Is a Continuous and Periodic Function Bounded and Uniformly Continuous on R?

  • Thread starter steven187
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In summary, the conversation discusses two problems involving continuity and periodic functions. The first problem involves proving that a continuous and periodic function is both bounded and uniformly continuous on a closed interval. The periodicity of the function is not necessary to prove this, but can be used to extend the proof to all intervals. The second problem involves showing that a function satisfying certain conditions is continuous at every point, given that it is already continuous at 0. This can be done by using a change of variable and the definition of continuity.
  • #1
hello all,

i have been working on problems with continuity and i have come across some question in which i understand generally what i have to do but i just don't know where to start and how to put it together

a function f:R->R is said to be periodic if there exists a number k>0 such that
f(x+k)=f(x) for all x an element of R. suppose that f:R->R is continuous and periodic. Prove that f is bounded and uniformly continuous on R.


let f:R-->R be a function which satisfies the conditions
f(-x)=-f(x) for al x znd y an element of R
suppose that f is continuous at 0 show that f is continuous at every point in R

please help

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  • #2
Smells like homework. First problem is peculiar in that proving "bounded" is far simpler than proving "uniformly continuous". If you are working with "uniformly continuous" you should long ago have seen the proof that any continuous function (you don't need "periodic") is bounded. In order to prove uniformly continuous you will need to use the fact that a function continuous on a compact set (here, closed and bounded) is uniformly continuous. Do you already know that? How does "periodic" help you there?

For the second problem, I don't see why they include "f(-x)=-f(x) for all x and y an element of R". That follows from "f(x+ y)= f(x)+ f(y)". Any way: What is the DEFINITION of "continuous at 0" ?? Now what conditions must be met to prove "continuous at a"?
  • #3

your right every continuous function is bounded i just thought that there would be more to it to actually show it, and in terms of the uniform continuity so you are saying anythin on a closed interval and bounded and continuous will prove that f is uniformly continuous ,i can see that but we havnt actually used anythin about the periodic function, without the periodic function concept the question does not sound that complicated if i had to use the concept of the periodic function then from my understanding so far is that if i prove that it is bounded and uniformly continuous on an interval [0,k] which is the length of the period then i would be able to prove it for all intervals say [nk,nk+k] (where n is a positive intiger) since it is a periodic function does that sound right,

about the second problem, do you mean : if we choose epsilon>0 then there will be delta such that !x!<delta then !f(x)!<epsilon but i don't know how that follows on to prove that it is continuous at a also
  • #4
[tex]\forall \epsilon >0 , \ \exists \delta \ \ s.t. \ \ |x|<\delta \Rightarrow |f(x) - f(0)|< \epsilon[/tex]

This is the hypothesis. You got to use that to show that

[tex]\forall \epsilon >0 , \ \exists \delta \ \ s.t. \ \ |x-a|<\delta \Rightarrow |f(x) - f(a)|< \epsilon[/tex]

I suggest making the change of variable x - a = y. Then what we want to show now is that

[tex]\forall \epsilon >0 , \ \exists \delta \ \ s.t. \ \ |y|<\delta \Rightarrow |f(y+a) - f(a)|< \epsilon[/tex]

but f(y+a) = f(y)+f(a), and f(a) = f(a+0) = f(a) + f(0), so

[tex]|f(y+a) - f(a)|< \epsilon \Leftrightarrow |f(y) + f(a) - f(a) - f(0)|< \epsilon \Leftrightarrow |f(y) - f(0)|< \epsilon [/tex]

But this is precisely the statement of the hypothesis. So it's true and we won.
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FAQ: Is a Continuous and Periodic Function Bounded and Uniformly Continuous on R?

1. What is continuity and why is it important in science?

Continuity refers to the idea that a function or process is unbroken and consistent over a given interval. In science, continuity is important because it allows us to make accurate predictions and draw conclusions based on observations and data. It also helps to ensure that our scientific models and theories are reliable and valid.

2. What are some common problems with continuity in scientific experiments?

Some common problems with continuity in scientific experiments include gaps or breaks in data, inconsistent or unreliable measurements, and changes in conditions that can affect the outcome of the experiment. These problems can lead to inaccurate or inconclusive results, making it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions.

3. How can scientists address problems with continuity in their research?

To address problems with continuity, scientists can carefully design and plan their experiments to minimize potential breaks in data or changes in conditions. They can also use multiple data points and repeated trials to ensure consistency and reliability in their results. Additionally, scientists can analyze and interpret their data critically, taking into account any potential sources of error or inconsistency.

4. What are some real-world examples of problems with continuity in science?

One example of problems with continuity in science is in climate change research, where changes in data collection methods or environmental conditions can lead to discrepancies in long-term data sets. Another example is in medical research, where variations in patient demographics, treatments, or other factors can impact the consistency of results from clinical trials.

5. How does the concept of continuity relate to other scientific principles?

Continuity is closely related to other scientific principles, such as causality, reproducibility, and reliability. Just as continuity ensures that a process or function is consistent and unbroken, causality ensures that there is a logical relationship between cause and effect. Reproducibility and reliability also rely on continuity, as they require consistent results from repeated experiments or observations.

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