a bicycle while in motion, and the operation of gyroscopes in airplanes and ships.

4. How is the gyroscopic effect used in technology?

The gyroscopic effect is used in many different technologies. One common use is in navigation systems, such as gyrocompasses, which use gyroscopes to measure and maintain direction. It is also used in stabilizing devices, such as gyroscopic cameras, and in the guidance systems of missiles and rockets.

5. What are some real-world applications of the gyroscopic effect in science and engineering?

The gyroscopic effect has many applications in science and engineering. It is used in the design of aircraft and spacecraft to maintain stability and control during flight. It is also used in the development of gyroscopic sensors for measuring and detecting angular velocity and acceleration. Additionally, the gyroscopic effect is utilized in the design of gyroscopes for use in navigation, robotics, and other precision instruments.

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