Why Is There a Lizard in My House and a Pig Hanging in a Tree?

  • Thread starter JamesU
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In summary, a group of people are discussing their experiences with lizards, with some finding them fascinating and others finding them annoying. One person suggests catching the lizard and keeping it as a pet, while another shares their experience with a pet lizard from their childhood. The conversation also mentions different types of lizards, such as bearded dragons and iguanas, and some people share their encounters with lizards in different parts of the world. Finally, a picture of a Komodo dragon standing upright is shared, leading to a joke about the animal.
  • #1
Gold Member
There's been a lizard running around our house, and we can't catch him. He's in my room now. I'm tired of it
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  • #2
yomamma said:
There's been a lizard running around our house, and we can't catch him. He's in my room now. I'm tired of it

Lizards are harmless...

If you must catch it, just set out a trap of sorts...

It shouldn't be too hard for a smart young guy like yourself.. :smile:
  • #3
Can you post a photo of it?
  • #4
I don't have a pic. it's just a baby. really just irritating, not doing any harm
  • #5
Catch it and keep it as a pet.
  • #6
TheStatutoryApe said:
Catch it and keep it as a pet.
:smile: :smile: :smile: It's not starnge if yomamma's pet would be a lizard.
  • #7
I had a lizard named buger when I was about 10 or 13. I don't quite remember how old I was at the time.
  • #8
Some lizards are cool, but others are not. I'm not fond of the California Aligator Lizard. They're unattractive, and they do that tail shedding thing at the drop of a hat. They're not smart enough to get out of the way of the lawnmower, and I'm always running over their tails, which they detach and leave wriggling, while they scurry back into the, as yet, uncut grass, where I'm just going to run into them again.

The little pushup lizards who try to intimidate you by doing pushups are funny, but also weird because they have sort of eyebrows: dark lines of scales over their eyes, which make them look wise, like owls.

Imported iguanas are not objectionable.
  • #9
TheStatutoryApe said:
I had a lizard named buger when I was about 10 or 13. I don't quite remember how old I was at the time.
You were probably about 10 or 13.
  • #10
TheStatutoryApe said:
Catch it and keep it as a pet.

I second that. I think a lizard around the house would be rather cool.
  • #11
I have heard that its good luck to have one in your home. If it was a nice one{with no big teeth} I would let it run free. Unless of course it ran across my face during the night, then it would die.
  • #12
zoobyshoe said:
The little pushup lizards who try to intimidate you by doing pushups are funny

I think I went to school with one or two of those.
  • #13
we have a lot of lizards here in pakistan...
  • #14
There are precious few here :( Too cold for them I think.
  • #15
we have a TON of them in our backyard. I don't see the need to keep it as a pet
  • #16
That's awesome man. I used to want a lizard so bad when I was younger. My friend had two bearded dragons and they were awesome...I always wanted a gecko though.

But I guess since your backyard is littered with them its nothing special...if you want to be amused dump a bucket of crickets in the backyard.

Bearded Dragon:
  • #17
we don't have huge ones like that, mostly 2-3 inches
  • #18
My girlfriend has a bearded dragon. He's the most docile, peaceful, unresponsive animal ever. You can touch him, pick him up, put him on your shoulder or whatever, he doesn't care. Maybe he'll move a few steps after 10 seconds pass, if he feels like it. Kind of strange actually, I get to wondering how these things manage to survive in the wild. He really motors to get those crickets though.
  • #19
In San Diego people walk around with iguanas on leashes.
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
In San Diego people walk around with iguanas on leashes.

What, no Komodo dragons?
  • #21
Speaking of docile and peaceful...

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  • #22
hypnagogue said:
What, no Komodo dragons?
I hope not. People let their iguanas escape now and then.
  • #23
hypnagogue said:
Speaking of docile and peaceful...
I didn't know they could stand upright. That's kinda unnerving.
  • #24
Is that a pig? Who heck tied it upside down in a tree like that? Seems cruel to me..
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
I didn't know they could stand upright. That's kinda unnerving.
That's what inspired that famous Yakov Smirnoff joke: "In Soviet Russia, Komodo dragon walks you!"
  • #26
Townsend said:
Is that a pig? Who heck tied it upside down in a tree like that? Seems cruel to me..
I suspect it was already dead and they hung it from the tree to attract a Komodo dragon for a photo shoot.

FAQ: Why Is There a Lizard in My House and a Pig Hanging in a Tree?

What should I do if there's a lizard running around our house?

If the lizard is small and harmless, you can simply try to catch it with a net or a cup and release it outside. If it is a larger or potentially dangerous species, it is best to contact a professional wildlife removal service.

How did the lizard get inside our house?

Lizards are excellent climbers and can easily find their way inside through small cracks or openings in doors or windows. They may also accidentally be brought inside on plants or other objects.

Is the lizard dangerous?

Most lizards found in and around homes are harmless to humans. However, if you are unsure of the species or if the lizard appears aggressive or venomous, it is best to avoid contact and seek professional help.

Can a lizard damage our house?

While lizards themselves are not known to cause damage to homes, they may attract other pests such as insects or rodents. It is important to remove the lizard and any food sources it may be attracted to in order to prevent potential damage.

What can we do to prevent lizards from entering our house in the future?

To prevent lizards from entering your house, make sure to seal any cracks or openings around doors and windows. Also, keep plants and other objects away from the exterior of your home to prevent lizards from climbing inside. If the problem persists, you may also want to consider installing screens on your doors and windows.

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