Find All Pairs (m,n) with mn-1 Dividing n^3+1

  • Thread starter eddybob123
  • Start date
In summary, to find all ordered pairs (m,n) such that mn-1 divides n^3+1, we can start by looking at small pairs (1,2), (2,1), (1,3), (3,1), (2,2), (2,5), (5,2), (3,5), (5,3). However, if m and n are restricted to be integers, then there may be more pairs with n or m greater than 32.
  • #1
Find all ordered pairs (m,n) such that mn-1 divides n^3+1.

Hint #1:
Write the expression as a+bn for some coefficients a and b.

Hint #2:
Show that if (m,n) is a solution, then (n,m) is also a solution.

Good luck!
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  • #2
I'm awful at math(s) but I'll give this one a shot since no one else has, as of yet. Maybe I'll learn something new along the way.

eddybob123 said:
Find all ordered pairs (m,n) such that mn-1 divides n^3+1.
Do you mean, "divides evenly," as in no remainder? I mean in normal arithmetic, any number can divide any other number (as long as the divisor [denominator] is not zero); there just might be a remainder is all.

From here on, I'll just assume you mean "divides evenly."

Also, is there any restriction on the cardinality of m and n? I mean, are they restricted to be real numbers? rational numbers? integers? natural numbers?

I'll just assume complex numbers to be more general, but I believe this solution is the same for any cardinality above the integers.

Hint #1:
Write the expression as a+bn for some coefficients a and b.
Reply to Hint #1:
Write what expression? You mean the (n3 + 1)/(mn - 1) expression? I'm not sure I follow your hint here.

Hint #2:
Show that if (m,n) is a solution, then (n,m) is also a solution.
Reply to Hint #2:
I'm afraid I don't really follow this hint either.

Here's my attempted solution (for rational, real or complex m and n).

Since we want the expressions to divide evenly, it means we place restrictions on n and m, to produce a natural number k, (k: k = 1, 2, 3, ...) such that

...k = (n3 + 1)/(mn - 1).

We also note that we can't have a zero in the denominator, so there is a further restriction that m1/n. That gives us,

...k = (n3 + 1)/(mn - 1); (m: m1/n).

Solving for m,

...m = (n3 + 1 + k)/(kn); (m: m1/n). [Edit: and it almost goes without saying that n ≠ 0]

A little substitution shows, 1/n ≠ (n3 + 1 + k)/(kn) → n ≠ -1.

So the final ordered pairs are:

...( (n3 + 1 + k)/(kn), n ),

such that,
n is any rational, real or complex number, with the restriction that n ≠ -1, [also n ≠ 0].
k is any natural number. (i.e., k = 1, 2, 3, ...).

[Edit: n ≠ 0 too. So n ≠ -1, n ≠ 0.]
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  • #3
Here's a half-baked answer if we restrict m and n to the domain of integers:

We know that n ≠ 0, n ≠ -1 from the last post, but I'll include those in the domain of my answer anyway. Just note that there are no valid, ordered pairs at those locations where n = 0 or -1.

Valid, ordered pairs for n ≥ -1:
(2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)

Valid, ordered pairs for n < -1:
(1 - n, n)

Notice that there's an infinite, yet countable number of ordered pairs for n < -1. Examples include (3, -2), (4, -3), (5, -4), (6, -5), ...

I have a proof to show that those ordered pairs exist and are valid, but I haven't yet proved that they are the only ones. (I'm suspecting they might be though).
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  • #4
Those puzzles usually imply that m and n are natural numbers (or at least integers).

Small pairs: (1,2), (2,1), (1,3), (3,1), (2,2), (2,5), (5,2), (3,5), (5,3). If there are more, they have to have n>32 or m>32.

It is clear that n^3 +1 = (n+1)(n^2-n+1) and nm-1 is not a divisor of one of those factors (apart from n=2), but how can we show that it cannot be a divisor of the product as a whole, if nm-1 is not a prime number?
  • #5
I searched all possible positive-integer solutions up to n = 2000, and these {n,m} pairs are the only ones that I found:

I did it first with Mathematica, going up to 100, then with C++, going up to 2000. With C++, I had to be careful to use "long long" 64-bit integers. However, with a 2-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, it took 1m 8s of CPU time. Search time goes as O(n^3).

I conjecture that these are the only solutions.

But among these solutions, if {n,m} is a solution, then {m,n} is also a solution.
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  • #6
I did a run up to n = 10,000. It took 2 hr 15 min of CPU time. No additional solutions.

However, I've been totally stumped by
n*m-1 evenly dividing n^3+1
n*m-1 evenly dividing m^3+1.

I've also had no progress in proving that the solutions I'd found are the only solutions.
  • #7
Trying eddybob123's first hint, let
(n3+1) - (n*m-1) * (a*n+b) = 0
where 0 <= b < n and a,b are nonnegative integers. Expanding gives (b+1) + n*(some integer) = 0, implying that b = n-1.

This inspires a form for that ratio, so let's try
(n3+1) - (n*m-1) * (n*k-1) = 0
for positive-integer k. For nonzero n, it becomes
n2 - n*m*k + m + k = 0
So if {n,m} is a solution, then {n,k} is also a solution.

It's hard for me to proceed further, however. Here are the {n,m,k} values that I'd found:

FAQ: Find All Pairs (m,n) with mn-1 Dividing n^3+1

1. What is the purpose of finding all pairs (m,n) with mn-1 dividing n^3+1?

The purpose of finding all pairs (m,n) with mn-1 dividing n^3+1 is to identify all possible integer solutions for the equation, and to understand the relationship between m and n in this context. This information can then be applied to various mathematical and scientific problems.

2. How do you go about finding these pairs?

To find all pairs (m,n) with mn-1 dividing n^3+1, we can use mathematical techniques such as factoring, substitution, and algebraic manipulation. We can also use computer algorithms and programs to help us efficiently search for solutions.

3. What are some real-world applications of this problem?

This problem has applications in fields such as number theory, cryptography, and coding theory. It can also be used to solve problems related to prime numbers, factorization, and modular arithmetic. Additionally, this problem can provide insights into the behavior of certain mathematical functions.

4. Is there a specific method or formula for finding solutions to this problem?

There is no one specific method or formula for finding solutions to this problem. The approach used may vary depending on the specific equation and the available mathematical tools. However, in general, the goal is to manipulate the equation in a way that reveals possible solutions.

5. Are there any known limitations or challenges in solving this problem?

One limitation of solving this problem is that it may be difficult to find all solutions, especially if the equation is complex and involves large numbers. Additionally, there may be cases where there are no integer solutions, making it impossible to find any pairs (m,n) that satisfy the given conditions. Another challenge is that as the size of the numbers involved increases, the computational complexity and time required to find solutions also increases.

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